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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... RIELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY.- I he FOltTY-EIGHTa AN NIVEtSAnRY of the LEEDS K.TIyRy or the RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, will be jivl; Ijijodav. the Fifteenth of November, in the Music. Hal, toeld e ut'eet.'when a brief Report of the operations of the ,oriet -1 be read. Altioell-p w e Jr AFFEdRY. the Agent of the Parent Society, Tbe eveal Miniaters and Friends, will address the meeting. edeh procr~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W EST RIDIN OF YORKSHIRE.- ?? AI)OURMEN OPTHE MIDSUMMER BESSIONS 1500 FOR TVIAL, (F FELO0NS, &C. ai NOTICE Iis hereby given, that the MIDSUMMER GENERAL Gre AUAtiTlEt si,;SIINS of the PEACE. for the W~est iit~ing ofSO -the cuunty Of Y'ryl, will be holden by sidjo'urnmnent, at iSRs-' o ,ILKes O.l fon ,rday, the Twenty-third dapiof Auqust instant. atie T 'be o'clock 115 1115- fomoinoon, and by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRICULTURAL AU CT IO;N E ER and A VALUE~lR.treulictttiad 11 Mr. JOIIN WOOD. of Notton Grange, neny Wakefield, res- psotfuhlyZ intimates tohsfriendsantepulcthti d- lioo hs business of VALUEcR, which he hoas soscessfuhly ILY carried on for upwards of twenty years. be has commented - .that of AUCTIONEREI, andi trust that his practical acquasint- Dsance with agricultural pusuroits, and prompt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r = [ADVEaTIsEAIENT.] in Of all discoveries, none has conferred greater benefit upon mankind than that made by Dii Barry some years back. We in allude to DUI BARRY'S RAVELENTA ARIBICA FOOD. Its ,e superiority over pills and other medicines in removing dis- , eases which had resisted all other rmodes of treatment for in years. ,dboen ?? inennrible.isevidenced bynumerous i teetimonlals from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salto b? EquCtion. SALE OF VEHIICLES. wAsepe. llEt'PER & BAT, KEI, aro instructed to otfer by PUBLIC AUCTION. lit the eutrince to their Commorcial, I3 Sale itooms, Sterne's Buildings, Leeds, on Tuesdap next, the SUPERIOR CAB GIG ALondon built, Anil in good condition. AN EXCELLENT CABl PHIAETON, with turunover sent behind, polel, shafts, &Ca. Itr A CAPITAL TWO GOOD SCIBSTALNT[ALtY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? . T HE MISSES URQUHART'S School will be T re-opened on Monday. ihe Twerity-irxh isrtant. Wade House, Leeds, July 12, 1652. EliAPELiHOIRPE, NEAR WAKEFIELD. FE4HE MISSES FRANCE'S Establishment for AL the Board and Education of a limited number of Young Ladies will be re-opened on Thursday, the Tncen'pninth inst. Two or three vacancies for Pupils. T HE I)U ties of Mrs. HAGENAUER'S i M-)RNING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR 'THE BENEFIT OF THlE DEMO0CRATIC REFUGEES. ALL MEN5 AFBt BR'ETHREN' consisting of a IG EAPARlTY AND PUJBLIC MJEETIG TIIE STARt OF FRE-EDOM, WVill be ?? in the Literary and Scientific institution,. Johnastreet, r Tottenhsmn-court-road, onl Tuesday evening, June the Stb, 1832.- The following fi ends to political and social reform will attend and take part in the -proceedinos : IOUIS BLAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jilist I'nblislmeds by 1911CuIAIA 3)DAl bl iaON 172 Fleet-.%trect, 11,oudo011 9- (tsP`l'tC~,VWSII5~ lierby.Li CEETA PR'iiC dlX SHILLIGSO.-SENT By PO0T rOR S P~sY E'TRA. rf HE DUBLIN REVIEW, No. 6i , JanotalY, 18 -. NEWY CATHO L CN WORKS N i Just P'ub ished by ;lt lso . Port MA aurice, and The Lives of the B. Loo1t1i'~d, OfPot IIead ?? B ive s of tl~c B Viill beautiful Portrait of Blessed of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J;~SI psibliehid h3 5C11AK5)NON AND SON, 70, he keleet rblshr~,lob,a1 9.E bli ; a ]Derby. OLSXEC XR. l PRtCE SIX SLLIt.NGS.-SEN T rYOS EOB it BENCS VITNA. le THE 1{ 1 D U B L I N REV V, ti T No. G2, January, 1852. h N ~~~CATHOLIC WORKS N F, W l Just Published by lteCHAeISON AND eON. , The Lives of the B. Leonard, of Fort Maurice, and , of theB. Nicolas Pttore ithi beauitiful Portrait of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gable !Re. -- ttely. TO THE ELECTORS AND NON-ELECTORS aable OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. utl ENTLEMIEN,-In consequence of my having ulthoe b Eleetors u ?? asrequisition mast numerously signed both toe ?? and Stan-Eleetors, requesting me to allcow myself to be :o be pu~t in nomination as a Candidate for the Tower Hamlata at thle storY ensuring Election, I now come befora you to askc for your suffrages ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS AND NON-ELECTORS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. (.ENTLEMEN.-Ini consequence of my baving G.Abeen hosotured with a requisition m ost numerously signed both by Electors and S'ou.EleetOrs, reques5ti't me to allow myself to be pult itn nomination as a Candidate for the Tower Mamlets at the ensuing Election, I lww come before y'ou to asic for your euffirages and stippert. I ans also ?? to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o Just Published, l2sno. Cloth, Price 4e ypost,4s. Gd RJI HE IIIGHTS AND DUTIES O PRO- T E IrEETY. By JOHN SAl OSTwe oBth. h motliig I The Author of thi i wvrk enters upOn. of e mot ein all thit expositionse of the 'lights and Dtutes of Proper 5 Ot ?? phaaes, whiich we remember to ?? met ?? , t he f andamentt rtronglytrecommend ' ittothose ho maeissb the 0n tonmeeta principles of Polbtical ...