Advertisements & Notices

... 50,000 Genuine Havannah Cigaj EDWARD & GEORGE PI HA TEI-IS Haannah CIGARS, ?? & ?? Which they can, with confidence, recommn t gether with a large stock Of Urgues and Edrd' superior brand, consisting of various sizes, 140 to the It. ie Belfast, 27 and 29, High Street. 41 HOME MANUFACTURE~ MACART NE Y JEWELLER, WATCHMVoAKEr, & OzCIAN, 63, DONEGALL PLACE, BELF4T ifJAVING SECURED THlE SE~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. A S several TICKET-lIOLDElIS for the PERFORM1- ANC( I at tho CATHEIDAL, on Thursday, could ript get Admittance, the COMM 'l'TEE beg to inforim such per. sons that they may have their MONEY IIETURNEI), for the OlATSTANDING TICKETS, by applyitig, on or before MONDA Y next, to Johin Lennox, at 39 Stockwill. WANTED. PARTNER, who can anlvauco the snm of £2000, in a A ~ stillory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C iINA-hI oflwinwcll-lcnown A I Clipper I tin exre'ls-br hutrade-, will be de pat -b I Lr ro,,~it ..cst ontlc t ue tdrniertionet. dates I~jl Nae.o Ton usndr. ohal It ?? 'W le Februa'y 5 0 1 .0wel aon~inoilwit ih Clua 505.Forfreight to DUN BLIN (via Holyod r II- L liot.s and a01 IIALF.-Three o ~nsnrOo d n iort of Diectr ofa ?? sysem ?? ln Chirvll N IHI~EREY GIVE NOTICE that a A.F RL cot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 _ BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR FOR ONE ! SHILblNG.-If you would possess a head of hair in fall luxuriance and beauty, try a bottle of HAYDN'S CRYSrALLISED HONEY POMADE, which is acknowledged to be far superior to many of the preparatione sold at si% times the price. It i5 composed b of numerous balsamie ingredients, is delightiully per'uraed, imparte to the hair ?? and lustre, and gives it a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jo HN SIS SSON S,r TAILOR, DRAPER, AND OUTFITTER, 49, MARKET-PLACE, HULL, 1)ESPECTFU LLY informs his Friends and the Public that his Stock is now replete withA PC. GOODS suited for the present Season, a great part of wvhich has been bought for Cash, under extraordi. xartey circumstances, and which he now offers at PRICES that uo HOUSE in England canrsurpass-the Cut and II Wurkmanship of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ADVERTISENNNTS.1 hTHE NEW YEAR.--It is at this happy period of the trear, 'hat ilhe exuberance or thea feelings amid licenes of gaiety osaturitily Iinduces the ?? mitd youthful to shine to auvantago Iunder the gaze of matly fr iends; and hence probably arises the t, ormous demand that Gala ly :ottends RIOWLANID's KALYOOK, MACASSARl 0L. and Lfnosro or Pearl lielitifirice. at this f~ativa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0- w__ __ ?? __ __ __ 1 fHE Gaily GENUINE WIDOW WBLCH!S PILLS' *APrepfted-by Mrs. SUITEvri iS, (Grand-daughlter'othC e, eriginiti proptrieotr WIDOW WELCH.) toni1 thle real FamilY lteclpto of witheot tile loust variatione Whaoevere. prpedfrcaiblpe- dii WIDOWV WELCH, for several yelanprs, rdfrcartbapr !A poses. tile Mediritie iuowil Aso WIDOW WVELUIt'S FILLS, so justly y Jceolrttedl lei all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vubtibc Woti Co. fl ONTEFRACT BOI-tOUGH SESSIONS.- L NOTICEIs hereby given. tlat theoGENEIIA LQUARiTER 5FSSloNqs of the Pence for the borough of Ponateiraot. in the 0: West ilidifle of the county of York, will be held on Friday, thie PI jiath dala of January, one thousand eight hundred and ftirty- it two, ef~r ~e~ose tooisnylisqirethe recorder of tile DR addborugh IL th Mot hllin onefract, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WBecles FIr b Ball'> .q Ci~tILjli>,e held at the AS;SEMlBLY HOO~t-~ilf SiQi i' DAY, Jnnil2th, di52. - nii no Geer1irEDWD.BOWYAT* .: W. 3. L'ROWP ?? M.D., Ma~yoir , -l. W. R. DAVEY, Esq. I'Di'n'cinr to. COmmeliee nt NPea o'l1ockr Cards, Tea,and Cofee included. Ticklets to be h&&'6t Mr Crisp's. ' Stowmarket Ball. .HE ANNUAL BALL will take lace at the ASSEM- T BLY ROOMS, STOWMAR ET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GALWAY. TO WHOLESALE-AND RETAkL DRUGGISTS, &c. 13'DWARD BULL COMPANY, 12At have on Sale at heir C MI MANUFACTORY, GALWAY, a large Stock of t PUREST IODD T ISSIUM, which they offer to the Trade, deliva ed free in Dublin on reasonable Terms. Orders supplied by CHARLES BYRNE, 22, Nelson- street; or 32, Essex-quay, where samples may be seen. December _1st, 1851. TWELFTH NIGHT. A PROFUSE VARET- S E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iIIEATRE ROKL DUBLIN. gB. HARRIS has the honor to announce that be has become Lessee of this Establishment, and that it has opened with a numerous and effilient Company. EVENING (Saturday), January 3d, will be efolmed the New Comedygof perfre FN~sAD IIZR. Lord MIinever, Mr. J?;Wdbste: Tony Nettlethorpe, Mr. lObson; Mrs. Bucklethorne, Mrj H. Kirby. To conclude with a Grand Ohstmas Pantomime, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSIGNMENT. HEREAS, THOMAS MACKARELL, of Brough- ton, near Preston, in the county of Lancaster Wheelwright, and Carpenter, bath, by Indenture bearing i date the 22iid day of December last, transferred and assigned all his Estate and Effeets whatsoever and where- F: soever, unto Tru3tees therein named, in trust for the = equal benefit of all the Creditors of the said Thomas Mackarell vlho shall ...