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Advertisements & Notices

... -4j WtUvER BOMBAY (direct), to Sail - § I on the 2Sth instant, the fine fast- sixiing ship JAMES WHITE, 800 *1ns burhen1 B. IURNER, Commander. For Freight and Passage, apply to the I.lULL FLAX & COTTON MiLL CO. Agents. -$ taOR ELSINORE & NARVA, F the A I Schooner J A N B 1Dr SAWYER, Captain 1. AmIERY, is itow sadti g anI hla* room for light goods. For Freight, &c., apply to W. PRIEST & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- JSAim lanrouo. G E N F ILD ST ARC H, 'l'he Ladies are respectfully requested to make o 1lf the GLtENFIELD PATENT DOUeLE-REEINED j aolwDER STARCH, which, for dormresticuse, now stands x Unrivalled, and is now used in the Royal Laundry. a, TESTIMONIALS. 0 Tle four follovviog highly respectable Testimonials a] ar 1dced to show the estimation in wvich the Glen- a5 are d Irltent Double-refincd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - flOR QUEBEC, with Goods and I Passengers, the fine British built A l IIShip EVERTHORPE, 700 Tons ,ar It C. GLEADOW, Commander; to Sail about e B jtl of July. The Ship having good height between teeks. has superior accommodation for a few Steerage Csbifl Passeflgers. For Freight of Passage, apply to the MASTER on Board, in the Railway Deck ; or to Boa s ROBERT COLLISON, 7, Scale-lane ; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mFipving. -~a9\ ?0H STETTIN, the REGARD, Captain TAYLOR, to sail with, the frst Ships. FIT lreight, &c., apply to BAXTER & TALL; or GEO. P. CRAVEN. Hull, l9th February, 1852. ROM IBULL for QUEBEC, F with GOODS and PASSENGERS, to sail April 3d, 1852, a regular trader, the Fine British-built Ship PRINCE REGENT, *iE 1, Red, 700 Tolis burthen, JOHN WHARTON, Com- mander. tlias good accommodation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 30. S ckvjlle.strl'e t, LIldonf -onso 7-verycompardonship of men require somne particular boindsuof union ;some natural basis and tomes cotton object wleh indc c~iceentrestion Iand the promoters o hsudraighv ae their arrangements on the peculiar pofithion 0net cirugstanve base Literary Men and Artists. In dealing with mental workers, that is, men who are more inte. re-tel in thevvworhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JInt ?? by 5t1Wi~INtRD ~ ab Aan,-eet, Lonsdon; 9,CaEp I0t ; DeC ?? LiG5by.TSTPR FOR SIXPENCE EXTRA. TI Hi DU BLIN IN' T No. 03, February, I852. EVCATHOLICWORK N Just P'ublished by BICliA5DON AtD sole. The Lives of the B. Leonard, of Port Maurice, and of the ]S. Nicholas Fattore. Wilihbeseitul Portrait of Blessed Leonard, price 4s. Senitby post for Sd.ex Ira. The third and coneludiflg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'To Iiaknttfa~ctukrers and Othors. By Mr. PEAUiSON. eM' FAgust Second. 1852, at Dews' Ifuy Rtailway Stattion, 200RAILWAY RUGS, 40 pairs of Scarlet 20BANKETS. itS pairs fancy Witney ditto. nSpac);B medium and Super WOOLS, one cas-k and part Of a CBik Ot Seville OLb. At 50 ?? SHODDY. Sale at ?? three litt the alternoen. prompt. on IWednesday, thre Eighteenth of Arryust next.a wle 'lc at rxnon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TT0 THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH T ~~~Or BRCADFORD. GENTLEerssa.-ltvents have brought on the time for submit- ting to you the question of renewing the trs couiided to your representative5. In tile a50turance0 that I have not been wanting in efforts to promote a free circulation of ideas between the represeeetativs and ?? sonstitusente, I will not t-rotuble you with anly general ?? of what the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Is [ADVERTISIIUENTS.] e Ihe misery, the disappointment, the interminahle ex.. o pense of in- lectual ' plynic-takinig, are now happily super. e seded by tho use of fslessre. 1DU B5.iRY'S RtEVALishA f ARAlJ1CA FOoD, which, by a pleasing and natural action on o the system, removes chronic ann exhausting disease. and replaces languor ana pairs by vigour and health. Those whom e it has restored ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? b~ ia 01ottatt. I*OE DEALERS AND OTfHERS.-ON j.SALE. A STNAM ENGINE to work insa Sbop'Window. 35.thisborSAVowel and nearly new. compoletiefor £22, The boiler alons Cost £1l0. Address A. B., care of Air. LIAISDY, Bookseller, liciddrsfeldt. dTJULTON, NRAR Lituns.-TO BP, SOLD BY J1PRIVATP, CONTRAcT, TWO CLOSS OF LAND, Inl 13ullding Lots, to suit purchas e-ra ituatewishin tive minutes' walk of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF PAPER lANGINGS ON TUESDAY NEXT. Messrs. II iPl'EPR and BARKJIR will SELL BY AUCTION, attihe (ComincTcIl Sale IOomsA, lterinslls'auildings,Leeds, on Itiestiy nse, ert/ch Twesiy-tIird, 15S2, about 265OO F~th PlECESOF PAPERA H1ANGINGS, 1 2lU500 pils a g~cd~teavarioty of patter l aiud colour, alid in lots to suit purc~hasers, The sale to commeosce at cloven. T 71E MUSIC HALL. GREAT YEARLY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IN FRANCE AND ON' VT~ll C,5NTINW(T.-On L rdefdda. Februazry Eighth?, tle d Rev. B3APTIST W. NuIIL, will (Dv) preac in Leeds,9 10005tv ansd Queen-Street Chapels. and I l attend aI ,t rg5(rvssto be held In Iralt-Parade Chapel, on I r~iibC ?? ?? pariculars willdt IgtoY ?? tC' ?? ?? e ONSECRAT~~ION oiF syr. THOMAS'S Jt C ChUR1h. LEYLAN'D _. LEEDS. 0 'srei~~'iS~h~l F RIPON intends to ...