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Advertisements & Notices

... I ADVERTISENNNTS.1 hTHE NEW YEAR.--It is at this happy period of the trear, 'hat ilhe exuberance or thea feelings amid licenes of gaiety osaturitily Iinduces the ?? mitd youthful to shine to auvantago Iunder the gaze of matly fr iends; and hence probably arises the t, ormous demand that Gala ly :ottends RIOWLANID's KALYOOK, MACASSARl 0L. and Lfnosro or Pearl lielitifirice. at this f~ativa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vubtibc Woti Co. fl ONTEFRACT BOI-tOUGH SESSIONS.- L NOTICEIs hereby given. tlat theoGENEIIA LQUARiTER 5FSSloNqs of the Pence for the borough of Ponateiraot. in the 0: West ilidifle of the county of York, will be held on Friday, thie PI jiath dala of January, one thousand eight hundred and ftirty- it two, ef~r ~e~ose tooisnylisqirethe recorder of tile DR addborugh IL th Mot hllin onefract, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T lIE Duties of MRtS. lIA63ENAUTR'VS Morn- JL Ing Class for Young Ladles will le resu~med on Tueslay, Jaatuary Tileesielh, 1852.-95, Byron !tivct, Leeds.C IVY COTTAGE SEMINARY, SANDAL, NHAR WARFIFIELO. Z R MIASiES PARKtNS beg most Cordially to thank their F'riends for thle kindn-esi which 11as been shown to them, iii a continuance of favours since their re- vn movisi from Leeds, and desire to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17alm fn) RIuction. I and 2, VECTDRSIA.STREET. IINSE %l~ D, LEEBS. BTOCKI.IN.TIADBr. WVO1lB4K ~ ~ TOOLS, HOuUSE. HIOLD) FURhNIT111til AND) OFP'IiCTS. Relsr. IIEPPES find BtARKERit are instructed to SELL I3Y AUCTION, under a deed o, assignmenat, on, the premisee of jNr. Jemes Wallis. V ettrial-street. iteuslet-road, Leeds, on Wedriesdjay rcext, ihe Seventh Janary~ jinia'nt, ALL the STOCK-IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No more Pills nor any other Daugs. 10,000 CURILS BY DU BARRY'&S 1 EVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, it a pleasant and effectual remedy (without viedicine, incon. venience, or expense, as it saves fifty times its costin other means of curel. Testimonials from parties of unquestionable reapeatability have attested that it supersedes medicine of every description in the effectual and permanent removal of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IrrlUTrAxT' SOCI&L'ST PsUBLICAT1ONS I nOBERT OWEWvS TOURNAr-. THIS JOURNAL (Pnblishbt weebjy, price ONE Pztssr, and in a lY.P st9 Explains the means by hichn o the world. may be. placed within new and very superior circeumtancee, and provided wisth constant beneficial emplosment, and thereby enabled to ehe oy comfort and abundance, and 1great social advasltafi9. a nd the- ,direct means by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IWiiOR-TANT ?? O0ALISf U C TI l ROI13E4T.OW'EN'S jOURNAI fo TIltS JOURNAL hi *uablishcd weekly, price ONP REeNNY, and in moilbly Paits h price F00U0PENCE), *h Explains the means by uhich the populatioa ol the world may be N placed within new and vary superior cireumstanes, and provided with constant beneficial employment, Rnd t o eno XE comfort and abundance, antl great sa a daithabe; efid tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iry ow *ates br Ruatton. jut No. 3, GROSVENoit.PLACE, LEEDS. :GENTEEL HOUSEHOLD FUJRNITURE hCHINA,& GL SS On LNENI SILVER PLATE, KITCHEN hEqUISITFS, AN Pts OHER, EFFECTS. id. Messrs. OLIVER & SON respectfully annooince tbat they ai as instmruced bivthe Aselgntees of Mr. Joeo Dova, Bankrupt t, ugi SELL BY AUCTION, on Thursrday. The EMOM~ Januarj, la, 0a. at No. 3, Grosvenor-P'lace. Illackman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;'1iHE COMPLidENTS OF T1HE SEASUN! As the compliments of the season are now freely exchanged by all, and with the warmest minifestations of pleasure, ; HVAX considers it hli imperative duty to present to all ranks and all classes bis very best wihes. and at the same time he would impress upon their minds this great fact, that he will endeavour to secure their compliments In retarn by supplying ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A HAPPY YN E W YEl;AR ! T AsthiS is the season of pleansure and YAy, We could not much better a moment employ, thain follow the accents of kindness sincere, And pledge to the public-a happy new year! Oh I happy, thrice happy, and ?? may it be, May trade still extend, and our cmmenerce be free; May the sunshine of Peice is its Igory appear, T And crown the ?? hopes of a appy new year I May the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per No mare rills nor any other Drtlgs, hot 50,000 CURES BY DU BARRY'S a , r EVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, yov Rt a pleasant and effectual remedy (without medicine, incon- venience, or expente, as it saves fifty times its cost in other means of cure).o . Testimonials from parties of unoueetionable respectability have ads attested that it supersedes medicine of every ?? in the ph3 l effectual and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -st QUIPEN- STREET CHAPEL JUVE3NILE M ISSIONARY 8flCIBTY.-sk SAIE of nsefill and orna- mental work will take place in csnnexioi5 wi'h this soieY on) W'cdflEd~i/ and T/ser~edey. the Scvastb and Eighth e! 'one e r>.fiS.S the larrge Vety ue-tetChaPel. PENING OeF A GRAND ORGAN IN THE IJ WI8SLEYAN CHAPELr, Bs~aaLev. . e ThurIcdal/ Ja~iuiary/ Eighth, 1>2, th~e fne instrument builtby ti Mesrs.1111 nd ...