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... A History of Brilish India. By CRARUES MACFARLtAiE. Routledge and Co. Mr. Mac Farlane has compiled a book which will be to Indian history what Keightley's Outlines are to general history. What he has aimed -at has been, in his own words, a clear and concise sketch ; and he says--in his preface, intimating that his. sketch is to order- 1 am assured that such a book, if properly ...


... CHUROH MUSIC. ?? nE EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE. fila1 have read with much pleasure,in your paper of the 26th dUst., the setter of O. P. ?? on Euglish psalmody. ,Chuxthmen aire now opening their eyes to the existing state of Church anusio. The Lreat error appears to me to belthat too much is left in the discretion (if I may use the word)-of the organists, and that in many instances there ...


... TESTIMONIAL TO THE EXECUTIVE Coq- MITTEE OF THE GREAT EXIUBITION. - I Yesterday a meeting of gentlemen desirous of pro- moting the presentation of a testimonial to the acting mem- bers of the executive committee was held at the London layern. Alderman Sir Jonx. MusoRovs was unanimously called upon to preside. The CHAIRMAN certainly felt 'it no less a matter of pleasure than pf duty to respond ...


... LI[VTEMATUBE. Mrultr.ty'S nPADING ForO THE RAIL. TSle Talf. By NIM11OD.-1.- e Road, By saNIROD.- Jamnes's Fab!es of z7 sop. - John Murray, Albemarle- street. In one of thoso fairy tales which formed the de- light of our childhood, and the incidents of which still cling to our memories, although tons of ' Useful Knowledge have departed, we remember to have read of a chariot scooped out of an ...


... THlE THEATRICAL EXAM NIR. Of the Christmas burlesques we think Mr Tom Taylor's and Mr Planch6's the ?? lied Riding hfood at the ADEnPaIr , and the Prince of HI ...


... Lord George Bentinkck: a Political Biogralphy. By B. Disraeli, Member of Parliament for the County of Buckingham. Colburn and Co. Methuselah had not a newspaper upon his breakfast table. If however he had been so privileged, if those ancient worthies who lived their years by centuries instead of tens had been blessed with a Morning Herald of their own, we have no doubt that it would have been ...


... .LITERA TUBE. Thee WestninSte? rceiew. John Chapman. ! An event of much interest has happened in the literary world. The Westminster Reviewv has passed into new hands. The VWestminster-| originally brought out as an organ of philo-' sophical radicalism,-to counterbalance the toryism and whiggism of the other two reviews-did mreat service in its early day; subsequently amalgamnated with ...


... TUlf GREAT EXHIBITION. REWARDS TO THE ROYAL SAPPERS AND MINERS. WooLweica, JA&N. 2.-The non-commissioned officers and men of this branch of the Ordnance corps, who were lent to the Commissioners of- the Great Exhibition in 1851, have received the rewards pairchased for them with the £600 voted by the Commissioners as a testimony of their approval of the general good conduct and services ...


... THE&TUCAM, ETO. DRURY-LANE.-We have for the last twenty years been in the habit of visiting theatres royal, minor thea. tres, amphitheatres, circuses, travelling theatres, barns, and in fact all places where theatrical amusements have been presented to the public, but have never seen any- thiag so contemptible, so utterly destitute of everything which can approximate to mediocrity, as ...


... NOTES ON TIlE DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD THROUGH' OUT THE WORLD, including Australia, California, and Russia. Wlryd, Charing cross East.-The subject of gold is treated in this pamphlet historically. and scienti- fically; and as it is one that. occupies a very wide scope, much interesting matter has been collected to. gether. It shows in a concise manner the effect the new discoveries must have upon ...


... THE PASSIONS FOR JANUARY. (Abridged from Le Follet, Journal du Grand Monde.) Although the season for balls has not yet been officially announced, we have been privileged to view some charm- ing toileites for patites soirees, where the character of les modes for the coming season may be distinctly discerned. Among these we will describe a'simple, yet beautiful, toilette. The robe was of pale ...


... LIEr OF' Lk*UISV NAPOLE:ON. N) N by, Welbeck-street. -This is an anonymous, apologetical publication; in- flated in its style, and evidently the production -,of- an enthusiastic a mirer- of'' Prince Louis. Napoleon Bo- naparte.+It' I;s writtenwith the avowed purpose of re- futing the many c alumnies that the author asserts have been heaped upon his idol's name; butias facts are too ...