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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... U'UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED -By 61t Executors and bereaved Itelatives of deceased noblemen, gentlemen, tradesmen, aud others, sendirg in the first instance to SHILLIBEBR' S E8TABLISHMEM T, CITY ROAD, near Finsbury. square, instead of exnployine their opholsterer, or the nearest un. dertaker, who not possessing the needful requirements, resort to the fumeral furnishers, to hire them, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fHERO1'AL ?4ARIONETTE THEATRE, 11(!iaM'e lt!cet, W~est Strard).-Tbe Nobility, Genra~ th)P r e.tire r._bprc fful Iy infonredi thba t t be IIYA L NARIUON'E TTE' TFHEATRI. villl be pitiwelv OPENED on MONDAY, Jan. 12, 1S52. The pel cA f JLces dill be precetied by an INITIATORY ADIt;lESi; aftcr Nihnch a Newr Seii:e of Apropos, entitled the MaNAGER'Si ROO.i. 'e bc toliowved wviih the Musical Blurla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pE R U V I A N L 0 A N.. C O.tE IS HERESMY GIVEN that there have bcen CAN- CELLED 'J118 DAY SIXTY BONDS or the PERUVIAN DEBT, I amouiatingtothe sum ot £bUrstecleg, hearing interest i.t tbe rate ¶ of six per eent. per annum, together with Fiftv.7ive DivideLd War- rantA atached to each of the Said bonrds. And ?? CLI load,dsf the said debt, aounecuire to the soo of £,68 sterling, heafinl,~; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM to INDIA, CHINA, &e.-Particulars of the regular Mo' -tlly mail Steam Conveyance and of the addi- 11al hues of comniumication now established by the PENINSULAR and OliENT 3L T bTLAM NAVIGATION COMPANY with the East, &c. Thle Company book passengers and receive goods anmd paceels as heretolore for CEYLON, MIADRAS, CALCUTTA, PENANG, SINGA. PoRE, and HONG KuNG, by their -teamers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEVERE CASE of GOUT and RHEUMA. A TIS'd CURED by using the MEDICATED CREAN SOAP. London, 7, Thomnas-street, Kennington. Gentlemen,-In the year 1801 or 7, when quite a boy, and living with my father, who was a farmer, at West Chltington, Susaeln I was conflnetd tO my bed for six months with rheumatism and gout, and could neither move hand nor foot, and for many years after, during the months of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tr0 SP'ANISH BONDI-TOL)ERS.-CONVEL- SI)N of the SlANISHDll 1B.-Nst ICE IS IEICEIY GIVEN that the Csaaianittee of Spanish Bondholders :n LunIlon are jaiterven- me i!i the convorsiona in order thilt ther :nov be able to lstue at LimC- sertf/r thc5) ' l(e cent. ol the coupon notftivaued. ihecomnittee are -.ew, by the hands of their arents, the Lou don and County H nk, No, 21, Lnaitard-6treet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL SUPPERS, WEDDING BREAKFASTS, B snd DINNERS. supplied in town or country by Messrs. aURSSEL;,, 75, Crnhbill, near the Exthange, in the most fashion. able style, including wines, and the hire of plate, Imen, china, &c Bills of fare sent for any number required. An elegant assortment of Bride Cakes for selection. IJURSSELL'S MILK BISCUITS, made from Flour produced in the South of France, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TEAM1 to BOMNBAY, via TRIESTE.-In addition to the boat of the 27th of the month from Tfrieste to Alexatetria, a SECJOND STBAIMit has been placed on the line leaving Trienteon0 the Itith ot every montha-the former in corre. spondelire with the Cilcitra line of steamners, and the latter with~ the hosts of the Fast India Compeny plying direct between Suez and Bamhbay.-Prossages for Alexandria, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. UNPUECEDENTED) HOLIDAY ATTRACTION, and LAST NIGIITS of the BATEMAN CHILDlREN.-THlIs EVENING, Miss Fsitz'ptrick ald Mr. Auderson in TOE WONDER; tbe Bawaeasn Children in TIE YOU.NG COUPLE, and the NEW 1A'ATOMIsME. So grcat has btcntbe deniand at the box office, that a JUVENILE !IGHBT will begiven on THURSDAY next, whren the Pantomime will be played at an early hour, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIOR CALCUTTA Direct (under eugagemeut to I.> te Hoourale Est Idia ompay, to sail punctually ou no 2th f Jnuay),thelin ?? ship TAY. MOUT CASLE, 1,for 5 yers. It.N OL, commander, 082a eomnolalonforpaseger, avig fll ?? reght andI S TEAM COMMUNICATriON with the BRAZIL ad RIVER PLATE,-ROYAL MAIL STEAM.-PACKET CON PAY-One of this Company's Steamers will leave Southampton ono the 9th of every month, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A U T I O N.-RESPIRATORS (ROOFF'S It C PATENT); being made on true philosophical principles, sup- U raly thtose affected with delhcate or diseased Inugs with pure, warm, moist air, without which no cure can he effeeted, and are highly re- eomnuended by the most eminent of the medical profession. The im- W perfections of other respirators being well known, need no roms- s, ment. To be obtained, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR SYDNEY, Direct (to sail punctually. the F201th January), the splendid frigate-built Australian Line of Packet Ship ROMAN EMPEROR, A I (belonging to Messrs. Green. well and Hali), register 793 tnWILLIAM CHAMIPION,co- mianfer~ lying at the Jetty, London Docks. This dina ship hag a spacIOu4 nop with most excellent accommodations for cabin pea. I sengers; he tween deckis being lofty andi airy, ...