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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... Or 'aat'In pewo. DRURY-LANE. VAsUftY-LAN'iR. THIs ErssIo, MIACBETH. Messrs. Anderson, Belton, Cooper, Bellingham, and Morton; Miss P. Horton, Miss Glyn, Mrs, Graham. -And Iis)GARtTI; or the Two London'Prentices. Messrs. c arshall, Barnes, Stlvani, and Payne; Miss Falser.-Doors open at 6j. HAYMARKjET. Tnos EVENDlIcO, LA SONNAMIBIIL.A. Messrm. Wetss, V.Harrison, anl Henry Bedford; Miss Louisa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARM BATHS, ONE SHILLING EACH. Economy and enjoyment both combined To calm the temper and refine the mind, To heal the body of its gathered ills The bath does more than dootyrt' draughts or pills. A few reserved rooms, including the Ladies' department, it. Gd. ?? transferable tickets, one guinea.-10, Ar~gyll-place, Regent-street, and 5, New Broad-street, City. Vapour, sulphur, shaainpoolng, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY.- GA;PFLr ATIflNS may now be made for INVESTMENTe in GRlEA-,T WESTERN P'IRE'ERtENCE STO~K, bearing a fixeddividendi of 41par cnt. pn tnu'n, payable halt-yal.Teaplodn ~lP~f iviendove th orinay sackofhe Company, and tos ~ei cratet rnd r he rovsins f te A'sof Parliaiment. Plidingtn~ta~n, C.14 AS,2 A.SUNIDERS, Secretary. T.ANREWSand UEBC RAILROAD. S Tie CAOS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T11REATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. Th-~e ore the AT'R&CTIONIS for the \REFK.-TO..NlG~lT 31ise OLY~N'S LAST APPEARANCE; etid the PANTOMIME.- TO-AriltRItNW, Miss Fitroatrick, the Bateman Children, and the Taitonuimo -On WEDNESDAY, the JUVENILE NIGHl, and last appearenme of the Baterrano; soith the Pantornime.-On TIHURS. DAy, Mr 'IN1 -t.tVE'SS FIRST APPEAROANCE; end the Pinto. ?? FlielD ly. the 11rst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ELACTlEE 1'ROYA.IL. DRURY-L ANE. T!,XTRAOlIi`DlXARY ATCRPA61ON for THIS EVENING.- 3tI^ l.zre atrick end Mr. Anderson.-LAST NIGIT 8Ut ONE of the tAI iENIANS; and the neA PANTOMIME.-TO.MOliacw, the LAS IJiVENILE NIG11, when the BUatCaan ChildrOl Will piay in Twi P'icce,; the Pantomime will be played at an early hour; a* d i| will brc the LAsT APPEARANCE of thc BATEMAN ClIlDRiEN.- OV TIIURSDAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LDI OOKING-lGLASSES, &c., 155, Leadenhall- o strePt.-GEORGE DO N E, Carver and Gilder. solicits an in- i ,ection of the LARGEST FRAMED GLASS EXHIBITED at the CRu1tYSTAL PALACE, the frame ot which is of wood carving. 0. D. ,a also reiuests the lavour of an inspection of the Opaque Glass admired Is by Hit, H. Prince Albert, and which Geo. Donne has applied for the li use of tope of console, pler ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOlt CALCUTTIA Direct (under engagement to I tire Itolaorarrble Rs ?? ounctuatly on AUSTlIALIA. - Emaigration on the Uniform Al 'risnid i, originated by thne undersigned, in 1848, taking one Class- f Irossneers ?? PORcT PHIIUP cnn SYDNELY, the ?? ship MOUNT STUART ELPHINST''INE (belonging to le-s Somoes, Brothers, of Blacirwallr, 780 tons n.m., 1,100 p ns .t 1?, R. C. LONEY, communderg (who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fR11EATRE ROYAL, DRuJRY-LANE, J.TTlll ElVENXING, the LAST JUVENILE NIGHT; the Pratot itime at :atn e :i hour; and the LAST APPE '.ANCE of the BATE- MAN C:TlLDii.N-To.AIl.0ov the famtus trt-r, Mr. SIMS RlEEVES, ;sill jlpacar in tRA DI ?? vv1ih the PRlnominle.- On IIDAtY. ROli'.ERT TllE DEVIL; with ti'! ltrst appearmice of Mr. Flldor, Mir. Dr5yton, Miss (richt.n, and the celubn at'd prima ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y1)N'FY'Y New South Wales.-Australian Line f5 S of litckets.-TO slill rorn Gravegend the 1st of March, and will cvt at 1r tomrh tU embaric passenger ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mat | eBorn~tll. One JI EWELLERY. - D)ODD, BROTHERS, 40, tair CorEhill (.lansion-house bide), jewellers, silversmiths, and satchbalkers, bee to solicit an inspection of their extensive ASSORT. 54ENT of JET ORNAMENTS, forming a stockof the ehcicest make , nd nevwest dieigns, in chains, brooches, bracelets, hoop earrings, &c. jo be met with in Lindon.-40. Cornbill. pro _ sk B ALL SUPPERS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCENE 1FROM THE PRESIDENT'S PROGRESS. See PUNCk, No. 55, for January 24. Office, 85, Fleet-streat, and sold by all booksellers and newsmen. On the nd of February, THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, No. 32. JTS1. Milton. 2. New Zealand. 3. Literature and Christianity- ?? Life of Slerling. 4. The Geology of the Surface and Agri. =ulture. 5. Literature of the New Testament. 6. Recent Arctito Expeditions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Olt CALCUTTA Direct (under engagement to the Holourabla East Indbc Corupimy, to sail punctuall on the e0th of January), the fine fost tailtng rrigate.built ship TAY_ dOCtTlI CAtSTLE, A 1, for J3 years, It. NICOL, commander, G82 loau rogislcr, loarling il the London Docks. H~as most superior or. eeoc ciadation 1or passengers, basing a futll poop. ffuaranteetl not to tal eoals.--For. freigt and ...