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Advertisements & Notices

... ing SALES BY AUCTION. ed le Sudbury, Suffolk.-Genteel Freehold Residence and Garden, nl R[R. LEIFCHILD is instructed to SELL by O Twlv AUCTION, at Garraway's, on Wednesday, March 17, at ton Twelve for One, a capital and substantial FREEHOLD DWELL. ang ING-HOUSE, eligibly situate in Friars-street, Sudbury; contain. itg three parlours, five bed-rooms, and two attics, two kitchens, I cellar, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,OUlSIANA STATE BOINDS.-The DIVI- | plENIS WARllANTS, falling duo oil Me Ist February ext, os the StAlE BONDS i'sned in favour of the UNION BAN I of LOUli IANA, will be PAID on ?? February, or any sue- c*.oing tday, (Tuesdav and Frititiv exeepted), between the louro of T told To at tile Coorisut?tiotve of BAlKING BROTHElRS ant CO., 8, Bishontsatestreet Witinn, where Lists may. as usual, be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONVERSION of tihe SPANISH DEBT.- TJ ?? CONVERSION contifues OPEN rat the Spanish i i- narincial Comnssissiofnu in Lorisols, 10, St. flelln's-plaieo, Bishops. gate-street ; Ina Paris, and fir Anistordam. Thle same regulations as before vill be observecd for the delivery of the New Bos in the order in wthichs the lists were presented: Therefore the holders of Receipts for these of tire Active ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Empiricism, 14di WOOd cuts, 41 cases. 2 vols.,, is. each ; by post, 18. Od ON ,SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE, To he or not to be, that is the question. ByE. J. CULVERWVELL, M.D. (1341), M.R.C.S. (Ifs27), ?? (1224), 25 yuars Medical and Forensic Refereo in these msat~ter Programme :-Advent of Pobcrty and correspond~ing6 ,Acgea ?? and Cas^ualties of Single ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'Su THEATRE.. - ., nyoy7TIERE. stid Nihte of New Ballet, LA BOUatui 'i'nednter| THIS EV ENiG, Tuesday July27, a grand CBos Einnd ?? will be givon, wen will l1e performed Bellini's opera, LA SONNAMBU~A. Amnia, Wlle. Charton (le.r first apperaugce at this theatrble), LTs, Mle'. Feller; Elinol, Gardes li; nd divertissement, S ig.c aii Byderc .l,, S Gr byan Pes bes le. Carolina Rosati ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN ICHINA, &c.-Particulars ~T~errguiar~onaitl Steam Conveyance savd of the ~'1~}riettal ?? Coenipally w!ith the Eoot, &eo* ,~310kpsegers and receivec gootle; aite POZhql us fo EYOMADRAS, CALCU!ITA, ,E'ANG, l~ro~,EEandHOG KONG, by their steamers, starting lrobt q'icl2i ?? and fromt Suez Vc;V qtcan teaer will beodespatelsed from Southampton for ~I the od October next, in combutation wvith ani ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to USRALA.TIhe PENINSULAR Q,;ItE\TA.L STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY beg to i.~ etia~ rei~ncw sta-hip CHUSAN wvill be despatched V~Iac .,1jit~ 'tllOf 15tlh May, for Sydney, calling at the Cape I al Pert Phillip. ~rt'Al , ItpCall(i -Alcey1i1 be as follows ?? elms, go ~~ ~~~b a iri furniture,&nC. provided by the Coln- c;ac has superior accommodation for passengers, and willI C sha; ~,partclars, end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANEK- T THIS EVENING, the last night of the PANTOdlMIME, with ROBE11T THE DEVIL, aid Mr. Fedlor, Mr. H. Draytoni, bMdlle. Garei, nnd M3iss Crichton.-To-morrowv (owilng to its in- cresin atratio), ODIITTHEDEIL and the NEW BALLi~r, inw whieh M~dlle. Plunkctt, Mdlle. Dc la Vecehi, M. Du- ~d, and an unrivalled Corpsde Mallet w'ill ?? to another complete overflow last evening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --g,yCEUM THEATRE,. -Immense Attraction JU.. for One Night 0only, on Friday next,, August 18, for the BENEFIT of Mr. A. HARRIS, Stags Manager of Her Mrjeety'a Theatre; onl Ahich occasion the eminflent artiteo e act' Theatre have most generouslY consented to appear, by the kind permission of B. Lumhley, Esq. The perfurniances will commence ! with Donizetti's favourite opera of DON PASQUALEI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ~0lTLA~BAY direct, a regular trader, .. rest P vfast-eailifig barque WYCLIF'FE, A. 1,'o~' , p~x commander; lying in the toll' great hjeight between decks, and moat exrel *fors 9pasoecgers.-For terms of freight or5 O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lDL G. W. DIL BE;NOLDS'S PUBLICATIONS& he followalg POPUBlar Works are published every Saturday morn- ing at Mr. Reyngoldss Establbshment, No. 7, Weulilgtosstreet North, Strand ?? I. Weekly One Peuny-Montbly Parts, Price Sixpenee, YE YN O I D ?? S M I S C E iL A A 1 'N R *O ItemeinjanobkiGeneral IUterature, Science, and Art. CONSDUCO n 3X GEOa? W M. Rtaos;na. Tls is thelsrgetecheapost; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IraMENSs ENLARGEMENT OF REYNOLDS'S MISGELLANY. TNSPIRED by the liberal patronage bestowed upon this periodi. I cal, and anxious to do all in our. power to render it acoeptable to the public, we have enlarged it to a size that must entitle it, beyond all possibility of dispute, to the distinction of being the cheapestpuclicaticn oft the age. The enlargement does' nt consistofthemere alditon ...