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Advertisements & Notices

... - GRATIS I GRATIS I! GRATIS 1 1 I - ' i I ; Seventy-fourth Thousand.-' Library Edition.'' Sent free on receipt of six stamps, to pre-pay postage, addressed to Mr. Lawes, Medical Pablisher, 2, Charles street, Hation, garden, London. . , _ 1 . ?? 1 VERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR: or, Commnon Sense on A ' Common Subjects. A Popular Guide to. Health, addressed .to the Young, the old, the Grave, the Gay. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE 'READERS OF REYN3L.DSS IWSGELLANYls (I UR readers will observe that we have made arrmngema9nts with 0 tbat eminent artist, MBI. EDwARD CoREocxD, for the of illusra_ tion the frent page of the Miscelany: and we are dttermined hat heneeforth our pictorial embellishments shall be of the veryhighest order of merit and iu the best style of the art of ?? 9n -The liberal suorort which we have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORKS PUBLISHED BY W. Dr. CLARK, 16 and 17, WARWICK-LANE. In Weekly Nos., Sixteen Quarto Pages, Thirty Engravings, One Penny, T H E C R Y S T A L P A L A C E; and its Contents. Ao Illustrated Cycloposdia of the Great Ex- hibitiona; eontaining every article wortit of nftice in the World's Fair. Tvweuty-eigit Nos. are now ready, or four Monthly Parts, Sixpence aech; to be completed in One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 20 TEAMto INDIAvio MARSEILLES and TSuyl..-h PEtNoARan RIENOTAL STEAM - 1~A,(AlNCOMPANY will commence ill Jarntynett 0kAVisATEO S from MARSEILLES to MALTA, Alex- a 13drn India and China, ee., by~their steamers, to leave MaxseellesI Hal ?? enthel10th and 126th ofevery month, in corresposadence as1o y's ?? leaving Southampton on the 4th and oita the Csn ' pD kutur5b %th of the month. ?? will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The rate of Chief Cabin Passage by these Steamers is £30. EUIHand NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL ALSTA SHIPS, appointed by tile Admiralty to i Ll~tO and NEW YORK direct, and between ti Thefol5 ilgor the vsses ae olitee t sal fomLiver- lEVER SATUDAYas under:- P5 ARIC forNEWYORK direct, Saturday, Februery 14. A1I~ICA forBOSONSaturday, Februsrvy 2!. ASIAfor EW YRK diet audy ersy28. Cilpssgincluding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lA,,STEU1N COUNTIES RAILWAY.-At thle J~JrultTXy.FIRST HALF:YEARLY GENERAL M1EETING ,frieSIAEI ?? London:, oiFridsy, the 20th day of y~~brottry, ~Esq., M.P., ill the Chair; It ;,s resoilvedb fiedt rgse Thit tire corporate seal Of tile ConspaDY b fie otergse si t rl~ien siVprduced. ris reer afsheDiectrsauitos, ndofficers, now read, kf~l~c sesh hy satrientof ccontsaffxedthreto, bo received not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?Mt? AUSTRALIA.-TIle PENIN- ORiENTAL STEAM NANOGATION COMPANY that their now steam-ship CIIIJSAN will be des- -anthOiitPtOflOO 10th Mey, for Sydney, calling at ..tilllo;leAd(laide? and Melbourne. c? ,..,coae money toill be no follows :-First class, 90 ?ierct? .1?i?gimic'ls. The first-clans fares include lw' ?pil'? ?e. , second-class fares include table and :1, cii, cc Inn furniture, &c., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONSi. Now ready, in one volume, royal quarto, Twenty-ciglit large fold. ing Plates, with Description, price £1 lls. W., in extra cloth boards lettered. Part IV. is also ready, and call be had sepa. rately to complete the previous tsres parts, price 10s. each. ruHE WHOLE CONSTRUCTION of the . BUILDING erected in Elyde-park for tie GREAT EXII[. BITION of the Works of Industry of All ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~gULAR LINE of PACK-ET SHIP, for S-1,0 Y, calling at Port Phil~lip to )an d passengers Only ?? G3ravcesend, 15th June, Plymouth, 20th June, the *stl,, 1c.fs.ojiljng teak built ship COLDSTRIEAM, 900 tons, 111e~ii, .1c6Mssrs. Greet,, of Blackyvall, JoiiN An~sms, corn- ?? Docks.-This ship has very san- ~lJ~ for caIn, seconid cablin, and steerage pus- ~iirs~.lh Cdl poop nd loty 'tween decks ; will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to CALCUJTTA via. CAPE de VERDS, ZSION, CAPE of GOOD ROPE, MAURITIUS,' CdMADRES LTheo GENERAL SCISEW STEAMh ,,mANY'S LINE of MION STEAMERS, nsitli herI 'Bcs|.stelmCS | ,800 . 1 Nov. 10 No. N id Id' 1:i' I - 100 De.c. 10 De.16. dupes : 1,800 Jan. 10 Jan. 15. ar divided into water-tight and fire-proof compart- The111.j,9alr ecarry an eexperienced surgeon. The cabins are 'b5St'~'Uhcd th beddingg, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F s~ TO I ARINERS.-BOMBAY HARBOUR. QrEI TTRINITY-HOUSE, LOXD0N, AUG. 27, 1852. IV .TING to the notification issued from the I D ?? Offiee, Bombay, under date 19th May, 1852, j lkiletion of a new Beacon on Kenery Island, at loll toa t Both bay Hlarbour; which notification was printed C ?? Board and circulated under date the 5th instant, t br y gfthi'll that a communication has been this day S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTEAM to INDIA, CHINA, &o.-Partioulars ? tue re?ttlsr Motitlily Mail Steam Conveyance sod of the 1* e?ot voenounicatien, now established by the Penin. 5JJitiCOSl 'ental Sleun Navigation Company with the East, &c. selar red Of? hook 1o??engers and receive goods aid parcels sa rs? COPter CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, l'ENANG, herclofertg 5nd HONG KONG, by their steamers, starting on the 20th of ...