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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Vessel for Sale. ;ill be Sold, by Public Roup, within the ROYAL. HOTEL, reterhead, on TIIURSDAY, the 20 day of September next, at 2 gdeek Afternoon, THE BRIG SEDULOUS, 226 Tons N.M., T and 230 Tons Register, O.M., as she now lies in the North Harbour of Peterhead, with all Iher Stores, Boats, &c. forlenDtoVy, apply to the Master on Board, or to NISBET & ROBERTSON, 47, Marisoh al Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB BfiTS in the PUBLIC ROOMS, on TUESDAY the 5th of r&.0ectober next. Basiness aud Ballot at half-past Fivo.-Dinner exactly at Six 'e1clle THO. BURNETT, Seey. AberdeOn, 8th Sept., 1852. Schooner for Sale. jer sale, by public roup, (if not previously disposed of by pri. vate bargain), on T1URSDAY the 7th October, at Six, P.m., In the Office of the Aberdeen Steam Navigation Company, Tr HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN RBAIIsWAY. ABERDEEN TO LONDON IN ONE DAY, D BXpRESS TRAIN, LEAVING ABERDEEN AT 6 A.if., AND ARRIVING IN LONDON AT 11 P.M. Arrangement of Trains for June. UP TRAINS. 6.6 AM. 8454A.M. 12.15 2.33 5.0 P.m. AOSEOCEN, 730 10.46 2.18 3.58 7.8 M.m. 9OVS - 1E 9.15 ,, 12.38P.. 3.55 5.23 9.0 P.M. DUNCSFAR ---.8. 0 , 11.25A.M 3.15 4.38 8.0 PM. FosAa . 90 1.0 P.M. . ,6.13 Exprs Mail. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Scottish'Widows' Fund, J AND LIFE ASS\6RANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLLSHED A.D. 1815, UPON the PAhICIPLE Or MUTOAL . AssuitANcr. invested CQpftolg arising from thoe Aecumnulefion ef Preatqnus,. aznd beloeegbeaj exclusiveo1 to 8eebere of the SOciety, upwards of TWO MILLIONS . . ; FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND POUJNDS.'r Annualt Revernse, eibownt- ' -': ta THIREE RUNDRVED AND TWENTY THOUSAND POUNbS. E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMIPORlTANT TO LADIES. WHITE & IIUTCIIEON, SILKS 1iERCERS, SHAWL 1liERC11ANTS, AND GENERAL DRAPERS, A4 NNO~YUNCE thle Coenrecemecit of their Annual Cheap Clearkag Sale, and will continue tho same until TUESDAY the 24th August. 'rho variety of Goods to which W. & IT. would direct notice, as being speciallty reduced, R'and worthy the notice of all Ready Money Purchasers, are the following:- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V Aberdeen Railway Company.V L 0 A N S. nllE DIRECTORS areC Pi-CPfre~ to rereivo LOANS on the T Nfrtlgftg Bonds of thre Company, in surns of £6100 and up.. ,,aIfor oue or more Years, as may be agreed on. Interest ,,I] be alloWed at the rate of Four per cect. per Ainnum, ani C 'ri1l be jiaid 110-yealy 'in Aberdeon, Edinburgh, Glaisgow, or ti-u LsNdAO as the lenders may profer. Applicatio ob aet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'if2 ALLAN bogs rcspectfully to inltimate to her Friends I, ild thTPablic, that shoe wvill givo a CONCERT in the M'j CoUYTV ROOM5S, 0n tlo Evening of TIunSDAY tho 15tlx April, n wtbch ocosionl Mr BAKER, anld Mr LATTER, have kindly ledred their valuable assistance.' p s to be opened at half past 7; Concert to commence at 8~cklct and Programmes to be had of Mr MARR, WOOD & CO., B: le of tlho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL MUSIC SALOON. 218 . 218 USION STREET. UNION STREET. J. MIARE, BY Si c iAm. A 10oi NiI1 .NT, uijsiC CLANDi l'xo 1011cc iAiil 1' cur QUI'N. M .. E ARR begs to ititilcate bis return from London, wheir h lic has seleted a large addition to his Stock of PIANO- FORTES and other Instruments. He particularly iovites inspection of an OBLIQUE FRENCH PIANO.F0RTE of the Comlp:ass of seven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t TuanpikcRoad Accounts. OIRCE I lIEREBY GIVEN, that the Annual Accounts I N and gelatihe Vouchers, of the Receipt and Expenditure oi Funds beonghlg to the different Turnpike Roads in Aber- c 'denshiro, for the year preceding 31st May last, are now in the bWds of Messrs THOMIAS and NEWELL BURNETT, Clerks of Gjeoeral Meetings, B~lelnnt Street, Aberdeen, for the Examin oe sod Inspection of all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It- PHILIP & KENNEDY'S CHRISTMAS CLEARING SALE.B -- ~~~~~~~~quat To-day and following days, Pol p111LIP & KENNEDY aire now Selling the Residue of their Villt WINTER STOCK to Cicar, a nimtiiii otuisu saicrifice. II The Stock consists of SILKS, SHAWLS, 1ONN I'S, LINEN dose: DRAPERY, FUllS, FRENCH MEIIINOES, COBIUROS, GA. LAS, WINSEYS, RIBBONS, LACES, SEWED MJUSLINS POLKAS, HOSIERY, PRINTS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COBRESPONDEMT8. Ai ComMrniattions, and artioles qf Intolligonee, Intended for publication, require to be authenticated by the name and ' address of the writer, Unless this is attended to, Corres- o pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid 0 to their communications. n ii o~~ - - h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G~uano, Bone M~anure, &o. &o. egARLES BRUCE & COMPANY, HUNTLY, beg to inforu their Agricultural friends that they have for Sale, at porwsoy and Hustly, a Parcel of Genuine PERUVIAN GUANO, act from the Agents of the Peruvian Government, and, for the satisfaction of their Customers, Analyses of the same by Dr anderson, Professor of Chemistry, Edinburgh, will be shown by JiSES LESLIE, Deveron ...