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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... CIT Y REP RES ENT AT ION. At a Meeting Of the Committee of the Electors of the City of E~dinburgh appointed to promote thie Riequisition tn the Right Honnurable Sir JAMEs GRAIAms.c to allow him- self to be put in nomnination as a Candidate for thle City 1k presentation, at the errsurn g Genscral Election held this daMajor ARTHUR M1AlE. 'in the Chair. It was resolvedl,- Ist. That this Meetin',- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINIBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY.) ANNUAL MEETING. The ANNUAL MEETING of the above SocieLy will (D. V.) be held in the QtrEE-N STRnrT HALL, On TUE:SAY, the 17th February 1852,- A!LEX. PRINGLIE, Esq. of Whytbani. in the Chair. The Rev. Dr Crawford. Rev. Dr Makellar, Rev. William . ! Grav, of Lady Yesier's, Rev. Dr Iletherington, Rev. Jsaft Robertson. Newington. Sir W. Johnston, acd others, are ex- ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... TH.EATRE-ROYALj This Evening, THURSDAY, November 4, 1852, The Performances will commence with THE CHAMELEON. [ a Litigant,1 The a Pendant. T-le a Huntmaln, ~-Miss P. Hoatoy. 3jj2quisdeLetoriere. i n c ti an Exquisite,) After which A KISS IN THE DARK. To be followed by LA BOUQUETIERE. To conclude with TEE CASTLE OF OTRANTO. AL I A N C OM P A N N Y. A ~ Established bg Act 5, Geo. IV, Cap. 71. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THf PROPRIETORS OF STOCK O0 THEE lDINBlBURGH WATER COMPANY.| E The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PRO- plIF.TORS of the STOCK of the EDINBURGH WATER CoMIPANY will he held in GiaBBs RoyAr. Hoa:EL, No. 53 Princes Street, Edinburgh, Onf MONDAY the 21st day of JuxE -urrent. at Twelve o'Clock noon, in terms of the Statute. W. HE. CAMERON, Clerk to the Company. Edinburgh, 4thJune 1852. F ORTH AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r THEATRE-ROYAL. j7] gids Evening, THURSDAY, September 23, 1352, The Performances will commence with WEALTH AND WANT. To be followed by A KISS IN THE DARK. To conclude with W A V B H L E V. OR Tra SIXTY YEARS Sruecs. WATERL'50 ROOMS, EDINBURGH. GREAT $UCCE.% It -- Si II u. BUN BROWN, the American Fugitive Slave who 2 F?cap ed from Bondage, Packed as Luggage in a Box, sit. in. Inn;. 2 ft. wide, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL DA3NX OF SCOTLAND, EnNBunGuo, 29th January 1852. rmE COURT OF DIRECTORS of the ROYAL BANK t OF SCOTLAND give Notice, that a GENERAL COURT of PROPRiLTORS will be held at their OFFICE here. on TUESDAY the Second day of March next, at Two o'Clock Afternoon, for the election of GOVERNOR, BE- E PUTY-GOVER'NOR, and DIRECTORS, for the year ensa- ing, pursuant to the Charter; and Lists of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WzwtQrTuuw. BANX OF SCoTLANDi Glasgow. 19th May 1i52. THE ANNEAL GENERAL JMEETING j of PROPRIETORS of the WESTERN BANK of SCOTLAsI)v will be held wvithin the BAitsi, No. i14 MILLER! STREET. GLASGOW, on WEDNESDAY tLe Twoervt-third day of June next, at Twelve O'Clooz;. I No Transfer of Stock will be registered between the 26th F ins. and the meeting. By order of the Directors. JOHN BUCHANAN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROrAL SCOTTISHB ACADEMY OF PAINTING, SCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE. LIE TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITIONI of the T ACADEMY for the WORKS of LIVING ARTISTS will Open at the GALLERIES, ROYAL INSTiTUTION, On Satr- day the 14th instant, at Nine o'CloCk A.3T. Admission, is. Season Tickets, not transferable, 5s. Catalogue, Gd. By Order of the Council. D. 0. HILL. Secy. Edinburgh, 7th February 1852. PUBLIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kDELPHI THEATRE. 1 1ISS PARKER begs respectfrllv to inform the Public of A1 E dinburgl, that her BENEFIT will takle place at the AI)ELPLHI THEATRE on TUESDAY EVENING, June Ist. The Pieces selected are- THE VAGRANT! HIS WIFE AND FAMtILY. FAIN-T HEART NEVER -WON FAIR LADY, in which Mr T. PownrE wvill make his First and only appearance this Season. 0, GEMJIN! OR THE BROTHsERS IN CO(o)RSZ. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CO-.MMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND- A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of PROPRIETORS of the COMMERCIAL BAN1K OF SCOTLAND will be held in the Bnss's OFFICE here, on TrEsEAy the 5th day of June next, at Two o'Clock P.l.. C pursuant to the Chartar. 1t JNTO. S. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Edinburgh, 4th May ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MI E R. I C A N S L A V E R Y.' At the IRequest of the EDINBU:PRGII LADIES' EMAN- CIPATION SOCIETY. THE RaF-. PROFESSOR WILLIS of The FREE CIIHURCH COLLEGE, TORONTO, will de- liver an ADDRESS On) WEDNESDAY EVENIxO NEXT, the ISth instant, in the lRev. 1),a FaREc-,c's Church, College Street. on the present nosition *f the AnLi-SlaverV Cause-the hardships c-alsed bh the Fugitiive Slave Act, and ...