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Caledonian Mercury

Foreign Entelligence

... Joreiqn kntelligence. FRANCE. Panis, Sunday Evening.—If any doubt could have been en- tertained of the intention of the President of the Republic to make an appeal to the nation for a change ig the form of Go- vernment, it must be remov by the article in the Moniteur of this day, in which the wish‘expressed by the Councils-Ge- neral for the greater stability of the er of Louis-N is mentioned ...

Foreign Intelligence

... EnteMacntc. TRANCE, DISTRIBUTION OF THE EAGLES TO THE FRENCH ARMY. Panis, Monday Evening.—The distribution of the eagles to the army, about which public expectation had been raised high, took place to-day, under the most favourable cireumstan- ces of weather. As early as seven o'clock this morning crowds of persons had already laid siege to the Champ de Mars, in the the avenues clear until ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. Paats, Thursday z. —The most inte resting topic now s is that of the succession. Whe in political civele: be called to succeed to the imperial is the person that will he continued celibacy of the President, crown in the event of t or in ease of acvidents? Such is of a marriage without Issue, no one, except, Louis the quesiion i, but to which Not only can no answer be given Napeleon ...

Foreign Entellingence

... tntelliqence. INDIA. THE OVERLAND MAIL. We (Times ) have received by express from Marseilles our des; ches from India in anticipation of the Overland Mail, which left India on the 23d ult. The following is the letter of our Bombay correspondent of that date:— Considerable excitement has been occasioned in the military circles of the North-West by Sir Colin Campbell's resignation of the ...


... FOREIGN OFFICE, July 10. The Queen has beca pleased to approve of Mr Edward Wyvrekens as Consul at Sydney for his Majesty the King of the Belvians. FOREIGN OFFICE, July 12 The Queen has been pleased te approve of M. Salvatore Pisa ni xs Consul at Malta, and of M. Wilhelm August Fineke as Consul at Kingston, Jamaica, for the Free Hanseatic City of Lubeck. —_— OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, July 9 Regiment ...

Shipping Intelligence

... Entelliqence. SOUND LIST. May 21.— Hope, Jameson, Danitzic, Aberdeen—Piloi, Cumming, Riga—Commedore, Watt, Riga, Dandee. —22. Thomas, Webster, do., do.—Maria, Stewart, do., Kirk- ealdy—Margaret M‘Donald, Evely, Konigsberg, Dandee.— 23. Cyrus, Forman, Riga, do.—Commodore, Clark, do., Aber- deen—Southesk, do., Montrose—Highlander, Taylor, do., do.—Charlotte, Dickie, de., do.—Miranda, Leslie, do. ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Forciqn FRANCE, ATTEMPT ON THE LIFE OF THE QUEEN OF SPAIN. Paris, Thursday. The French Government has received the following de- spatch :— Madrid, February 2. “ An attempt has just been made on the life of Queen Isa- bella IL. At t the wound does not seem dangerous.” The Constitution adds—* The 2d of February was the day on which she was to take her first airing, and go to the Eglise d’Atocha ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreiqn intelligence. — FRANCE. The Arab Chiefs, who formed so marked a feature of the ceremony of the 10th, and the ball of the 12th, and who have since attracted the attention of the Parisian population, have left Paris on their return to Africa. Their deportment in society is described as exquisitely polite. They expressed a wish, during their sojourn in aris, to visit the widow of Marshal ...


... — PLEX NOMINATION OF THE LORD PROVOST. A public meeting of electors friendly to the Lord Provost's claims to represent the city, was held on Monday, in the Queen Street Hall. Among those on the platform besides the Lord Provost were Bailies Fyfe and Boyd; Councillors Blackadder, Gray, Tod, Pow, and ; essrs W. M‘Crie, James Ri- chardson, James M‘Laren, James Aytoun, J, Greig, R. S. Grieve, ...


... DOWNING STREET, Aug. 11, 1852. The Queen has been pleased to appoint Philip Allen, Esq., to be Her Treasurer for the District of Natal, in South Afri ca. BANKRUPTS, Thomas Delf and Nicholas Trubner, booksellers, Paternoster Row. George Ball, wine merchant, Fenchurch Street. Robert Gleave Sutton, dealer and chapman, Landport, South- ampton. John Stevens, sail maker, Bermondsey Wall , Surrey. ...

Foreign Intelligence

... | INDIA. TUE OVERLAND MAIL, The usual despatches in anticipation of the Overland Mail have come to hand. The dates are—Bombay, April 3 ; Cal- eutta, March 24; Madras, March 25. Bombay, April 3. The Burmese expedition has by this time reached tne ren- dezvous at Moulmeim. It has been the object of the Govern- ment of India to time the despatch of the brigades from Cal- eutta and Madras, so as ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Voreiqn rknielliqeuce. FRANCE. In Paris the public seem periectly reconciled to the enor- mons dotation tor the civil list of Louis-Napoleon tined by the Senate; C'est baucoup, say some persons, but they minediately that it matters what the amount may be, as they are sure that it will be all spent in the country. Others feel a sort of delight at the vengeance taken upon the late National ...