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Caledonian Mercury

Foreign Intelligence

... arctan inielliaence. FRAN It is reported, on the authority of persons of the that Louis-Napoleon bas ordered that two mi illions twelve million: allowed to him by the Senate shall be set aside for charity, and two millions for fetes and ceremonies ef diffe- determination will add mach to his rent kinds, with a view to the encouragement of trade,, This Wednesday was the first day of the ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreiqn FRANCE, Panis, Thursday Evening.—By a decree of the Prince Pre- sident, dated yesterday, the tables for the levy of 80,000 men for the army of the class of 1852 are to be published on the 30th of January and the 6th of February next, and the drawing by lot of the 80,000 men is to take place on the 28th of We read in the On the ist of January, 1848, the effective of the army amounted to ...


... MEETING OF THE ORIGINAL LIBERAI COMMITTEE. On Monday at the three oclock, an aggregate meeting of this committee was held in the Merchants’ Hali— Me Arch bald Thomsen was called to the chair. The said he was happy te say that the sub-com- mittee of the two sections of the Liberal pariy had a very is meeting, and he thought it would be of great im- portance the same harmony should prevail at ...


... MONEY MA AND COMMERCIAL NEWS. Tuavespay.—The English fands opened with much firm- ness this morning, and in consequence of a great de- mand for stock during the day an advance of a quar- ter per cent. subsequently took place. Consols for money were first quoted 993 to 4, and they left off at 995 for money. There was not much basi- and 99% to } for the 9th of June. ness transacted in foreign ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreign Entelligence. INDIA. Letters and papers have been received by the ion of the overland mail. The dates are 4—Calcutta, Sept. 7.—Hong Bomaay, 5 15.—Sinee the of Pie lat 24. few events of note have occurred Nothing decisi: has of late taken in Burmah, which is the scene to which all eyes will be directed for the next few months. But rations are being steadily and energetically made for ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. Pants, Monday.—Yesterday was a great day at Versailles. The Prince was there for the purpose of distributing several of honour, and availed himself of the occasion to pass the garrison in review, It consisted of six regiments—two of earabiniers, two of cvirassiers, one of dragoous, and ono af the line. In passing the Prince, which the cavalry did in open column of squadrons, and at a ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Pants, Tuurspay Eventye.—There is reason to believe s that the arrangements which led to the nomination of M. de Lhuys as Minister for Foreign and M. a Magne for Public Works, were not concluded until the night LF before last, or perhaps yesterday, at all events, so far as they relate to M. Droayn de Lhays, to whom no of a direct f kind had been made before Monday evening last. M. Droayn de ...

Foreign Intelligence

... PRANCE. Petitions pray efor the establishment of the hereditary Empire are ia several of the departments. The following is a copy ef one which, it is stated, has already received many . ure sin the raral ¢ of the depart- ment of the C! MM. les Senateurs. . he undersigned inhabitants of the commune of of the Charente, have the honour to address to you the expression of their wishes. Considering ...

Caledonian Mercury

... Caledonian The is published on Mondavs and Thursdays Price annum, £2, 4s. credit; £2 paid in advance. Half year and Quarter in proportion. EDINBU RGH, THURSDAY, JULY I. We will publish a SECOND EDITION this Afternoon containing the Queen's Speech on the prorogation of Parlia- ment. We shall publish the speech of Her Majesty dissolving Parliament this day in a second edition, as soon as the In ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Sorciqn kntelliqence. FRANCE. | The Globe Correspondent, writing on Monday evenin: no- | io) tices a report that the President, yielding to the influence of ublic opinion, has made arrangements for the return of MM. Fould, de Morny, and Rouher to the Ministry, on the condition of a material modification of the decrees against the Orleans pre rty. e decision of the Council of State in the case ...

Foreign Intelligence

... borerg Ente renee. FRANCE. M. Cabet, chief of the Tearian Socialists, has addressed a letter to his adherents in France, announc ng that he was to leave London on the 18th, to return to Nauvoo, in America. He adds, that the colonv at Nauvoo have resolved to send an expedition to explore Texas, where they think a favourable site can be found for establishing a colony on Icarian Commu- nist ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreiqu kutelligence. FRANCE. According to the Constitutionnel, the budget of 1853 will be submitted to the Corps Legislatif. The budget for the present year does not contain any serious modifications of the sources of revenue. The tax on salt is not touched, but manufactu- rers of soda, hitherto exempt, are to pay 10 f, the 100 kilo- mes, which will give to the revenue five millions and a ...