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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertisement. -IMPORTANT SOCIAL QUESTION. -There is nothing more interesting and satisfactory to a ?? than tobe able to lay before his readers ae outline of a groat social and fiscal system: the one we allude to has been notieed in several of our contemporaries, but we think too briefy for its merits. It has been well said in a rocest number of Tait's Magazine that there is scarcely anything ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR SYDNEY, Direct (to sail punctually. the F201th January), the splendid frigate-built Australian Line of Packet Ship ROMAN EMPEROR, A I (belonging to Messrs. Green. well and Hali), register 793 tnWILLIAM CHAMIPION,co- mianfer~ lying at the Jetty, London Docks. This dina ship hag a spacIOu4 nop with most excellent accommodations for cabin pea. I sengers; he tween deckis being lofty andi airy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Si H A I R M E M E N T O S.-Artist in Hair._N l DBWDNEY begs to inform ladies or gentlemen resident in town or any part of the kingdom that he beautifully makes and C( elegantly mounts in fire gold, Hair Bracelets, Chains, Brooches, B1 Rings, Pins, &c., and forwards the same, carefully packed in boxes, a AT ABOUT ONE-EHALF THE USUAL CHARGE. A Book of a Specimens sent free on receipt of two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT EXHIBITION. GILASS K.-OLOCKS and WATCHES. 1jENNETT, 65, Chea~side, Inventor L.PandMrulslaidturcrof IMIRO EtD WATCHES and COCKS for fiR CLIMATES, maker to the Queen, the I RylObeervatory, and to the Admiralty. The enre Maufactory Low contiains tbs mast coxepleto stockIno- don. Peorfoct time-keeopers warraieted, with all th r aen 'Mr oveoients, as shown in BENNETT'S MOD C W 'TOH (No. 1) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D OYAL MARI ONETTE THEATRE, jLR Ada de-*lrecet, NWe Slt.inid.-TIrIS EVlINl.-G the per- iorlolnces will ci;enirere with an INTRODUC'TORtY AD: 'LSa by the Mar;ger; aher h' ?? e New Scene of Aroppou., eftillcd the Ll-:NAGI:R'S ROOM. 'lo he ?? by the ?? icl ltaliemque of BOWBA''rES FUltIOSO. 'Ihe cholc to conclude wlha it NXw Grand Ballet, ci.Id PlAU iel'E . the P'upil of S3ture.-Priva.c ntDo; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOR CALCUTTA Direct (under engagement to lloaeuralol EasttoBallIpncetually o the 5thof lnoay), he lue ?? ship TAY.. tonsregs'c, ladig ?? jees. as me-,t superier ae- conotolaiante Issongeohavnga ?? treight and passge ppl to . F CAteooEL anI C.,53, Cornhill; or to NAVGATONyE heDANUBE, from ?? R-~a iatub StamNuitatonCompany. In con junction 'with seamers from Itelshon cc Lien, ad teem Galatz to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO the HOLDERS of SPANISH STOCK.-The TCommittee presided over by Lieut-Gener.l Sir John Forster Fitzgerali, ?? having piaced themnselvrs in communication with her MBajestvys government, and ineasirces being in attive progress for procuring from the Sjmm ih authovities an alterati o ot that portion of Ihe law ef the lst Aug ist, IY51, which ?? one-half of the Interest due ulpon the C upons, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ClOOD PORT WINE, £16 per quarter cask. Excellent Sherry, £15 and £17 per ditto. Port and Sherry 108. 6d., P.s., and 13s. 4d. per gallon. Fine Brandy, 17s. Gd., 0ls., and 24s. (pale or brown), per gallon. Best Cordial Gin, 1Os. 8d., Os. 4d., Ss., per gallon. Jamaica Ru1n, 12s. and ls. 4d. per gallon. I These goods delivered, free of charge for cash only, from W 3 COAT1ES and Co.'e, 25, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCED FARES. - The GENERAL STEAM X -NAVIGATION COMPANT'S magnificent STEAM-SHIPS are appointed to leave the St. Kath rino's Wharf, for- HALOMBURG (with RS. M.'s ?? Tuesday and Friday .evening. Chiel cahin, L2i; fore, £1 In5. ROTiERDA-Every Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 morning. ANT WERP-Every Thursday, at 9I morning. OSTEND-To-morrow, 17tb, at 9 teoininqc; 215t, at 12 noon. HAVRtE-Jan. 2li, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE _N Adelaide-street, West Strand.-TIIIS EVENING the per. tormances will commence with an INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS by the Manager; atter which a New Scene of Apropos, entitled the MANAGER'S ROOM. To be followed by the Musical BurleFque of BOMBASTES FURlOSO. The wbole to conclude with a New Grand Ballet, cilled PAULINE' ; or, the Papil of Naturo.-Private Boxes and Stalls tay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURE for CORNS and BUNIONS.- AALLINGHAIAI'S ROTTERDAM CORN and BUNION 80L. A.ENT gves rehef on the first application. being a safe and certain cure in the most obstinate cases. The proprietor of tbis important chemical discovery cauions the public against base imitations which are most injurious in their effects. The genuine Solvent has the sig- nature of J. A. Sharwood on the ?? by SHARWOOD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM to INI)IA, CHINA, &e.-Particulars of the regular Mo'thly Mail Steam Conveyance and of the eddi. tiloal lines of comeooication now established by the PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY with the Fest, &C. The Company bosk passengers and receive goods and parcels sa I heretofore for CEYLON, MA ORAS, C4LCUTTA, rENANG, SINGA.. I POREo, and lION G KdONG, by their eteaaners, ...