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Daily News (London)


... MANSION-HOUSE. Levi To bes, who was a few days ago charged with having had in his possession; well knowing that they had beenstolen, a large quantity of gloves, the property of Messrs. Wilson, bosiers and glovers, in Mincing-lane, was brought before Alderman Wilson for final examination upon that charge. The prisoner had been followed from his own house in the London-road to a public house in ...

Law Intelligence

... !Lage Iuttgente. I NOTITES-THIS DAY. BANKRUPTCY COURT, BASINGRALL4TREET. BnoseE MA, CumsesoNaa FEND.-Ertmitrtiors: Donald Mac- leod, lAting, late of Bengdl, dealer, at 12; Charles Wheeler, SBr Har. tin's-lane, woollen-draper, at 12. BsarOR MR. CoaGnsseoNZa EVA,,s,-Examinatioes: GabrielCook. Tottenham.court.road, furniture dealer, at It ; hsherwood and Isher- wood, Ludgate.hill, decorators, at ...


... THE FORGERIES ON THE YORKSHIRE . BANK. James Ellis, Edward Marshall, and John Green charged with the extensive forgery on the Yorkshire Daek f ing Company, were yesterday (Thursday) again examined before the borough magistrates at Leeds, and much addi- I tional evidence was adduced, fully sustaining the charge of uttering a large number of 5?. notes in Bradford, Lejds, Sheffield, and other ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Jamses Rushton, a young man of respectable appearance, was brought before the Lord Mayor in the custody of Knight, the officer, upon suspicion of having stolen a piece of printed stuff, the property of a calico printer in the Old Change. The officer observed the prisoner on Wednesday evening between six and seven o'clock, turn from Cheapside into Bow churchvard, and put ...

Law Intelligence

... ONI'daw Ratcatiscum * ~NOTICES-THIS DAY'. BANKIRUPTCY COURT, BASI.?4GUALL.STREET. BEPort .Mrs. Con'Iirsiio FAISE.-Certifcastes: Thomas Davey, Jun., Hialslcad, buillder, at Ii; Wall and Wall, Chatham, brewers, at 1. Choice of assignees: 'I lhomas Btlnloshaw, sou'thwarb-bridge road, builder, at 2. Exasninations : Juimes liate, Windsor, builder, at 1; William White, Winchster, builder, at 12;. ...


... THE CHARGA . OP CAiW .CH.AJG , D. IRIGUETON. , | A proceeding of a somewhat extraordinary chntac- ter occurred yesterday, before Mr. Justice Erle, at Chain- bers, with reference to the case of card-cheating at Brighton (the Queen v. Broomne and others), and which it will be re- membered was a prosecution against the defendants on a charge of cheating a joung gentleman, named Hamp, at cards, ...

Law Intelligence

... RaX Rnte1Utsenm, NOTICES-THIS DAY. BANKRUPICY COURT, BASIWGUALL.STREET. Ba3Foas Ms. CnuMBo4NErS FNe.-Certificate: WiUiam Strange the younger, Paternoster-row, bookseller, at 12. Dividend: John I Bayker, at It Th ?? E. Slate, at 11; ~Walter Phesee, at I lid. dilewoodand Foster, at 126; Freeney and Gard, at 12; Thomas lIar. risen, at lii; leilbronn and Harrisob, at 1I; Besatall and Mather, eti. ...


... I n Whedcroer'sai inquisition was resumed at Belper r O' edesdyinthe presence of Turner, whovas very f calm and collected during the whole proceedings. Further evidence, establishing facts already made public, haig en oethrough, the coroner asked the prisoner r j hewoud wsh t t b read over again to him, ae 6~, 0 ~ h nosirI obervd it all. Th Y rnr hnread over the charge, find after giving ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. James Warfey was brought before the Lord Mayor, .harged with having used threats for the purpose of extort- As three young men were passing over London-bridge, on Thursday night, the prisoner said to one of them, You have robbed me of a shilling. They passed on l without noticing the insult. The prisoner then followed them, swore they had been drinking with him in a public- ...


... TIHE POLICE CO U1TS. MIANSION-HOUSE. } James Rushton, a young man of respectable connexions, was brought up for further examination, upon the charge of having stolen 36 yards of meusselin de laine, the pro- perty of Messrs. Ielkin and Co., calico printers, of Old Change. The statement made against the prisoner upon t the first examination w as briefly as follows: a Einight, a policeman of the ...

Law Intelligence

... Rab) intet-ienme, 4 NOTICES--THIS DAY. INSOLV~ENT COURT, POSTUGAL-STREt~r AT 1l-BupoRZ CMEar CeXMO55IOMES RavsOuDS.-Adjoured ria. h, soners: Augusta Sea'o Bs4tlate Amand, James Askiss the Yoauges.- ?? Adjourned protection: MaPh RtOB John M'Danelt, Tdormas Bak AT 10. -BWDPX Ha. Colssxrsaoxia LAw.-Adiourned discharge e William Hughes, Jonathan Puttoam, Georg, C'snyers, Robert Cook, ...


... In consequence ot the decision of Mr. Justice Erle in this case, at Chambers, on Friday, as reported in the Daily If ews of Saturday, a notice was served upon Mr. Sill, the attorney for the prosecution, on Friday evening, calling upon him to show cause why the prosecutor should not substitute Mr. Dunn as his solicitor, and the parties at- tended in consequence before Mr. Justice Erie, at ...