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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... 1a Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured b Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Dis e Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Poet, for 18 t Postage Stamps. c H BRE.~LTH AI'~D HA P S THE MEANB BY g Amp WHICHS THE! SBAY MIOBTA ; ,a Medical Workon 2 the Infirmities of Youth, and aturit , and Diseases of Generative System, with obse ation on the treatment of t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. This Evening (Friday) there will be no performance; TO-MIORROW EVENING (Saturday), February 28, the performances will commence with the Xeavlay of INGOMAR THE BARBAR N, Timarob, of Masailia, Mr. Bellair; Polfdor, Mr. Granby; Lykon, Mr. Bromley; Ingomar, Mr. C. King; Trino- bantes, Mr. Gladstone; Actea, Mrs. arker;. Parthenia, Mr3. Hudson Kirby. I In the course of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN US R OFFICE. I Dnbli itle, 24th Feb., 1852. N OTICE is herelve that the Levee and 1Drawing-room advertls be held in Dublin Castle on the 3rd and 4th of Maxq~/will not take place. THE WEEKLY FREEMAN.- PRICES -REDUCED. On and after SATURDAY, the 14th Inst., Tlrice of TH EE Y FREEMAN WIL E R UCED FROM Rates of XENCEc FOUR ENCE. Rates of Subscription are proportionably reduced. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Publishedr Third Edition, Illustrated with Colourer Engravinga, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases, Price. s., or in a sea~led Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. EALTH AND HAPPIIMSS, Tmx srws B, H WHICH THM MAT BEl OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of Generative System, with ob ato on the treatment of Nervous Debility ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mu GENTLEMIAN USHI'RS FFICE. Dnblin 1 24th Feb., 1852. N OTICE is hereby givenl. 4 the Levee and N Drawing-room, advertised t b ed in Dublin Castle on the 3rd and 4th of March, will not take place. 1HE WEEKLY FREEMAN, - T pf THIS DAY (Saturday), February 28tb, 18652, REDUCED TO FOUR PENCE, Death of his Grace the Arcbh hq of Dgs;Qu, DOCTOR NIURRAY, and Biography of at l pfented Prelate-N Defeat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S GREAT AMERICAN SARSPARILLA. This celebrated Ifedicine was originally discovered IN. THE YEAR 18061 Iend is theonly ?? SarsaparUllain England or America. With nearly 60 YEAUS' THIAL OD the most inveterate Chronic Maladies, it has proved itself a medicine of un- exampled virtue and value to mankind. Composed as itis of the rarest roots, herbs, flowers, buds, and seeds of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, 1DUBLIN,. THIS EVENING (Saturday ebruary 28, the perform. ances will commenoe with the N isy of INGOMAR THE B BARIAN Timareb, of Massilia, Mr. Bell ; Polydor, Mr. Granby; Lykon, 'Mr. Bromley; Ingoma T. C. King; Trino- bantes, Mr. Gladstone; Ac r. arker; Parthenia, Mrs. Hudson Kirby. In the course of the evenin the Band will perform the Court Be y Polka. After which the Grand F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEN DIFFERENT KINDS OF FISH T SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, At W. VALENTINES ITALIAN WAREHOUSES, 92, GREAT B ITA - RET, 39, LOWER ApEY- T, and 163, GREAT f jSWICSTREET. Findon Hqddies, & Cod unds, Kipperd Salmon, Spr Shetland Ling, Gor na Anchovies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Ssqn, Red Herrings, Co red Eel. A WORD ABOUT FlNDO HADPIES. An Advertisement having appeare lately from an Italian Warehouseman, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING (Monday), March 1, the performances will commence with the Now Play of THE CREOLE; os, LOVE'S FETTERS.' General Malartic, bMr. Bellair; Alphonse de Nyon, Mr. J. Webster; Antony Latour, Mr. T. C. King; Bokes, Mr. F. Robson; Virginie Damiron, Miss Parry; Louise Faurilel, Miss Marston; Belona St. Mar Mrs. Kirby. In the course of the evenin the Band will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HERE IS YOUR REMEDYI H OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT A ?? MrAcurous CtRE or' BAD LEGs ArrER FORTY. ?? YEAEB' SUFFxERING.-EXtraOt of a letter from Mr. William Galpin, of 70, Saint Mary's-street, Weymouth, dated May 15th, 1851:- 11 To PBOPEHSOR HOLLOWAY-SIm-At the age of eighteen my wife (who Is now sixty-one) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tustPublished, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured r Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 t, Postage Stamps. I t HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THEz MEAS BY q WillmC THST KAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon O the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of t Generative System, with observations on the treatment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH LE A TERE RO0YAL BI N. Tbis Evening (Wednesday) there will be no perfornlance. TO-MORROW EVENING (Thursday),' March 4,. the performances will cosmmence with the le Play of ING4OMAR THE BAR IAN. ?? Timarch of Masailia, Mr. Beiaiir jlyddor,-Mr, Granby; Lykon, Mr. Bromley; Ingomar,. inT. C. ig-' Trino boDtes, Mr. 'Gladstonie; Acte'a M. 'Parker,;; Parthenia Mrs. Hudson Kirby. After which the ...