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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... Departmenlt of' the Storekeeper General of the Navy, Somerset Place, - 15l6 h March. 1852. j Lord Hidth Admniral of the Uie Kingdom of be eaday t ttret with auc pes 1,lpons as may be willing tol 2469 Loada of English ELM\ TIM BE;K, and Februlary last, adtobdeirdatpices (iticluding Tenders may be made for the supply of any one err ?? Yards oer for the canc' A Distributionende a or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sorse hich ped. iwo, the leld, etact con- Ut a the was {all, just pect sate t of ount er of :041. se of at in acts acts pital bout i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h aiJ -I IAOFOTrFRSAEe ?? OTG ApAedneesodCs,6~otv, ~ h withnfur anls 3gsneadeie agan li RaseooCAsE.fotve18giesbyTsoh wasc rattced tt of Eunqur fJmsSaodCpo.Prs e ± PATMNT. o 72 IHSTETPRSMUH h FTe LEoufrihd-h woeo h PE e .1PR fth bv OUE e omltl kithn ...


... S. 1852. NOTICE ?? the GENERAL QUARTEB SESSIONS of' the PEACl wil be eld at the Castle of Winchester, in and foit the Sail ounty, on Monday. thle-5th day of Apil neeet, a welve 'clock at noon, for the dispactih of Count Business. On Tuesday, the 6th day of April following, th Court will be opened at ten o'tc.,rek when all Constablei Bailiffs, Jurors, ProsecuttOrs, Witnesses, and miee concerned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABJuy EXA11ViYTIOS. TO r I R. EASTMAN, R.N. gives LESSONS three afternoonsin the week, in k ortification, Geometry, ,lgebra;TrigonOmetry, &c. 7 St. (Georges'-sqtire, Poitese. 1 C~ItCHESTE;R. offei * R. HARDING RESIDENT DENTIST, may be of t] j/J consulted daily from ten to four. ' thei >chool attended by the Year. Charges very mode. maj Cate. girt St. John.street, March 25ih, 1852. pree ,ro THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t NOTICE. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in a Cause of Brown v. Oakshott, all Persons claiming to be the respective Heir or Heirs of.JOSEPH BROWN the Elder, also of HENRY WILLIAM BROWN, and JOSEPH BROWN the Younger, Sons of the above-named Joseph Brown the Elder, all respectively deceased, living at the time of the respective deaths of the said Joseph Brown the Elder, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HANDSOME BAY MARE FOR SALE. 110 be SOLD,-A very handsome BAY :hIA RE, ftive years old, quiet to rider and drive. Lowest price 251. Apply to AMr. Edward Nabin, the Hornet, Chichesler. f W~7ANTED immediately,-A respectable YOUNG :MAN, in the GROCERY and PRovIsiox r Apply C. B. Post-offics, Chichester. TO PARISH CLERKS, &c. A GOOD BoNus WILL BE GivEN. ?? REGISTER of AlARRIAGE WVY of JOHN or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wills ?? 1lVT N CES | ILL be RUN or Soberon Down (by permnission), V on Thursday, 29th April, 1852. The STEWARDS' STAKES, of Five Sovereigns each, with £20 added. Beats one mile and a half. Three years old, 9st.- fours, 10st. 4ibs.; fives, I st. 21bs * six and aged, list. 8lbs. The Winner to-be sold for 801. by auction, immede ately after the race, and the surplus, if any, to go to the fund. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EULYETT AND DIGANCE'S HAT AND CAP fe WAREHOUSE, Su 129, Quecn-street. Portsea. (if ELLYETT and DIGANCE announce to their On _ 'Friends and the Public their return from the all London and Parisian lilarkets. where they have made pu extensive Ipurchases in BEAVER, FRENCH, and Et VELVET NAPP'D HATS, CAPS, &c. embracing ant ,every novelty in style and shape adapted to the present to season the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOSS OF H. Al. STEAM1 FRIGATE t BIRRENHEAD. T a SPECIAL MEETING of the TOWN COUNCIL of the Borough of Portsmouth, con. vened by the Mayor, in pursuance of a Requisition for that purpose. and held at the Council Chamber, on Sa- eurday, the 10tb day, of April, 1852: * Moved by T. E. Owen, Esq. seconded by Mr. Gait, and resolved unanimously, That this Council having heard with the deepest asrrow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RO0YAL CLARENCE MV(TUALLING YARD, NEA~t tiZISPORT. 6 pi,15.I 11t Ari, ll~2. FA I OTICE is hereby ?? on ThfURSDA'v dow N th~e 229d Inateant, I shall be rwadyi to receive Poti tenderg in wr'iting, sealed uep, and treat for AM 1000 Quarters of W HEAT, to weigh 601 pounds per the bushel, Overweight to be paid for ; half to be Fl delivered it, a fortnight from the day of Contract, Fi and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uin Ido I to NOTICE. of an LL Persons having claims on the ESTATE of Fi .hat 2 L the late Mr. Thomas Ruabridge, of Sidlediam, jDI Siveasset, farmer, deceased, are requested forthwith to urnl send the arnountof their claims, andall persons indebted o ons to the estate, are requested to pay the amount of their P to ?? of Sidlebham, builidr, the iew nld ,xecutor of the deceased Wi late TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by THE ROYAL NAVAL BENEVOLENT has :: SOCIETY (late Charitable.)MI in E next QUARTERLY'JM1EETING of this IL of T SOCIET ,instituted 1739, for afflording relief High. io to. Officers (being Subscribers) of the Royal' Navy, their room, neP Widows and Families, under circumstrances of mirsfor- bledro Sedl tune and consequent distress, 'will be held at the and a Thatched House Tavern, St. James's ...