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Hull Packet

Advertisements & Notices

... I ht~~ipprng. - EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. _ OR PORTNDELAIDE, IL Direct, the fine Fast-sailing First- |& r Soclass Barque, HENRY TANNER, 600 Tons Burthen. Coppered and Copper-fastened, THOMAS LIGUTFOOT, Master. Lying at the Jetty, London Docks. This Ship has been employed in the conveyance of Emigrants to the Eastern Colonies: has a full poop, high 'tween decks, with patent glass lights, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . R I NT I N G of all kinds executed as TVCHEAPLY, NEATLY, &kEXPEDITIOUSLY,fi at the Hull Packet Office, as at any Office in the Town. R E A T S U P E R I OR IT TY I N va' M E D I C I N E. tes XATURE'S TRUE BALM FOK INDIGESTION, it SHERWOOD'S PILLS! un Whose Pills are the cheapest 1 the best I and the safest I M The easiest I the mildestI -moft comfurtable? to Artewer this quest on ! be not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jo HN SIS SSON S,r TAILOR, DRAPER, AND OUTFITTER, 49, MARKET-PLACE, HULL, 1)ESPECTFU LLY informs his Friends and the Public that his Stock is now replete withA PC. GOODS suited for the present Season, a great part of wvhich has been bought for Cash, under extraordi. xartey circumstances, and which he now offers at PRICES that uo HOUSE in England canrsurpass-the Cut and II Wurkmanship of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G O L D! G O L Di! G O L Di!! THE great object in life appears to be the acquisition and retention of property ! Hence T the great joy manifested at the discovery of Gold Fields in Australia, Our object in addressing you, is to inform you that by the exercise of prudence and caution in the spending of your money, you can obtain all the benefits of a Gold Mine much nearer home. IT IS S'ITUATED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11LR E D G GE'S HEA L- A L L, I lo or celebrated Embrocation, has long been known throughout the West of England as the most efficacious Remedy for Rheumatism Fresh Wounds or Cuts Rheumatic Gout Burns and Scalds Lumbago Spasms and Cramp 0 Pains in the Limbs and Stiffness of the Joints or v Numbness N eck a Sciatica and Paralytic Frozen Limbs i Affections Chilblains before they are c Tooth-ache ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aijipptnt,. iE QROM HULL FOR QUEBFC, F r with Goods and Passengers, to Sail April 3rd, 1852, a Iegular Trader, the Fine BritisS-built ship PRINCE REGENT, * IE I Red, 700 ToTs burtben, JOHN WHARTON, COmn- mander. Has good accommodation for Cabin Pas- sengers. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on Board to Mr. WILLIAM SloAsr, Nile-Street; or to G. H. HILL, Parliament-Street, Hull. WI& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m~~Jjpptng. It) sIlP BUILDERS AND OTHERS. a TO l0E SOL1D BY AUCTION, a y H. DUTCHTHAN, at the Ex- change Sale Rooms, Hull, Ott MONDAY i'st Ja, itaty 19th, 1852, at three ?? in the n Mterl1 (ti inmmediately after the Sale of the Barque HoriOtIY, ) the HlULL of the Steamer I LORD 'lbs Vessel may be seen in the Junction Dock, Hull, 51,d fortht't 1'articnlars known of the AUCTIONEER. -3.q, '0'O BE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~telaneou%. IMPORTANT CAUTION. T HE many spuricus Irsitations of Stiven's 1 t Original Green-Ginger Wine which are now offered to the Public render caution necessary on the part of 2' purchasers desirous of procuring the original articles in which has on the neck of each bottle the name of *'John Stivens6s Co. May be had, Wholesale, at the Manufactory, Bris- U tol; BargeYard, Bucklersbury, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Publf t tces TO PAIN TERS, OIL & COLOUR MERCHANTS. r HERE will be exposed for S A L E byk^ | PUBLIC AUCTION, within the Sale Room, co' 9, Mitchell-Street, and on Premises at Shore Timber Bush Glass Works, and Carron, Leith, on TstuISDAY, W the 5th of February next, at Twelve o' Clock at Noun, _ and following Days, the whole Stock of OILS, COLOUR, PAINTS, VARNISHES, PRINTERS' INKS, CHEMICALS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -i 1;1 OR Q U E BE C, with Goods 3j~w;r [r and Passengers, the first-class. British. built Ship FI.RGUS, 7()0 Tons bur- tlen, Ciptain JOHN SYtES, an experienced Corn- fiarider. This splendid Ship has snperior accommodation for cabin and Steerage Passengers, is noted for her quick passages acrOSS the Atlantic, where she has conveyed ?? lpassertgerS than any Vessel out of the Port, to their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,#JzIerttaneou~. R I N T I N G of all kinds executed as P CHEAPLY, NEATLY, & EXPEDITIOUSLY, at the Hull Packet Office, as at any Office in the Town. TA!MPS HAD FROM THE STAMI S OFFICE DURING 1851, FOR LLOYD'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER (the whole of the Receipts for which are publicly exhibited at the Office) ?? 3,472,500 FROM THE OveoCIaL RETURtNS Sale of Morning and Evening Sex 1850. Newpapers, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iasuoturo Atbrereo, GO L D! GOLD !! GO L D!!! t~fIF great object in life appears to be the acquisition and retention of property ! Pence _. the great joy manifested at the discovery of Gold Fields in Australia. Our object in addressing you, is to inform you that by the exercise of prudence and caution in the spending of your money, you cars obtain all the benefits of a Gold Mine much nearer ...