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Ipswich Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TIE COMMITTEE of Aceounats will meet at the Tinies r Tand Places underasentioned, viz..: Beetles Divisin on Friday, the 5th day of March net, t at thle King'S Iliad Inn, Beceles, at11 o'clock- ink thle Forenvoon.S Woodbridlie Div ision, on Friday, the 5th March next, at R the Shirehall, Woodbridge, at Twelve o'clock at Noon. b Jpeseici' Division, on Tuesday, the 2nd of the samc p month, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Throw physic to the (loga,-I'll note ofit.-Shakspere'. UNDER THE AND IIATRONAGE OF THE, PRtNCtPAL THE QUEEN. Ad a NOIBILI'Y. R OPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS supersede the Rotise of Inward Medicine for Coughs, Asthmn, lloarse. aess, Indigestion, palpitation at the Heart, Croup, Hosping Cough, latlsresn, cheonie Stettin. Struises, Lumbhgo. Spinal .td Rtheumatic A feettoll, Diseases of the Cheast, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE 1S5i2.-S11TFF01Ln. Pi HECOMMI'rrEE of Accounts wvll meet atthe Times Tand Piaces tuidermenutioned, viz.: flecclesn Division, on Friday, the Ills day of March next, ait the King's Head Inn, ecclel, ait 11 o'clock in the p Forenoon.T Woodbs-idue Divisiou, on Friday, the 5th March lnext, at phnI tile Shirehainl, Woodbridge, at Tweclve o'clock at Noon. may Ipsseiclh Division, onl Tucaday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, rRHEUMATISM GOUT, FLATULENCY, HEAD. i ACE; INtO1ESTION, BILE, NEnVOUsW ESs, DEBILITY, C PILES9. FISTULfA Isc. TO P Ul IFY THlE 8YSTEl urgatires harvehitherfobeeait snlt n relred on, hut whfle ruch remediea cleane, they sortst of necenity . DEBILITATE the Stsfferer* hence, in many intanetes, to use an old erareeelon, the reteryt is as bud as the disease. Id ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L-DEBENIJAM, SUFFOLK. IMPORTANT SALE OF Fat Beasts, Frt Sheep, Fat llogs, CHOICE DAIRY OF COWS, E1xeellent Brecdibko Sowes, Carl Colts, Fililes, &e., &e., The 1'roperty oth Jw. Nqorris, Esq. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HIENRY CROSSE, Oil Moniay, ?? 8th, 1852 (without reservc), at Twelve o'clock for One precisely;-comnprising 1- Superior FAT STEERS and HEIFERS. 1 .2 Capital Shorthorn BULLS. 8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC FOR THE ORGAN OR HARMONIU1I. THE AMATEUR ORGANIST: ?? soft and full Voluntaries, arranged in Books, 3s, each, by EDIIWARD TRAvIs; the first six Books may be had in Onoe Volume, ele- lieitly bound, 1I0. 1 3r. Travds, in his Amateur Organsti bloss (Iemonstraled an unIver- eel acqeeleninmce with the hest models, an excelleit Jedgment hlx select- jig, anid extreme, t1ase l the rraeegecent. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT BALE OF Agricultural 5m]ai Farin Requisites; C£onsprisniy Shepp) 7'ioiqhis, BloIck Dins, TwO Do) e Gates and Lifts, 30 pair Gate Posts, 2000 Pel Feoet, and Weather Boards, Fencinl , Slabs, 4-c.; ITwvo Shep- herds' Jmises, 3 Wepgqsss, I Scetch and I other ?? and Sundry Imnplementrs, Ily AUCTION, by B1. MOULTON, 4'N Mlonday, the 8th (lday of Almrll next, at 11 o'clock, in a Mlcadow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Suffolk Lent Assizes, 1852. HlE Commissior of Nis; Pris, of Oyer and Termniner, 11T and of General Gaol Delivery, wc l; e opened at the Shirehalt, in Bury St. Edmund's, on Saturday, thle 20th of March, 1852, before the Right Htonourabtle JOHN LORD CAMPBELL, Chief Justice of our Lady the Queen assigned to hold Pleas before the Queen herself, and the Honourable Sir CHARLES CROMPTON, Knight, one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir CtOUGH JUJUBE LOZENGES.-These valunibleJu- a jubes are composed of the nnost approved expecto- r rants, with pure film, whilt, by relieving tile Irrilatior in th air pins. sages, present a sote, ntreeable, and ceficelious meillehu il all cases a offlistitian, browelills, dittieat respirution, eeomantptivL complaints, ,adll all other nffeetions of the chest and lings. Prepaored and sold s w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEDHAM. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SHOP FI.XTURES, &e. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. COOK and SONS, On Wednesday, March 17th, 1852, at the Sun Inn, re- moved for convenience of Sale. THE FllRNITURE and IN-DOOR EFFECTS, &c., of T Mr. GEO. MASON.who is leaving theNeighbourhood, Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock. Catalogues mav be had at the Place of Sale; and at Messrs. Cook and Sons' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Jtut PubUiehea, int boards. Svo., price 5.., THE, STOMACH & ITS DIFFICULTIES,T By Sir JAMES EYRE, M.D.,T Licentiate of the Royal Colle e of Physicians, of London; TE Consulting Phyaiclan to the At. George's and St. James's for Diuenar;Atthr f Prctca Rmarks on some the ExaatntDsassen Eiio.'et Lonon JhnChrcil, riceg treet, Sohio. for (lea Tisi day' Is published, lart I., price an., SW THE BOOK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIarwici Pie', &C. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. H IHE Corporation of Harwich purpose proceeding forth- vwith to carry into effect the Provisions of their Act of Parliament of last Session, forthe CONSTRUCTION OF A TIMBER PIER, with Low-water Landings, and por- tion of the Quays and Dredgin o Plans and Specifications wil be ready on and after the B 26th day of March instant; and Tenders will have to ...