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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDNS Correspondents who do not find their communfications koticed may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline 0 do0so.- r11 POS-OFFICE AND OUR S~iPSnI ENT.-Hr stated distinctly, in ILOYD'S NENYSPAPER Qf thC 14th aced 21st ult., that the s appleintmet would not go free throughthe post-office, unises a Stamped edition were forwarded. Mlany of' our subscribers hove foilen into the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIVERPOOL LINE OF PACKETS TO AUSTRALIA: EStablished in 2848. A NNA PAULONA, 1,100 tons, for ADELAIDE; to sail the A lst of November. GENERAL LIST, 1,400 tons, for MELBOURNE; to s01l the lst of November. RLATE,, 1,500 tons, for llELBOURNBN to saithel1thof Nov SEA, 1,000 ters, far MELBOURNE; to sail the let of De. Those shdps are alt frst close, asid carry experlesced eurgeena. They have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRANDY AND WATER versus BEER. Drink Beer-Think Beer.-Dr. Johnson. [HE best and most economicel substitute for malt liquor, be- T yond doubt, is a dilation of that newly-discovered pure ansi wholesome spirit, which we are introducing with each extraordi- nary success under the appropriate title of EAU DE VIE; which poseesses the identical flavour and all the estimable properties of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTLEY'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE. Proprietor and Manager, Mr. W. Batty. mO-MORROW, and during the week, will be presented the TL magnidcent new equestrian spectacle of BONAPARTE IN EGYPT; or, the Battle of Aboukir, producing in its representa- tion a most truthful picture of that exciting period. -To be fol- lowed by SCENES in the ARENA of the most novel and pleasing description, supported by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO 0ORUSOND3. Corrfipudena wo doiotfind their 0001nimimitiOfls notiedmayinfe tht w canot nswr temor decline to d so Wefurt~ercanot, nde A1Y CIRCUM- 5TAWH5 CHEGEoUEXLV5 WTH HTURN OF MSS. A LANcAsHIF3 PEASANST.-We shall be happy to see some~ shorter effusions than that sent. ONE 0F THE SxA3T Fpes,-The length of the com- munication ?? us unwillingl toion omt ?? An these busrtimesdcrhity will best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD DR. JJACOB TOWNSEzID5s GR]LAT AIERLICAN SARSAPARlILA. HrtIS CELEBRATED MEDICINE was originally discovered i in the year 1805, and is the only genuine Townsend's Sar- saparilla in England er America. Competed as it is off ail thb rareet roots, herbs, flowers, buds, and seeds of plants that grow on American soel, with Sarsaparilla aS their Base, it holds in combination a greater amount of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Correspondents who de not find their communications noticed, may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so. The great number of communicatiours we re- ceive, containing questions which any person, disposed to take the same trouble as they would put upon us, might answer for themwelves, reniders this notice neces- sary. RIGHT OF VOTING IN CITIES AND BoROuGHs.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. THE KeSSUTN SHAKSPERE TESTIMONIAL. - Very shortly the subscription list will be closed, and an ac- credited treasurer appointed to receive all outstanding subscriptions, Oarfriend, who writesfrom Alcester, may then pay in his collected 7s. 7d. LISBON, RUA DAS QUELHAs.-_The proffered correspon- dence isdeclined. ROYALTY VERSUS RECREATION. - Kew-gardens are amongst the most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORR0lSPONDEr;TS. W. gh. DxaewffAa.-W have only roomfor the conclud- ing paragraph o f our correspondent -`Open the Crytolpaaceonthe Sabbath, and you will require te adtda-tnalalabour of seie hundreds of working men; you Will, doubtless, afford a precedent for open ing other public institutions, and thus call into requisi- tion the labour of hundreds more who now esayoy their Sabbath day'o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OORRE8ONWTS. Correspondents whoo dos not find their commssti6dclin noticed, may infer that wve cannot answer therm, or declune tdo dso5. The great numb er of communications we re- civ e, containinggquestions which anyp~ rson, disposed to take the same trouble as they would impose upon us might answer for tbemsevesvesdeo this nothisce necessary. THE CHuRCH sIN SILK AND IN SACKCLOTH. -A peti- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT' NATIONAl. STANDARD THEATRE Propir4tor, Mr. John Dousglass. Success of the original madame Warton and Troupe-Engage ment of Mr. Arthur Nelson, the Rock Melodist, and Pine-stie: Harmonist; also M. Plimmeri, the celebrated delineator c the Monkey ?? hit of The Betting Boy's Career. T[O-IIORROW, and during the week, the performances wil TL commenoe with THE BETTING BOY'S CAREhLR Sup ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY Or LONDON THEATRE. Under the Acting Direction of Mr. E. P. Saville. Revival of Leola, the Corsican Maid-Immense success of The Dream Spectre.' TO0-MORROW, and during the week, to commence with the 1drama of LEOLA, THE CORSICAN MAID. In which M~essrs. Saville, Johnsitons, W. Searle, Wilkins, Coreno, Heslop, Halaewood, Iderelli, Hlenry, Dougias, 8'ramptss, Charles. Mlrs. Vining, Mrs. ...