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Morning Chronicle


... GOODWOOD RAOES. Thefollowing horses, besides those trained byT. Taylor, and several others of wbom no return has been received, are expected to be in the neighbourhood by this evening:- Backbiter, Champion, Don Juan, Newmninster, Iris, Croupier, Longbow, Auld Acquaintance, Hobby-horse, Haricot, Piadulphus, Plumstead, Lady-in-waiting, Missive, Weathergage, Selina, Lady Harriet, Joe Miller, ...


... HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. STArGxOUNDS. Batli Subscription ..Tucsday ?? Horso alnd Jockey, Kings- dow's . . 10 30 Friday .. Pristoll .10 30 Bon. F. Petre's . ?? Tuesdny ?? Axe and Comipasses,High Rlling ?? 11 30 Baron Rothschild's..Monlday ?? Goldby's-farmn ?? 11 0 Thursday. ?? . 11 0 Fomiousnrcs. Atherstonc ?? AIlojoalay ?? Barton-in-tbe-beans ?? 10 45 Tucsday ?? . Birchley Hayes .10 45 Thursdiay ...


... TAT Jl'ESALL'S- OYDAY. THE GRAND DUKE MICHAEL'S STAKES. Offers to bacek Stockwell agst the field, and to lay 3 to 1 agst any other. THE HOPEFUL STAKES. 6 to 4 offcred on Air. Osbaldtston's Syl phine TiEE TWO-YEARS-OLD TRIENNIAL STAKES. S to 5 on Lord Clifide's Pelion (taken Pp.) 3to 1 agt Air. Waucsope's Catherine Hayes (offered) THREE-YEARS-OLD TRIENNIAL STAKES. 5 to 4 agbt Mr. Merry's Hobbie ...


... SPOR TING, NEWMARKET I. IO'GRTON MEETING. MONODAY.-The Critcrioi Sttriies of 30 ?? each, 20 ft., for two-yr. oie;s colts, 8st lb ; fillie, Sit 6ib. Winners extra. From the turn'tof the lands in. Mr. Payne's Specd tile Plough, Sat 71b ?? (Flatmnll) 1 Mr. Bowes's Wost Australian, Sot 71b ?? (F. Butler) 2 Lord Exeter's Filbert, Sat ,Ih ?? (Norman) 3 Duke of Becdford's Sittingbourne, Sit 131b ...


... SPOR TING IANTELLIGEACE. NEWMARKET COURSING MEETING. FesDmA.--The Cup.-Mr. Dohede's Dot and his Dunlke'd di- vided. The Oaks.-Deciding course: Mr. Gillett's Glenluce beat Mr. Dobede's Delight, and won the stakes. The Exiling Stakes.-Dediding course: Mr. Fyson's Frank beat Mr. King's Really-l-must, andt won the stakes. HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. The Suffolk hounds meet tomorrow at Felehani Green, on ...


... SPORTING INTB'LLIGIN CE. TATTERSALL'S-MOSDAY. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE STAKES. 2 ta 1 agst Mlr. J. Stanley's Teddington 7 to I - Mr. Williams's Chief Justice 10 to 1 - Mr. Drew's Ballet Girl 12 to 1 - Mr. T. Part's Clothworker 25 to 1 - Mr. Choyce's May Day 25 to 1 - Count Bathyany's Jack in the Corner 26 to 1 - Mr. Crawfurd's Darkie In giving the above quotations we are governed by the offers to lay, ...


... ROYAL VICTORIA YACUT CLUB REGATATA. NEW RACE FOR THE £50 CUP. RYDE, TUESDAY.-In consequence of the decision of the committee on Saturday rendering void the sailing of Tuesday for the prize cup of £50, yesterday morning was appointed for again contesting it. It was expected that a larger number ofyachts would have been entered, but the following only appeared at the starting point off the pier: ...


... SPOR1ING INVTBLLIBENCE. er BETTING ON SATURDAY. WARWICK TWO-YEAR-OLD STAKES. ro 2 to I agst Catherine Hayes (taken freely). re WARWICK HANDICAP. se 5 to I agst Ethelvelf(t) 10 to I agpt Selina(t) e- 6 to' I - Cnieus(t) NORTHAMPTONSHIRE STAKES. A 6 to I agst Chief Justice (laken) ar METROPOLITAN HANDICAP. s o 00 to I offered agst Hesse Homburg p CHESTER CUP. a, I8 to 1 agst Iligh Sherif 40 to I ...


... SPORTINQ INTELLIGENCE. g theo aged I ASCOT HEATH RACES. b The following outline of the engagements for cbh ensuing meet- him iug includes the entries made on Saturday Lfter- TUESDAY.-The Trial Stakes of 6 EovS each, and 50 added; for two. gree- yr-olds, 4st 41b; three, 7st Sib; four, 8st 71b; five, Ost* six- ition, and aged, Dst 31b. The new mile. ice Nancy, 4 yrs Merry Peal, 4 yrs g be ...


... 5 NEWMARKET FIR.ST SPRING MEETING. W NEoseDA.-Sweepstakes of 15 sovs each, 10 ft, for two-yr-olds. The Duke of Richmond's f by Touchstone out of Cuckoo, 8st 31b (Flatman I Lord Clifden's Molasses, 7st 31b ?? ?? Man) Even betting. Won very cleverly by half a length. Runin 1 min. 23 sees. Match: 160, h ft. Ab.M. The Duke of Bedford's Exeter, 4 yrs, 8st 71b ?? (P. Butler) i Lord Ribblesdale's ...


... SPOR TING. NEWMARKET FIRST OCTOBER MEETING. TUMsDAY.-The Buckenham Stakes of 800 sovs each, h ft, for two- yr olds; colts, set 71b; fillies, 8st 4tb. One to the post. 3 subs. Mr. Payne's Estrella . ?? (Flatnian) 1 Mr, Mare's f by Touchstone, out of Kitty of Coleraine (Chrlton) 2 Lord Eg)lInton's Vanderdecken ?? Marlow) 3 Betting: Even on Estrella, and 2 to 1 aget each of the others, Estrella ...


... TATTERSALI:S-MOb'DAY. THE SOMERSETSHIRE STAKES. . 5 to 2 agst Dlka of Bedrord's Hugo (taken) 6to 1 - Mr. Williams'sChiefJustice 6 to 1 - Mr. T. Dawson'sTon Pumeh 6 to 1 - Mr. Isaac Day'slWaterfall C to 1 - Mr. Hale's Grand Ducbess Exeter was declared not to start, about half past two yesterday (Monday). DERBY. 6 to 1 agat Mr. Merry's Hobble Noble 8 to 1 - Lord Osford's Alcoran (t ko 9 to 1) 10 ...