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Morning Chronicle


... CHUROH MUSIC. ?? nE EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE. fila1 have read with much pleasure,in your paper of the 26th dUst., the setter of O. P. ?? on Euglish psalmody. ,Chuxthmen aire now opening their eyes to the existing state of Church anusio. The Lreat error appears to me to belthat too much is left in the discretion (if I may use the word)-of the organists, and that in many instances there ...


... TUlf GREAT EXHIBITION. REWARDS TO THE ROYAL SAPPERS AND MINERS. WooLweica, JA&N. 2.-The non-commissioned officers and men of this branch of the Ordnance corps, who were lent to the Commissioners of- the Great Exhibition in 1851, have received the rewards pairchased for them with the £600 voted by the Commissioners as a testimony of their approval of the general good conduct and services ...


... THEls LATE ORBaA T EXHIBIIYOlN. ,REPORT OF JURY ON CLcASS IX. | - AOR5CULTURtAL IMPLEMENTS. It may be remembered that upon the appointment of the 9Jurors at the late Great Exhibition, the Commissioners de- .cided that one of the members of each jury should be nomi-I f nated as reporter, to prepare a report upon the particular class of subjects submitted te it, such repart to be drawn Up ...


... MAXS1oNETTE THEA TRE. A full-dress rehearsal of the novel and ingenious per- formances about to be given at the theatre which has been substituted for the Adelaide Gallery, in the Lowther Arcade, took place last night, in presence of a numerous circle of spectators invited by the director. Reserving all criticism until the public shall be admitted, we wvill only say that the salle has been ...


... .MUsSIC. MILLENNIAL LAYKS, OR *UARRIAGE FEAST CANTICLES. Words and Music by AnsIe. (H~art, Hatton-garden.) -These Millennial Lanys are published in a double version, French and English. Ariel, howvever, we fear, is a poet neither in the one language nor in the other, while his musical compo- sitions, particularly in respect to their harmonic handling, smack strongly of amateurism. As an effort ...


... WATKIN (iN A?t1ERICA.? Written by a gentleman whose habitual avo~ca-! tionls are those of active business life, and who; speaks with obvious and creditable sincerity of the blessing of daily work, these letters par~take strongly of the shrewd, practical character vwhichi might be expected. But, although they mnake no! pretension to what are ordinarily called the orna-I ruents of style, they ...


... THE ARCHITECTlURAL EX HIBITION. |We welcome the second year's collection of architectural drawings and designs, which opened on Saturday at the Port. land Gallery, not merely for its own sake, but because it is a vigorous and substantial protest against a grievous wrong and injustice. Year after year the architectural profession have complained of the contempt pot upon architecture by the ...


... ROYtab MARIONETTE' THEA.. l E. It is, we believe, about twventy-five years since Mario- nettes, or speaking and acting puppets, were exhibited in London, the last performance of any note of the kind having taken place in the old Argyll-rooms, shortly before they were burnt down. Mlost continental tourists, how. ever, have seen the performances of automata actors of the kind, not only in Italy, ...


... A STRANGE MISSIONSi TrPRON - ABODE OF LOVE. f The Salisbury Berald gives the following strange Ilarratie of a mission frona the Ag-apemnone --A highly r lyetb grocery and provision business is carried on ill this 'as the uirn of Style and James, in High East-streetl ti U~lroeer pat~rin teconcern being a widowaott5lr years of age, who is possessed of propty rt5 the business. This lady, it ...


... * There was a poor old blind woman who used to rei hobble about Smyrna last year-probably she has pri ceased to do so now-who had outlived all her thi friends and relations, and subsisted upon casual of charity, Her mind (such as it was, for she had be- of come very simple) did not occupy itself much with rat cares for the day, far less for the morrow, but ber sel sole wail and plaint was that ...


... DR ,TR I-LANE THEA TRE. 'Phe opera season, which was to ha v cormmeneed on h vrs ciing with lea Diuvorol, was actually inangl. rated lbst night Ily a most successful and excellent perforin- , uce of MtAvcERIBEEt'S immortal work, Robert le Diable; and indeed, after all, the performance was, at the very least, as eortby ?? opening of the season as the dieut of Mr. and P rs. SIqs R EEVES. The ...


... * The title bestowed by Mr. Hoskins on the volumes 1t which record his impressions as a tourist in the r Iberian peninsula is too ambitious, because too v comprehensive. His publication might have more ap- propriately been called An Outside View of Spain t and its Inhabitants, and an Inside View of its a Churches, Museums, and Picture Galleries. The a picture galleries,indeed, seem to ...