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Advertisements & Notices

... QgantetXg l - WANTED, £ThO on Landed Property.- VV Address W. Z., Hull Packet-Office. 19th March, 1 852. h T J W1. GODBERS, llOStEe, GLOVER, and it I GENTLEMAN'S OUTFITTER, 31, WVhitefriargate, -lull, is in immediate WANT of a steady and active young Man as an ASSISTANT1. n ~ OBIRT FOSTER, GENEeRAL GROCEoR, t AND DEALSE IN SHIPS' STOaES (duty free,) is it Vn AN 1' of an APPRENTICE. i NorLh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE CAFFRIF' WAR AT THE CAPE. EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM AN OFFICBR: oyur timely present of COLES's ALGA MARINA or ssence of SEA WrED, has proved quite a Godsend here. The ?? had so increased since my here from constant exposure, that I suffered agony lay lad night, and was-about to invalid, being quite helpless. ,l'hrgee days' use of the.Essence has entirely set toe up, d ams now as wvell as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4.u0tneai Abrei 0t. THE TEA ESTABLISH-.M ENT. jANE of the-first considerations every Purchaser of Tea should entertain is to procure 11 FIRST CLASS TEA. The difficulty is created by Vendors whose necessities compel thena to resort to the expediency of paffing off INFERIOR LOW PRICED, as a substitute for superior sorts, If Purchasers consult the 'Weekly Price Current, they will at once see that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY E0 l THE LEEDS DISTRICT.-In the Matter of JOnS nol INSON, of HONLEY, in the parish of Almondbury, in . county of York, dyer, dealer and chapman. a ?? dated 12th November, 1847.-Before Mr. Commlssiowrer.irsrd Meeting to Audit the Accounts of the Assignes oat the d4nv named B.,,krnpt, on Monday, thc Third of Naov at, att C-unitof Banirnptty, Commercial Bnildiugs, Leed' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W EST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE SPRING SESOI33ONS. 1552.-NOTICE la hereby givent, that the SPRING GieNEIIAL, QUA10YRfi SESSIONS of the Pesce for the Wetst-1iling of tihe counitY of Ysork will be bolden at POrN- TBPFRACT,o~n Afo.nrayf1i, Pitifltiday of April sext, at eev-n o'clock in tiso forenoon, anid on every succeeding day tile court will open at nine o'clock. Prosecutore lund WIttleS8os in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS AND THE TRADE. STAR OFFICE, 16, Great Windmill-Street, March 20th, 1852. The Proprietors of the STAR beg to intimate to Subscribers and the Trade, that in future it will be Published by Mr. JAMES BuZER, 183, Fleet-street, instead of Mr. PAVEY, Holywell-street. Country Newsvenders, who receive their supply through Town Agents arid not direct from this office, will please ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO HEALTH! j ° L L ° W A Y P I L LS. CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Letter fromn sir. R. If. Kirkus, Chemist, 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Sin,-Your Pills and Ointment have stood the highest on cur sale list of Proprietary Medicines for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T E : T32l N Al', I NS 4T I TUTE for Al1WRS1111 and AtTlISTS, 'FverS Aii Onfi vvien-a. r(qsttve sclue ta~rtiv'oir bonjias of Intnt~t ; Sriii niatitarast h'aeio ni I onsee ?? .a let, ?? induce ~OA~ic~,Ahti,-n ;and the ?? , of ?? halve ?? he1(ir trovan aentA on ilhe ?? 1sseitiasn and1 CIrvOn ?? Oaf Mitorary Men find Artiets. TrA ~ijne with inntal sn0Vha-vs. t1hat Is, Alen v~olti re minre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE I ATIIENiEUM INSTITUTE for AUMOlWlS and ARTIfiTS. 301, S clkville-litreet, London. 'EveeY companionship of me eur oeparticular bonds (if ~snoo; smenatca baisand tome common object chelth' tinluce concentration ; and the promoters of this undertaking have based 'their arrangements on the peculiarl position and circtumsltances of LITerary M en and Artilits. ztsdefig wvith mental workers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EEDS BOROUG1H ELECTION,-A MEET- L1 ING of the LlBIEltAL EtECT]llS of this borough will be bold In the irssle llall, Albioll-street, on Mondilav next, ths 21vesnet,,rc rn inst . at seven o'clock. p.m.. wetln the Right Hln. d1 r. BAINES, AlP aud Sir GE(. GUODMAN, Knight, Will address thoe Electorr. TTIlit)?ttS MiORGAN. Secretery. CoimalittO34oso, 11 ahnd 12;C, Cit erciail Buildings, Mlarch I,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1Nottcea. IIgRE UJNJUN RAILWAYS AND p9 .0 NIPANiY '-NOTICE is hereby given, that the i cst l N'BENAtASl EICETIiNG of the Shareholders O C; ALT Union Railways and Canal Company, will ,A^L 5lIll'l're 110101, Shrewasbury, on Thursday. the Tivelntu- ?? (Jjrllt ?? ?15111 at Io 'lck its the ?? e~ .45l5(l11 il I'p2. ilty order of the Board, ROII'T. S. S;3EY, See. - 2tcec, EustonStation. London. rca ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rI [ADVERTISEMENT.] iy -: TO THUI EIDITORS OF THE LEEDS MERCURY. a Green Ilanimerion, MMUt March, 1852. of DSAtR Sias,-A few weeks ago, a paragraph ap- 10 peared in tins ?? sivlni an account of a fatal Acei- deut which occurred to William Jackson, a labourer on m the East and West Yorkshire Junction Railway, and e a resident in the township of Green HEammerton. He left IO a wife and seven ...