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Advertisements & Notices

... l ?? a- TOWNSHIP OF GLADSTONE. ?? CANTERBURY SETTLEMENT.1 h, HE COMMITTEE of Intending Settlers r Tr, in ?? of Gladstone, Sir Thos. Tancred, Bti, ;. Chairman, meet daily at No. 9, Adelphi Terrace, London, c] le ?? 11 till 4 o'elock, for the purpose of answering b ?? enquiries and supplying information. An outline of the s, is, plan of the proposed Township, appeared in the New it. Zealand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SNOOK'S APERIENT FAMlILY PILLS. .4 rmost excellent *'e'dicine .1or Bilious and Liverr Complaints, lIndigestion,Giddirress, Loss sf Appetile, ,Uead.Aclhc,lHeartbnrnI Flatulence. Spasmis, osstivencss, &c. THEIR Composition in truly excellent; they do not T contain any Antinronial or Mercurial Preparation whatever, and (10 not reqjuiro the toast confineumoot or alteration of diet (moderste ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ti, | CTo be DISPOSED GW, 0 bl temstheGOODWILL Of a, 11rst-raste' DISPOSED OF immedliately, VARZr Sj - MANUFAT BUSINESS 5 otand IS qntte central tbar tecsnd. IIITAle3 ed for doing tie work. lent ModeraT e, W f e JcthsoclieadsP for a person of scall capital. Th oresett ?? who wishes to decliflo the Bunstn oal. Aige VI, s0 ?? Alfrod-street, IcuTA n p RY & GENERAL BUSINESS. GRO i~oD the wideath ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIREAT WES ENS 'RAILWAY. J. GOUGH, ?? the rtta'ehhsreletfrt1last Ten Years, takes this opporta cI ties increased. accommodation reerdi hgeeh esFR NISFIEI) a Spacleu.' HOUiE ?? o Prvte moderate chgrges. a -~g8 11 moderate Omnliib~utsebS ip0tis Jl)daoodr e~ve~ry Thllree MinuesS to all parts of Towm. H OQO.TS AN D SHO ES.: LADIES' P er Do ?? Cloth or Cashmere Boots .. .. .. from ?? Ditto Double ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE UNIVERSAL FRIEND, Ai EPPXCACIOiUt TRE~MEy AND CURE FOR THE PILES.-It isaB well known fact that this disagreeable complaint is one of v ery common occurrence in all classes of Society, and that its tediouis. painful, and unipiestacut concomitants are of the most distresaiing description. The Proprietor of the Remedy now offered to the Public, a Gentleman in private life, having bad numerona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPETS!C! GE,,NERAP,-iL FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, .2C,( ,;_HjGff STRBETBJXTER,--260. 11NI TN TONAR t ECIS Cespectfully to infor m the Nobility, r and clergy, that he has received a large atp ~un t of th n Newest Patterns and Colours in *W^,tC DED, WATERED, FIGURED, & PLAIN 4 IrISH POPLINS, Wh~1'11 fomo, their elegance, durability, and cheapness, havc glinecl the patronage of Royalty, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CE.STABLIHED1I4 lGEE JFDICXL',INA] ' D tt' nd GENE ALG 1 th -last Tonst Tenear s this Society ba a issued ,2iriiThre Thousand Tt Three H tdfd and Fifft s leri A rances to the e xtent of Thirteen Hundred adpudand U~piards- 1-i ?? Premiums amontting to wartyt1 Fifty- Pounds. is the only one possessing Tables for the 0oe1 Diseased Lives. t.I iys assured at ho me and abrd at lower thn at m ott ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qT-O be SOLD. by Private i _ Contract, either together or ,separate, _ v J ~A HORSE, A-nd a neat GIG and HARNESS. The Horse is iS hands high, good in saddle and har- ness, a first-rate hunter, and seven years old. For particulars, apply to W. M., at the Office of this Paper. DEVON AND EXETEB HORSE BAZAAR, AID VETERINARY INKIRMARY. FIamOR SALE, by Auction, by ?? XL Mr. JOHN WARE, at the DEVON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, a GREY HORSE, 1_ five years otd, 15j hands high, .wrrantod in every respect sound, good in double and single harness, and rides welL Also, a Tandem and Wheel Harness, iq bkoellent condition. Also, Haymads Patent Gig, in very good condition. .To be seen at Avisi's MEWS, Sonthernhay. DEVON' AND EXETER HORSE BAZAAB, AND VETERINARY INFIRMARY. -VOR SALE, by Auction, by Xl 31r. JOHN WARE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTCH FIR POLES. . WANTED, A LARGE QUANTITY. W Apply to Mr. W. WOLLAND, Timber Dealer, Steam Saw Mills, Exeter Basin. Exeter, December 22nd, 1852. DENT'S PATENT CHRONOMETERS, lev WATCHES, and CLOCKS.-E, J. DENT begs leave to inform the Public that he has beenAWARDED, by the Jury of the Great Exhibition of 1851 ; the ONLY COUNCIL MEDAL given in horology to the English exhibitors; also, a Prize ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ATENTED to ?? the above sul, npon V an Estate of good Freehold Land Security. [,Letters addressed to A.B., at the Office of this Paper, dt 'stating the lowest rate of Interest, will be immediately attended to. et ROCKBEARE,DEVON. To be LET by Tender, from Lady-day . 1 for a Term of 7, 10, or 14 Years, as may be reed on. all that niessuage, lands and tenements, cal]6a rALMERS, AND HERN OR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW GOODS FOR TE SPRING. WILCOOKS AND'BROCK a A RE daily receiving Fresh Goods. - Their a STOCK of NEW SHAWLS,; N ONS, NEW PRINT , NEW STYLES IN DRESSES; Is every larger The extent of Purehases madeby W. .and B. enable them to buy cheaply;, audl to offer greater advantages to the Public tban any other Honse. I L FUNERALS.' SUPPLIED. D, 177' AND; 178, FORE-STREET, EXETER. a A Vacancy for a ...