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Advertisements & Notices

... .s1t t'ulihstlie, £hlra iuMr, Mirat tM winLA Colourd Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Dissses. Price :I1., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HI EAI;rH AND 1APPINESS, THm MEANS BY wl WcOst THEB &Y BER OBTAImtD, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTOBELLO WINE STORES, I P At the Rere of the Grand Canal Hotel, PORTOBELO. G. CALLAGHAN, General Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant. WINES. Fine Old Port, 869. per dozen; Fine Old do., second qua- lity, B0s.; Good Old do., 269.; Finest Brown or Pale Sherry, 36s.; do., second quality, 30s.; Light Dinner Sherry, 26s.; Calcavella, Madeira, Champagne, . &c. SPIRITSJ7 Pine Apple Whiskey, lOs. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC MEETING IN TUAM. of _ ?? aT Meeting held on Sunday last, in the Town in Hall, Tuam, tC P. T. BIURKE, Esq, Chairman Town Commissioners, tS presiding, in the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:- a Proposed by Mr. William Gannon; seconded by Mr. James Healy: P Resolved-That the speedy legislative egnition of the rights of the tenant is essential to the salvaU of Ireland. That ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lust Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price 18., or in a sealed Envelope, free by:Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. fEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE iqANS BW 1I WHICH Tlikt BAY UP oTArcIcD, ?? Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and of Generative System, with observations ?? of Nervous Debility and Indigestjn, whesr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENEVA WATCHEES. GOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, &C., Sole extensive Geneva Watch Warehouse in this country. S C B I B E R, by Royal Warrant, Watchmaker to the Queen, 23, WESTMORLAND-Sr4ET, DIBLIN, ; ESPECTFI L begs itgintimate that there R is no otber Forel zaatch rehouse or Manufacturer in this country, as the Wajhhes ?? houses are bought principally in London e% elsewre, and at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cr7~YiTY1ROYAL, DUBLIX. , THIS EVFNING ('Monday), May 24, 1852, will be presented the Play of THE STRANGEQ The Stranger, Mr. T. C. King; M Haller, Mrs. Hudson r by fellowe by a Ballet Divertisse ent, by Mdlle. Ernestine I St. Louin and tbe Co de Ballet. jI tbe course of the Evening he Band will perform Our Pol After which Shakespe e's Comedy of KATRARiNE ANPETRUCHIO. petruchio. Mr. T- C. King; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE NANT-PJGIT. ptli ?? b 6oNTlAION OkF KONAGHAN. E, the undersigned Clergy and Freeholders of ' the County of Monaghan, request a General Meeting of the Clergy, Freeholders, and Land- holders, of the County, at CASTLEBLAYNEY, on WEDNESDAY, the 16th June, to take effec- tive measures to secure the triumph of Tenant- Right, in the return of Dr. Jomn GRAY, the Tenant- Right Candidate for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.. o, TIHIS EVENI Friday), June 25, 1852, will be Itsd 'DraI dbf' CLARI IDDOF MILAN. Dake Vivaldj, Brdl&; coso, Mr. J. Webster; 1roealo, Mr. T. C. King 1 C4a Miss .1fmi Stanley; Vespifla, Miss Saunders. After which Shakepe e'a y of KATHARINE AN UCEIO. petrochio, 3r. T. C. ing; alaftrine, Mrs. H. Kirby. La Valse de I Reino by M lie. Ernestine St. Louiu. After which the abel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --ELECTIONS. TO TgE ELECLORS OF THE QUEEN'S COUNTY. GE.,TLKMVIC?, IN deference to the unanimous call made upon me by the Clergy and People of this my native County at the Meeting in Maryborough, on the 24th irstant, I venture to appeal to you for your suffrages at the next Election. My professions of political principles shall be few, as I be- lieve they are already known to you all, and that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ETRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. FOE THE BENEFIT OF THE COACHMAKERS' rEMIGRATION SOCIETY. D TlIS EVNXING (Wednesday June 16, 1852, will be I presebted the Draumtn( Play of PAUJLINE. Count Horace de Bo-u-vl Nr. C. King; Lucien de Norval, Mr. Bromley; Paulinej brs. Hudson Kirby; Csbrjelle, ?? Kat 1) dn. In the course of the Evenin the Band will perform Oa Polkt and theI erald Waltzes. After which the lang ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Edition, Illustrated with Colon102 Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative D19956 Price Is., or in a ealed Envelope, free by Post, for18 Postage Stamps H EALTH AND HAPPIESS, THE MW6 By . . WIOCE1 THEIY I&Y BE OBTrAirD, a Medical Workts the Infirmities of Ygtth, an laturity, and Diseasesofalf' Generative Syste Wi !obqrvations on the treatment a Nervous Debili .an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S GREAT AMERICAN SARSPARILLA. This celebrated Medicine was originally discovered IN THE YEAR 18051 and is ?? Sarsaparlilain England or America. With nearly 60 YEARS' TRLAL on the most inveterate Chronic Malad ,it h roved itself a medicine of un- exampled virtue and vaeto m4ijlnd. Composed as it is of the rarest roots, herbs, flo ers, iudsd seeds of plants that grow on ...