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... The Leisure Hour; a Family Journad of InstrUc- certi tion and Recreationr, or This is a new literary periodical of great promise and and merit. It is well got up, is neatly illustrated, .. and contains a great variety of instructive and to t amusing reading, and is cheaper than most of the give: weekly publications of the same standing and Inde size. shou land Yational Force. Economical ...


... It is generally understood that a new bill for the better wI regulation of savings banks in this country will be intro- Ot duced in the next session of parliament, containing various clauses similar to those in the bill introduced by Sir C. Br Wood, the chancellor of the exchequer, in 1850, which, an at that time, were considered by many persons as ques- tionable in their expediency and ...


... ?? ?? ?? 9. ?? - A . l --X1 - ?? ?? ' 'I . ?? A.A ?? Z w 1 Report on tlhe C(re of Cataract. By John Not- (Ti tingh1am1, Esq., M.D., &c. Liverpool: Deighton poi and Laughtonl. eve This is a remarkable pamphlet, giving the particu- eov lars of an operation by which blindness from cata-no ract had been removed after a duration of ten tioi years. What renders the case peculiarly inter- of esting ...


... FROMS THE QERMAN. U Oh, grave I Oh, grave I l There ia a spot on earth, a Though but a narrow bed, I Where all that aire oppressed, And weary and disqulieted, And struggling since their birth, Mlay lay their aching head, And find at length a rest. Sorrowfal-heavy-hearted- Here ye shall be at peace; Here all the world's departed Have found their sufferings cease. Oh, grave! oh, grave I Gate of ...


... *91 DEAD) LyAVeS-A UALLAD: Words and -Music by ELIzt, COOK. C. Cook, Racquet Court, London. The poetry of ?? pleasing little ballad is, unlike many that are every day issued from the press, marked with that originality of thought, truth of sentiment, and forcible perspicitity Of expres-. sion, which have previously clharacterised the productions of this -highly. gifted lady. As a musical ...


... ThE ATREN.ZE(jM B-ANQUET TO THE ! GUILD OF LITERMTURE AND ART. ?? -1 . .. . . . .. -. I : have The festival, qivetn by doilne of the members 6f the Man. hv ?? Athenanirn, and by other gentlemen of this town, insati honour of the Guild of iterature and Art,' onl the O~casiOn derte -oif the -visit of Mr. Charles Dickens and hisanmateur theatri- bigh -asal cot-pa, to Manchestr, to perform f~r ...

Literary Extracts

... ?. ttAlT extracto. ? ?? ?? ?? Le IRELAND INBYOEDAs-Ionaycain aguest left the BYoNE, bi S.-.F n nyoofa 9glas itittna roomh btofpaper were dropped into his sg itiein h number of rounds the bottle had gone; and on his return be was obliged to swallow a glass for each, under the penalty. of so many glasses of salt and water. It was the practice of some to have decantere with; round bottoms, like ...


... EOR1GINAL.I BY JOgs1 CnttTCelly JaRINCE. 0 I feel that age hasovertu'en g My steps on life's descending way, I But time has left no lingering pain, e No shadow of an evil day; o And you, my children, gather near, 'To smooth and solace my decldne, And ye are peaceful, dutoous, dear,- Oh! why should I repine? r. Not all exempt has been my siy a From fitful storm and lowering cloud, lA But eun ...

Literary Extracts

... afterarg Extracto. lb n BAXTESR'S PULPIT.-Kidderminsterwhere Baxter preached th t ns, with seach marvellous success, being at no great distance uti lo t from Worcester, I took a ride thither with one or two friends, he the nod walked a long time in and about the church in which bv lie preached, and in which the people, it is said, are now 11i he taught no doctrine similar to his. H-is pulpit ...


... to WJhat A1re Yea At I A 1'1ainc Qwist-oa, adidresseds to n thc Earl of Derby. By ?? Farmier. Lou- but don: James Ridgwvay, No. 169, Piccadilly. heE Poor Lord Der~by, whose moet ambitious aim, in entering doi upon the duties of his high office, was to be tolerated, to tif3 have his ministry judged by the standard of thinge which he, servo at a pinth, will not carry his point by having fixed ...


... 1f-l. i IloRS1A FAIR WILL BE URBIA IN 18 W jlOI TB IORBB FAIR WILL BK URLD IN 1862. ?? Ap I PY Ju. nJyI Aug Sep. Oct. Nov DCC. 25 . 22 2.0 I u30 ! *gb222 201 ...


... THE EARL AND COUNTESS OF SEFTON AT THE SATURDAY EVENING CONCORTS. la a Saturday evening last Mr. Henry Phillips gave u another of his popular musical entertainments before the c INS frequenters of the Saturday evening concerts. The hall a ok- as crowded, the interest of the occasion being enhanced a ily by the prosnce iof the Right Hon. the Earl of Sefton, the IT be lorda-ieutenant of the ...