Advertisements & Notices

... *alto fv Ructiol, Pesirable Family Mansion wvith Ornamenital and Accommoda- M tion Lands, in Lancester, and important Freehold Estte somprisins upwiards of Three Hundred statute Acres, itn the a Parish of Statb-mLancashire, and asmall portis ezt'ending into Yorkshire. By Mr. JOHN BUJRTON, at the King's Arms Hotel, in Lasoste' ter, on T/sursdai,, thse Twrafr-rnssn1s January nsext, at Three rot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOOSE THE BlE9ST JINNEDV. PARR'S LIFE PILLS AlE ACKNOWLEDGED TO B E Thye flet .We4tcelne tia Use Wopld. V HE Sale of PARIL's LIPE PILLS amounts to upwards . Tof 30,000 boxes weekly, more than all other patent mnedcidnes pattogether. Thigs Imiple feet needs usfltrtheereoceseenl; it tells plainly that the PILS~~ Of OLD PARR are the Bteot Meditlue 10 the World. The following, witls many others, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'g bC ~L t. A OOD CUTINAPWSE ?? WO ROOMS T BE LET-mvith powerlcIO 10 L T. feet by 3D. to wh ch e ~i 1 I-nsud 114 y33fe ?? Apply to lNGHAM, & SEVTINO'~l4i a~ rls. a AHOUJSE TO BE LET, in Wilberf'orce Terrace, A Hulmo, with a garden go5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .rj'O MILLINERS, &c.-TO B DISPOSE it OF, a MILLINERY AND STRAW BONNET NESS. In one of the best situations in Leed i a or without stocil, to be taken at a ?? a street, Leeds. EER-HIOUSE .-TO LET, THEIEl na B T AI~R N, inLt~ n -street, nearly °PPotbit t EL Grea NirhRnIailway Station. For Particularsa eI the :, the p remise,. PP O t A/irul ALLERTON.-TO LET, a MAI, LMJ KILN, late in the occupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO REAL6TR I rxOL L ow A Y ~8 PItLL. CURE OF A. DISORDERED UVER, AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Leitur from Me-. R. W. MAWku, Cheinist, ?? Pui2Col Stresl, ivoerpol, clatedi 6th Jsete, 1851. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Ssm,-'Your Pills and Ointmnent have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Medicines for somneyears. A customer, to whom Ican refer for any inquiries, desires me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -rjGIjSCCOLDS, RHEUMATISM, &c.L' Themost valuable medoifile ever discovered for colds, C~~es fevers,.rheumatism, pains in t~he lhinibs and joints, I I gus1. as s'o nplainte where colds are the origin, is Dicey'e C ,afor nI genuine Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops.i or. I andl 0tilest ois i-id II5 a uded. As there iroeI Soil n. blittus af thse me n ydifrntpe Varsl, itt of them tittr i arupeariop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pE R U V I A N L 0 A N.. C O.tE IS HERESMY GIVEN that there have bcen CAN- CELLED 'J118 DAY SIXTY BONDS or the PERUVIAN DEBT, I amouiatingtothe sum ot £bUrstecleg, hearing interest i.t tbe rate ¶ of six per eent. per annum, together with Fiftv.7ive DivideLd War- rantA atached to each of the Said bonrds. And ?? CLI load,dsf the said debt, aounecuire to the soo of £,68 sterling, heafinl,~; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM to INDIA, CHINA, &e.-Particulars of the regular Mo' -tlly mail Steam Conveyance and of the addi- 11al hues of comniumication now established by the PENINSULAR and OliENT 3L T bTLAM NAVIGATION COMPANY with the East, &c. Thle Company book passengers and receive goods anmd paceels as heretolore for CEYLON, MIADRAS, CALCUTTA, PENANG, SINGA. PoRE, and HONG KuNG, by their -teamers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WRY ANNUAL STEEPLE le CU~iSES, to be run for on Fi fday, March Sitneteenih, a 1B57. STIEAWRDS. I ij It . LANE FOX, ESQ. C CAPTAIN R1EYNARD, SIR C. SLINOSBY, Bart. I JAS. W*IITAKER, Esq. tai It The HANIJACAP STEE'PLE CilASi, AI 3 Of 10 sovereigns each. with £5!1 added, Ih. f and only £3 ?? -- e. ?? ol or before the Third of .iorcli, over not more tinll h fbtr miles of ?? country, within two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nows ready, price 3s. 65. THE MEDTCAL ASPECTS of DEATH aud T the MEDICAL ASP' of A HUMAN MIND, by ,TAHXS BOWER HARRISONI, Simm and Dinham,St. Aynare.sre, c OLTON ADVERTISER.--TO ADVER' BL'TISEIIS.-'The Bolton Advertiser bas fourfold the eiretalis. l tion of any other adetiig in Bton.-ON SALE, to an maske room for a new ens'.,8a ;S ER (double demy) ab MACHINE, fit for playactcmonwr very t ?? be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - f COUNCIL of the AMALGAMATED V T H8`CCSOOIETY of ENGINEERS, &G. direct attention to the f-llwiug propositions:- i That if the Central Assooiation of Employers carry out their G threat Or a masters' strike, and refuse to conduct the work of the coulltry, it is the duty of working men to take the matter into ri their own bands, and begin manufacturing for the public. That as the employers in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11E PATENT FIRE ANNIHILATOR. IEFIORTS AND TESTIMONIALS AS TO EFFICIENCY. 11II FTH5 LeonIe TOWl; COUNCIL FIsE BhRIGADE CONIMITTER. W 11,JTF Town Clerk's Office, Leeds, 31s1 October, 1851. St I tle ndesigedbeing the chaitr-sass of the Rtepairs and usi I 13riade Cmmitt epolte borou lasf Leeds, having been i Anhatrinextinguishing flames l I~i~dd5~ed b the burningof a mass ofshavings andlight tim- ...