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Advertisements & Notices

... NOW OPEN, -iIOSE EX'm'ENsVE PRRMISES IN THE MARKET PLACE, DERBY, For many years occupied by MIESSRS. WRIGHT and CO.. CHEESE FACTORS. ,I Ind COMPANY beg to apprise tlhe Public of Derhy and the Vicinits. that they have e ;5 .v., ,'21t;E EST'AH IJillS\INIE 'N with an IMMNENSE S(iCKi f Pl;)VlISiONS, which L, ' ?? tat, xail eoiuinantI a great share of Vublic patronage. The uuauber of years the Pro- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TTR r HARRIS has the honour to announce that there will be A GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT On THIS EVENING (Wednesday), January 14th, the en- tertainments will commence with THE LIGHT TROOP OF ST. JAMES'S. gdster Thomas Smallbores, Mr. F. Robson; Lady Ala- ,oe, Mrs, Parker; Lady Blanche, Miss Jenny Marston. 'To be followed by the New Christmas Pantomime, entitled BLUFF KING HAL; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN ASSURANCE COMPANY. rrpf ssext Inveetigation tal-s place as& at 10tA February, 1852. parties .;effecting Aeenrances on the Participatifon Scale be. T pe that date Wiflshare linthe Profils realizced duering the precedhig I) pi years. PT T ASSURANCES \WITHIOUT PoTSare granted on approved scsi] Bieesat very moderate Premiums; and ANN UITIES are sold on o'eli jbosurabic terms. TI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN -RAILWAY. (Joel Department..- WELLWOOD, HALBR~ATH, AN4D CUTTLEHILL COAL. 71 EGULAR supplies of these well-known .COALS are no0w The: X% received daily at the Railway Station. J- The whole are of excellent quality, freo from Sulphur, keep ai T ulewr fire, and throw out a strong heat. As they leave few ashes; 1hey are specially adapted for Bakers and Hduse purpmoses, where .r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, ADAPTED ON CORRECT MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES, TO ALL SIGHTS AND ACES, BY M AC A .TiJ WATCHDIAIIER, JEWEL! r !A N, 6, DONEGALL E AT UNUSUALLY AlODERATE PRICES. CONVEX, s.d. CONCAVE, s.d. Single-jointed Steel, 2 0 Single Jointed, 3 0 Double Joints 3 0 Double Joints, 3 G Invisiblle Steel Frame, 5 6 Invisible striwcolour) 1Real Blrazilian PebblesS 6 Steel Frames, J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rnL BEAT RE RO YAL, D RURY - LANE.- U. Holiday Attraction heyond all former precedent. TrO-NIGHlT, MAOBETEI (for the lest time beforc Miss Glyn leaves London), and the NEW PANTOMIME. TO-MfORROW, the JUVENILE NIGHT, when the celebrated Bateman Chik'ren will play in twvo pieces, the Pantomnime will be performed at anx early hour of the evening, asid a petite F~te Dansanute will ho given, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPISS, THE MEANS BY ?? T1iSIO AAY aE oBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases oft he Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR SYDNEY, Direct (to sail punctually. the F201th January), the splendid frigate-built Australian Line of Packet Ship ROMAN EMPEROR, A I (belonging to Messrs. Green. well and Hali), register 793 tnWILLIAM CHAMIPION,co- mianfer~ lying at the Jetty, London Docks. This dina ship hag a spacIOu4 nop with most excellent accommodations for cabin pea. I sengers; he tween deckis being lofty andi airy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Ibu Recently published, Ovo., price lOs. Gd., Mt .mHOUGFITS ON BEING 'j.iBy EDWARD SHIRLEY KENNEDY. A volume of deep thought. All the groat questloas of tinse and A eternity, of spirit and matter, soul and body, of the seen and un- eecn world, and their relations te each other, are handled by the im author with no common power of ?? Bull. tw London Longinsit, Brown, Green, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Appolications by letter respecting adveetseviectts be post-paid or tlieq will not be -received. Apprlications directed to be mnade at the pecnters' must be personal :in .ttth cases, 7s Written MITa- rntinicalewn; can be attended to, P-c'rsoctal inquir'ces cannot be ansiveed ic/en (lie address is to be bcj letter-. W~7ANTED, ant active TO If 'ro III to IS yeaS of age, I who writes agood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, January 6, 1852. HIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold H a LEVEE, at DUBLIN CASTLE, on WEDNES- DAY, the 28th of January, 1852, at One o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentle an attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his fta- eand Place ota Resi- dence kgibly written or printed to one to be delivered to the Person appointed to receivr~ei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN THE WARD vW[LK, DERBY. TO BE SOIJD BY AUCTION, By Meisrt. MOODY and NEtWBO.D. At the ROYAL HOTEL, in Derby, on FRIDAY, the 16th day of January, 18t2, at Six o'clock in the Eveningg precisely, . : .- - WO M8SSUAGES or'DW E1,W.INGRIOUSES- in I 1Tthe respective oczupations of Williamn Baniford tind James Bullock . and a large Yard and ...