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Advertisements & Notices

... ib1. £5,000 to .ieo,oo year may be realised by Vartivlev tr ex, ?? employed or nemployed, by corm aratively tri.7iing OitlaJsasn oevrtainly as to render failure bsoheirely ho possible) also by rtmere fraotional outitys pro. P:tionLateloy smaller incomes may be as certainly realized. UThese lucrativo undertakings involve neither parner-ship abor ris1, do not subject those embarking to any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD. CO , C TEPHE?1 Cf)X. 1'rIAcSFACTURER o OCr.L OF - ~I J VITRIOL, Sulphluric Acid, Roenian Vitriol. &c, Se INethsm Citenraic d W'orks, St. George's, near Bristol. b Al! Goods delivered in Bristol. Prices and Terms th t on apsplicetllrt. IA . TANTED,-l,000 dozens of' QUARn' WINlEIA . } BOIT IRS. - C Apply toGs.. P.~ Iliho p. Wine Cooper, 50, St. Thomas'I Street, Portatnioutli. - A n A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE IN WOODSIDE TERRACE FOR SALE, Br PRIVATE BARIIOJ,1N. lOI SALE, by Private Bargain, the D W EL LI N 0 L HOUSE, No. 8 Woodside Terrace, with Offices attached, as preselitly occupied by Alexander Abercromby, Esq. No Fcu duty. Apply to Banintynes & Kirkwood, No. 50 West George Street. HOUSE IN MONTEITH ROW FOR SALE. a HAT excellent DWELLING HOUSE, No. 21, ir, the tl 1 Centre Coimpartment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MORE EXTRAORDINARY CASES O1 ?? OR TAPE-WORMS BY BARON MC hI\SEY' r BOTANICAL MEDICINES. HE numerous cures performed by Bzii; Ti MC'KiNsEY during his residence at Exacr, i prove with what success he has studied this important branch Medicine. There are few diseases to which mnarakind are l;D! that may Dot be traced to a disordered btate of the ,to. r There are few diseases that have been so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWLY REGISTERED PItESSU111E GUAGES. To ,fakhers and Bnmployers of Steamn-engines. (NENTLE\IEN,-The repeated failure of Gunaes for G ascertainin,, pressure, iiueltdin.e some of the most recent constructiot, has induced ne, after long- considera- tion of the subject, to register the Instrumuents I now in- troduce to your notice. The adzvatages of my IHYDROSTAtTIC GAUGE are, that its action ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s.TAIAN CRXAPEL, STRANGEWAYS J (rar tbe Iron 6rfdge).-LVTURE by Rev. Dr. BEARD V o.IEORIDol lIVENIN o-4.ubjeet: Christ's Teaohia.s 5 own inpiratli and authority Servic, com. as~ct ?? six. g1C ('CHURCH, St. Peter's Square: Xev 6aC % t IV. DUNIPACE-winister.-DIVINE SERVICE ?? balpast ten o'oTA in the morning, and at half plaoe of half.paet. three o clerk a th f51SO ad Larnsu' for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDE1NTS. Ir t J. 1.1-Liverpoot did not. J. C.-Apply to Captain Greig.0 B. .-fe is a married non. fA Constant Reader.-The corporation, tee bd'ieoe. Justice, has not forwarded his nagne and address. Goo. Hancock.-Apply to Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co., P Liverpool. t W. -No; arnless he makes a nec arrangemnent witth the landlord. A. W., Isle of' Man.-The inmpromiptit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ti, | CTo be DISPOSED GW, 0 bl temstheGOODWILL Of a, 11rst-raste' DISPOSED OF immedliately, VARZr Sj - MANUFAT BUSINESS 5 otand IS qntte central tbar tecsnd. IIITAle3 ed for doing tie work. lent ModeraT e, W f e JcthsoclieadsP for a person of scall capital. Th oresett ?? who wishes to decliflo the Bunstn oal. Aige VI, s0 ?? Alfrod-street, IcuTA n p RY & GENERAL BUSINESS. GRO i~oD the wideath ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL MARIONETTE THEATRF.ix Tiumphant Succe-s.-Ncw Pieces-Sucees If the BOT_ - LL IMP. - TIS EVENING the performsnces will commence I vith the ADDltESS, hv lr. Albany BI: own. After which the MANA- t GER'S ROUM, with Signor B'lari Toneeonew scena, The French Com - mectator on Shakvpcre. !o b- followed by the Grand RomantIc Spvc. C tacle of the llO ITLE IMP. Succeeded by BOMliASTES FUltIOSO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S~o tic Ed ?? GOOD OOUNT eUE, &c. OB A LET suiablefor lrc~~ -App~ly s teprinters'.- T ELET, the Wholp. Pjart of .a Large i, Well-lighted'WARE Oac dg tret Ora the end p of High-street.-App1 to 3Ll4 ?? s r e , ROOMS FOR OFFIC ~everal ROOMS to BELEantbl fro ro~b ss-street, above the4 Examier Ofice-Fr erm 26 pat. Ithe Examiner Office, 22, lnurkitu-strect. TWO ROOMS TO BE with Power, 100- T feet by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vairoi bp auctions &c. S AL E THI1S DAY, FRIDAY, Jan. 30th, at Two o'Clock, of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Goods, at S. BOYD'S Auction Rooms, 76, Lowgate. RslwTs RECOVERED AND BILLS OF SALE EFFECTED. T o BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, T ,Ball that Freehold MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, with the Yard, Garden, and Outoffices to the same belonging, situate and being No. 33, on the North-Side of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B OATS.-AYCKBOURN'S Patent FOLDING - VPORTABLE BOAT can be built to any dimensions, and to j answer every purpose for which a boat was ever yet built, and requires - only to be seen to be at once adopted by yachtsmen, emigrants, wild fow~l sportsmen, and eailor}, being the only article possessing all the ordinary properties of a wooden boat, with the important advantage re of folding up, when ...