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Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... r0jnl Jpe EE, T 73 GffTtol ODiO Iee Gipqg. 11 Egtonck.laticodsrt~ 'c5nsraw,' ~vtii II toe thmadd will 6aoh rec~iea . oboanin etaM a rogT' OtbI cove r~at~g themrnwsttoz~r 1pleeeolbread. NoS 5'g n ;. V : -TAb,1Refvge piqqher pen3 rigt3 ng~w,Bli 01p~riod l7flde 'ttge0Prsolua h ve'beenapfovided etfh a en 4adV 3 .pi ' '4 n i t ~ B ;Cv o u x v ' O . s rl dge, t f6e to owiai ehdrleeTaylor/ ..i. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE REPSOW TEA&M-PACKET, TM EE The WYE, N Will st Ifrol tho {twells during FEBRUARY - as fcollnWS : I FluB. Front CHEPS TO W. B11S07BOL FEB. 'FEB.' Wc,,dFl`l5- ilfrMo 2 not gall Wed IS not sail 2. 31 Ther 194 not sail Toes 3.. 4 aftThr1.7no lion~ 3 n1 s01r) 201 1 Mo Wed 4.. 4 nit rrid 20 not sall C :,,t21 notsfl Thur 5,1f a 5er no lon 23..9mnor FI.rd 6 not si l MOn ?I~n 6rd silros21 not sail ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To STAT AACURERS. ,sSp. FARGUS & SON will SELL esf ACr~ their spaciouis ROOM!, No. 4, OLARE- MfO'SD~ Next. b 9th ~tof February (by order of the 0 plsf IlttO, inb rit st' bands - i i tnat the Trimmtrs' hands. 416 tls be Ditto d th tm of Sae, which will commletce WRI pierto oclock. AP1-'ATAL FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, AtN.4 CLARE-STIREET. SS. FARGUJS & ~SON will subimit 0Ji rUBISIC ColiEWFTITION, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL CATTLE MARKET. NUMBER. ASees .P. - RltCES. Beasts 437 Calves .. 09 Beef, percewt..4s 4S. 0i Shleep . 916 Pigs *- 3.11 Muttwaperlb. '5i., 6 ?oss.*7 Sucking ditto - Iigs, persec. 6e. 9 Oi.9J. BRISTOL CORN EXCHA?OGE-27ursday. Per bush. s.d. S.d. Per bush. s. d. Wheat, g. 4 6 5 3 Malt,pale 66 New 4653 rw 6 001 Foreign 4 6 5 0 Beans 3 640 dn bond 0 0 0 0 Oats, potato, per qr. 21 0 23 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACARD. GLEGAL FRoFESSION- ,NTfcRBODR LfSf&TAONE 0JOHkjNT jABBN-]ET0 B1J$ 1TOL,.; o g, ItedgLthe stoeedt favours and ibe rt2 1 i*d the fOr the tl5t years, andparo ssfotiting apoit 1ttsedalortsal that all susolneosae td b . b11ce jejained 'a competent pe hiso ~in b ae idwths~Jrttorfl shall be spared to maiintain ~1ord~a VER WAT~lS ,GRO . D- OLLH MA. B pAT SISSEXUOUNIS Hefil D,, .sOTEL),l. ,tv of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X THE ''MANHATTAN, 4 ~FROMt NEWl YORKi, A 8eleoted Parcel finest aluity rich, rluo, and mIld-favoured CEiEBSF. which surpasses thue F.tllsh predesilem.n alsofiSmall Pots, 61bs. nned j1s. each. of both FRESH and SA\LT BUTTEgt, tho finest quaity , guitable fOr Families, on SALE at. jp, XALi,'s WVAREBOUSE, 32, MARYLE5PORT.STBEET. O MEDICAL GENTLCEl T AND ARCHITECTS IN BRISTOL. Tho cFARIFYISG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O P Y O FR E T U RR is , S Cj pursuant to 7 and 8 Vaictoria, e. 32, NAME N OF FIRM G MILE'S, MILES, SAVILE, & MILES.a ,o m the Com any or Partnership consists:-, G Somerset, banker. G Jobn WiWala iles, Eiigsweot Kiinseeto hose Gloucestershire, bankerr G Albany Bencohier Savile, Clifton, Uristol, & Oakland,o Devon, banker a PlP Jhn WlliJoh Wilear, haies,-lagreen, 'rhr, Soserdetr, bankera, bakr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL CATTLE MAR6KET. NOMBEB. Asses - FaeCES. Beasts . 3. 403 alves* 103 Beef, per cwt .. .445,11. Sheep . . 1510 Pigs .. 414 M tutton, per lb 5, 391 Suckingditto N Pigspsrsc 6s.7,i. BRISTOL CORN EXCaANGE.-27iurjdal. Per buish. se.d. sd Per bsh. sd. d. Wheat, Bug. 4 6 53 Malt, ale 6fi New 46 33 brow 6G 1 Foreign 46 5 0 Beans 36ll f In bond 0 0 0 0O, pato, pter r. 21 101 Barley, Salting 3 3 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CIRCULATION 'THE BRISTOL MERCURY, As shownl by the OrroAL RETUR~eSappenlded to tbe-Report ve the Parliamcntary Com mittee on Newapaper S$tamp5,;5m9 ne, during the last ybar~ (iC60)4 to -- TWO ItU~ftEDRPAND.SIX~TYSEV ,N THOUSAND, ; Giving a Weekly. Average, of upwaxd o'f a00. The following Figures, 'as given in the Retarns, sbobv the relative poaitlons.of the.Mercuryand-Agrzor:- BRISTOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Gmumuuflt. TEATRAE-4ALB BRISTOL. e On MONDAY Next, Feb. 1 6, the Performance to Commence tith Shakspereb Tragedy of HAMLET, 0 To Conclude with the favoerite Ballad Opera of 0 NO SONG, NO SUPPER. e TUESDAY Evening, Feb. 17, to Commence with the Mistorleai Tragedy of JANE SHORE To Conclude with the Comedy of THE WONDEIL Or, A WOMAN KEEPS A SEcRET. tDoors open at Half-past Six, Performance to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B : T NSUR suCF,.C03:LIFE 35 CORNHILL LO DON AND '1, Ol'AF ON' - S TREET. D (IiB1 N. - Establislttd In 1820. Capital, £60,0. Tho Bootlsessdeclar-edattIluslast Three 3)ivislo~ns Nero £26 7e. led., £ W14., and £.34 per cent. ott the premiumsN' paid. Olnly Otle-baif of Ohs Piotniuls steed ho paid for the first -Seven years isnwhom Lifo Policies. - - - Premiums payable iailrtYezrly, if desired. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~' T)EDUCTION IN THE COST. i R PATENT OFFICE. Inventors ate hereby informed that PATEXTS of ir tho United Kingdom and Foreign Counties are InveatioasIGNS tREGISTERED, Specilications and Mechanitai obtdadlrepared, nd all matters connected therewith transacted atI101'SsistedInsaecuring their nventions. aNt'i9- t.ieinlinigeverytiriformatioi and inetrocton. mavbe Pts0;pe8'+°Sc3 ast or othervvis ...