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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLlGENCE Viac AL COURT. -The Earl and Countess Cra ven have joined the Earl and Countess of Caledon, and arm nt staying on a visit with their noble relatives the Lord Lieutena0, andtheeountes of Clarendon-atthe Castle, Wednesdayeve at their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant and the COnutesa of Clarendon received a numerous party-about 1,800-Iat Ia and supper, at the Castle. ...


... LrTERA TURe I THriE DEAT1U-FhAG; OR, THE IR1is BUCOANEEns. By Miss Cbumape. 3 vols. Zonodn: Shoberl.-This work, writ- ten by a gifted Irishwoman, and illustrating an interesting but gloomy period of Irish history, is not so generally known in this country as it ought to be. The reader who, curious in such things, would search the annals of the city and tcounty of Cork, would find, under the ...


... I f I THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. Dlb'in, J. M'Glashan- The February number of the University opens with an ar- ticle on Mirabeau's relations with the court of Louis XVI. an interesting point of modem history which the writer discusses with much ability and acumen, extracting largely and judiciously from the materials to be found in the recently published correspondence of Mirabeau and the ...


... | TI, This society, founded for the meritorious object of indoc- o trinating the rising youth of Ireland in the theory and prac- rd tice of musical arrt, held its half-yearly examinations and illustrative exhibition on Friday evening last. The examina- st tions this year possessed peculiar interest. She musical patrons and friends of the institution attended in numbers, knowing, doubtless, ...


... FASHIONABLE INTli*jGEYCE.' COURT CIRCULAR. The Earl of Derby bad an audience of the Queen on Tuesday at Buckingham Palace. HIer Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, attended by Lady Anna Daweo0n, arried in London at half-past eleven o'clock on ueday morning, fronm her residence Frogmore. near Windsor. Ber royal highness visited the Queen at ackingham Palace, nd partook of In cheon with her ...


... THEATHE ROYAL . The pressure of parliamentary and local matter upon our space during the last few days has had the effect of throwi g us somewhat in arrear in the items of our theatrical notice We have already britdy announced the first presentation ar1 delighted reception by a crowded audience of the promrol's grand comic fairy extravaganza, entitled TFW Skepin isn the Wood, and we feel the ...


... LITERATURE, I SUGGESTIONs ON THE ARRANGE.NT AND CHASRAC- TRERSTIC8Op PARISH CHuuRcHEs. By J.J. M'Cartay, Architect. Dublin: James DLy.-It is unfortunate that the above- named excellent tract should come so late in this epoch of the revived spirit of church building among the Catholics of Ireland. Its valuable suggestions should be known to every body immediately engaged in the erection of ...


... THRATIE ROYALL. l Th.a MA .a-a. I E - . The new dramaof Thgomor has obtained a decidedly ha- Yourable reception at the hands of our theatre habihm, and we think very deservedly, inasmuch as it is far superior, as regards the interest of its story, and the language of its dia- logue, to the generality of pieces taken from the ,eprtoirs of modern French Lnd German dramas. This translation of ...


... I L1T'I : - ?? X ThK UNITvasryT MAGAZINE. -Dublin: J. M'Gkehm.- The courtesy of the enterprising publisher, to whom we are indebted for an early copy, enables Us to notice thus in ad- vance the interesting contents of the March. number of this magazine. The number opens with an exceedingly curious paper on the ' Celto-Soythic Progresses, in which a great I many singular researches and ...


... VICEREGAL COURT.-Friday evening, their Ex- cellenoies the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Clarendon received the following party at dinner, at the Castle :-His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, attended by Lord William Paulet: the Duke and Duchess of Leinster, the Mar- quis and Marchioness of Drogheda, Marquis of Headfort, Earl and Countess of Bective, Earl of Courtown, Viscount and ...


... . THE SnLmtNs AND SEPuLcrRES OF ToE OLD ANID NE WoitLD. 2 VoLs. 8vo.-By R. B. Madden, MJf.9 A.- b London, T. C. Newtby.-Together with a peculiarity of taste and external influences, it required an amount of eurious t and protracted study for which few possess aptness or oppor- I tunity, and a knowledge of strange countries which perhaps t no man in Europe has combined with the other ...


... IASHI ONAB II - - .. a Lx ?? 0E=SE.C~ l 1 i (race tne ?? o0 Devonshire, accompanied I genryD. Ereklne, Esq., and a large train of attendauts,has Ited at the GreiiRanI Hotel. Thursday miorngir itt St. Mary's, Bryanstone-. ficre. the foli. Fn'edericok Walpola, ?? third eon of tbe Earl'; Orfoid; led to the altar Miss Laura Sophia Frances Walpole. only dalgffter-6f Frac 'Walpole, Esq. The Rev. ...