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Leeds Mercury



Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... at the ADvERTISEMENT. sa a HE USE OF MEDICINE HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED AND ti. FIFTY THOUSAND CURES EFFECTED Sy Du BARRY'S ItRVALRNTh ABIRACA FOOD, a pleasant auid efectual remedy WtltieIt medi- cine, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty Limes ite cost .n other means of curel for nervoue, stomachic, intesti- on Set, liver, and bilious complaints, howlever deeply rooted the dyspepsia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T H E PATENT FIRE ANNIHILATOR. REPORTS AND TESTIXMONIALS AS TO EFFICIENCY. REPORT Or THE LEEDS TowS' COUNaCIL FinR BRIDAPIC CoMI-Tire. Town Clark's Office. Leeds, 316t October, 11351. 9, th undrsignd, bing tech Irta of the Reopairs and Fire iris~le ommitee f th borugh f Leeds, Ilavling been ~er ini~ituldig f woderetedfo tht prpssdohereby cerifytha th exerientwt~ vey stisactryandI have no otii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVF FONDTH-E QIARTER.-A Lady, lon exerinein uittlon, conducting a raspecteble 8c Of lit, ACNCIESon thes above reduceelterm,, fo' 007 e glad to correeptod wit moral.s adesphysica ltain. th File 5g iters where the mental poaren, ad phyosia tfracing to Ireil''Tauegucess Adress L. ., Post Oltice, York. th1 - p~NI'fS iishing to secure a superior Educa- gil tinfor their Ilatghters. without exposing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ic a B, ?? VEPTISE.)IFIT. Ited jICE U~Sa OF MEDICINE HIAS B3EnN SUPERSEDED ANDl tto FiFTY TiioUSAND Cuirco FI~rCE By Dui BARRY'S ICOVALKiNTAi 1I. -ARAHICA Fi000. a pj,,an~t ajid etbectual remedy ,witheot inedi ses, ciuie, ?? or expen~lse. as it eaves Silty times it cost 4n other nears of enrel fsr nlerVOUS, SturiaChic, iotesti leout. liver, anir bilious Complaints, ?? deeply rooted. Ir- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? B REItIeMENT OF MR. JUSTICE PATTESON.-OU v Tuesday, in the Court of Queen's Bench, which was _ crowded to excess, Mr. Justice Patteson took his farewell of the Bench. He was addressed in highly eulogistic terms by the Attorney-General, and replied with much good feeling WILr- and unaffected simplicity. The withdrawal of the Learned ipo. Judge was an occasion of much interest and even of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... War il Auctioll FASHIONABLE PAPER HANGINGS. Mlessrs. lIliI and BARKE'R beg to announce that they M mill SELL by AI!C lON, at their Commercial Salo Rifoms,, sterno's BlijlditigO, Leedst, on Tueesdgy, the &eCsinidlly s/iMarch, 1852, ?? ASuperior STOCK. of PAPER HANGINGS, - A hi, lock and Gold, Sattin, and Plain Grounds, gompris, tcl Ing the newest designs lin which will be round Patterns I? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LAMEINTABLE CATASTROPHE;. AT THULMFIRlTRf, NEAR HUDDBBSFIELD. At a Public meeting of the Inhabitants of 110LM5FIRTI'll, convened by the Altghitrittes for Sthe district, held on Saturday b eventlng, February, 7. I&102. W, L. BRsOOKi Esq.. iii the chair. theA~ lollowhtg resolUtloltO were agreed to- 1r. I. That a subscriptionl for the relief of the sufferers by ?? late fearful calamitY tie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4llubhc N'ottcc,. T HE PATENT FIRE ANNIHILATOR. REPORTS AND TESTIMONIUtLS AS TO EFFICIENCY. REPORT or TiE le Les TOwN COUNCIL FitB Itats^I)B COsMIsTrTs I Town Clerk'h Otlice, Leeds, 31t October. tIS. C *I, tihe undersigned. being the chairmaitn of the htepairs end J1 Fire Brigade C~onmmittee of the boroughl o:f Leeds. liavitig been t. presen ut lyii the x15tih gia-of Septeniber last, at dhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,His .. sevegr ooIp;' i~~fi -Mr. Atthe Hallot Commerce, Threadneedle-street. London, on M..r fond ay, 28rd, and Thursday, :'t6th of Februaty, about ester 8,000 B&leS of Australian, Port 'hillip, Van Dtemen's Hall, Land and Cape WOOL. audi- Also, on Thursday, Twenty-sirth. niaryp 300 Bales East Indian, Egyptian, Moagadore, and other low WOOL. ?? Catalogues and further partioulars in due time of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARIIIO$ABLE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS. THE COMN1ERCIAL BALE IttOhid, STERN ES BUILDINGS,] LFSEDS. Messrs. IIEPPER & BARKE.R bag respict'u'lly to announce that they will open their 1~I~l SLE OiF PAPER HANGING9, foro J~ th Seasn. 01 'fur'fay eil. ke &viiei~cnth Febsruaryv,' at ?? Sle-Roms, Stobe iliiilisg, L~eeds.t lodlugrO~fl, etrace als. assges oliris.&C and wil be ~nn tobe t anovl, leaing an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iAT HOLMFILTH .-T'he Members ?? ,rlsends of tile ANCIENT OiliDEtiit OP~ no NIANS are ~ spetttii~nfoted Unt otp~o an. Ferbrujary Twenty-. a i~ IsOs'.(Scnces Corce tothe brethren of the ~~ lioN will he met on behalf of thle 1,jtresericeWil Comene tC treeot.l~ck in the after- 1i it Con and will be reedy for delivery on t ,g ti pubilicarYTweitty-eigliltli, 18552. by J. F. MIASSORE, C r~ NORAMII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AnyVERISlEMENT. Du BARRty'S REVALEN-cA ABAwIBiA FOOD is apsd and elfeetloal remledy svitlioiit mci: ineu,iiclttieC expense, as it saves ?? times it:, Valus inl other nr~isi Q: cute for lOe'VXOTIS StOinfltlhie, int0itod il ,lieiilSa cornplaints, bo'tever deeply rooteo., dIppiI ?? IIal1itjiti conIstipationl, diarrhi z.,tcidityhettuiiair op. oppro sioti, distenition, palpitaltioli, co .0 ttif ...