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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 6A ° -P y O F R E T U R N S, Pursuant to the Act of 7 and 8 VICTORIA, Cap. 32. -. _. rin. i Wm. Ilaworth. Leeds, coach builder i Rebecca Smith, Ayton, Spinster, Hanna| ' NAMIC OF FIRM. G | YORKSHIRE BANKING CO M PANY. Persons of whoin the Cvanpaon or Paorner- shfe eosistit. J. UloB Ancley, lgcvinittlqy, gentleman J. AlielbY, 'I'adcaster, corn dealter ?? Adtitionl. Ilkntorn, fatmer Ann Adfmlsn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOLMAFIRT11 CALAMITY.-At a Public; HMeeting of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Loeds. 0 beld at thle ?? Lyraciage, Leeds, oil Monday, Februasy C 10tb, I1PM2: ait GEORGE, GOODMAN, Esq., the Mayor, inl the chair, t It was resolved utrallimotltly. 1. That tihua Ale, ting hat learnt with feelinge; or grief and er coyirniserr,ticfl tihe melancholy details connlecte d with tilO. lb Ibii-tinl4 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R EAT GEORGE'S-STREET CHAPEL.- rhfceFIRST ANNIVERSARY oftheopenititoftbeabove It of worhp wilbe celebrated oa Suanders, Februarjs plSc8 ,on n5,when the Rev. WILLIAM BSROCK, of Crrty hapel, London, will preach, in the mnorning at re d bu th eveing at half-past six o will bemade afer each service towards liqutdts, O NISCIRQUE NATIOVAL, t ~~U~l'iCO BOAlt-LANE, LEEDS. el isp Snfsrda~t,. Fbruns'iv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L _EEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS.-NOTICE is bU ereby giVen. that the NEXT GUNERAL, QUARTER LZ8SI~OIq3 OF THE PEACE, FOR THE BOROUGH OF YP REDS, in the county of York, 'will be holden before TlOMtAS £1 ?? ELLIS. E1squire. Recorder of the siad Borough, at tile ,eourt-bori~e, In Leeds aforesaid, opt Thursday, theC Fourfth daY Of gi arch next, at nine of the clock in the forenoon; at vihich ame and place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In Bpi na Aim att Tb EAFN} ISS.Mr. ELLIOTT, 40, Shannon- So D Street. York-Road, Leeds, after being deaf for a long S~t .ie hasreat pleasure in acknowledging himself perlectly by cured bg Dr. SMITH, 40. Albionl-Street. scl bvN.B. See if irst pace. . frjl H A~ I Li tJ U t arpi 1. ap Two Gentleumen togetber met, ?? As usual, it was Very wet; When one the converse thus began, pe Developing a well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F RAMPTON's PILL OF HEALTH.-The A:following testimonial i. another proof of the great efficacy of this medicine : Wisrchmore Hill, Mi Idlsnex, April 18, 1851. 'Sir,-In consideration of the great benefit I have derived from taking Frampton's Pill of Health, I feel it it duty that I owe to you and the public tostend you the following statemient. Par upwards of nine years I have experienced the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bir. 7 ~~ADVERTISILUENTS.1 isHOLLOWAY'S OINT~MENT AND PILLS HAVE Epyp.-l ilWONDERFUJL CURB 0OF A D'READFUL SIVSLLINQ*.-Joh,1, tb rly farm labourer, of NeWbro', near flext~uano hu Dr& swelling on each side of one of lola thighs ;b heaa Orosis advice of three eminent surgeons, anda Sft'555d 11ldt` of the Newcastle infirmary, altogether about two y,j httatu efforts of the doctors proved useless ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTIHSMEINT. RXTRAORDINARY CURE CP RHEUMATIC FEVER BY HOL- LOWAY S PILIS, ZN VAN Dierers's LAND.-Margaret MI Connigan, nineteen yeors of age. residing at New Town, had been suffer- ing from a violent rheumatic fever for upwardsof two monh8, which had entirely deprived her of the use of her limbs. Dur- ing this period sbe was under the care of three of the most eminent medical men in ...