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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... OR PORT LYTTELTON, CANTERBURY F SETfLWE~iE~T.-A first-class pawenger SHIP will sail from of Loadol for PORT LYTTELTON, CANTERBURY SET. tIL >'EMET, on WVEDNESDA1', 'lalooh 10, chartcred by the Canter- r b~L ^soi'aco ?? freight, passage, or fasrther information, apply at te Emigyradib n DePartment of tbe Aseoclstiota, 9, Adeipbidterraces, j, ,* .s IA-EII, 110, Fenchurchwetteet; or toF1LBY 1ad I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 oPANISH BOXDIHOLDERS.-CONVER- T SION of the SPANISH DEI3T.-NOTICE 1S IIEREBY GIVEN that the Couan ittee ot Spanish Bondholders in London see continuing ts rereive by thl hands of their agents. the London ane County Bank, No. 21. Lombard-streetevery day (except Saturday) Bonds axd Coo. pors for couversion. 3base holders of receipts from Noe. 101 to 150, who may have already seat In their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ulEETH.-Mr. EPlIRAIM MOSEL Y. 61, Gro enor-street, Grosvenor.square, Surgeon Dentist (by appoint. meat to the King of Hanover) begs to call the attention of his PA. TIENTS VISITING LO' 1)DON to his NEW DlSCRIPTION of AETI- FICLAL TEETHi and GUMS, of wvtich he is the sole inventor and manufaeturer, guaranteed never to decay or become discoloured, and eo closely assieilate Is the natural as not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F it LAUNCESTON Direct (a regular Trader, F hos thc greater part of her cargo engaged, and will hive im- geliate despaftti), the well known fast-sailing British-built barque, LAII pt. I E, A l, register 384 tons, DANIEL Mi'KENLAY, corn- minder, Ivioa at the Jetty, London Books. This ship bhs iost ex. itent ac oltrrxdation for pasiengers. - For terms of freight or pas- eagpaPptyt° IIEViTT and M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PORTIGUESE DIVIDENDS for the FIBST IIALI-YLEAR, 1.50, on the Five and Four per Cent. Stock and Debelrtures, asd the SECOND HALF-1EAR, MMS1, on the ]New Three per Cent. Sto.k, are now in COURSE of PAYMENT, in conforniitr vuith the no ice published on the 5th December last, at the office of th Finnr.c al Ag nev, where the Coupons are received cn Wednesdays and Saturdays, between ll and 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED -By FExeutorc and bereaved Relatives of deceased noblemen, gentlemen, tradesmen, aud others, sending in the first instance to SHIIBEE t' ESTABLSHMENT, CITY ROAD, near Finsbury- lqisaie, instead of employinc their upholeterer, or the nearest un. dertaher, who not ponsesaibg the needffl requirements, resort to the faneral furnishers, to hire them, and consequently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IE, CHINESE COLLECTION REMOVEDVE _L from KYEtAI.OtE~.Msr.HEWETT and Co. L. the purchasers of the great Chittese Collec ion, have just impare The thou'ands of beautiful CHINESE ARTICLES, consisting of fans evel card-cases, screens, tea caddies, work and coffee tables, jams, and an can endless variety of smull articles. Also the splendid stock from the 30s Great Exhibition, and some very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TF' lIE PORTUGUESE DIVIDENDS for the f t FIRSfT IIALI`-YEAR, 1M50, on the Five and Four per Cent. Slt ck an,! Dobc:Iturvs, antd the SECOND IIALF-YEAR, 151, on the Now Tlir e 1 er Cen:. Stock, are now in COURSE of PAYMENT, in eonr:oroliy orith n'o eroicc published on the 5th December last, at the office or the Friancarl Agency, whete the Coupons are received eon AVertrrrordlv ard Sacu'rdaye, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1OlC toPASSENGER1S by the Royal Mail (n'ip UlT iO for MlAtiEIiiA, RIO DX JA NEIRtO, and - ij, ship will positivrly saill from Liverpool on the hilit. Passengers are roeuestedto be onaboard not rs{RX LIA LI-NE OF PACKET SHIPS, A frY-D~FY Drect,and Rleguilar Tradlers for VAN DIERM~EN'S J~1 pOlfI I'IllLAP, SOUTH AUSIRALIA, &c.-Thesesplen. di i re il (If the tot clas~, have mos01!t Cirgant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TOTICE to PASSENGERS by the Royal Mail Steam Sbip QUITO for IIADEIRA, RtIO DE JANEIRO, anid .4LP A . (j-t lab ship will positively sail from Liverpool on the .i , ?? ,7th lnst. Passengers ate requested to be on board not laied thtin J ?? ck am.r.. STRGLIA. - Emigratiort on the Uniform A tt nriple, origsintted by the utndersigned, in 18S,. taking one mr's f 1r qenaer' otly.-hor PORT PHjILLIP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. Owing to the continued ?? of ROBE~r THE DEVIL, withAIr. Fedor, Nr. ll. Drytmn,M.idlle.E. Garcia, and Mis8 Crichton, it wil) bl repeacd Iu-NIGHT rith thellaintomjin (tor the lust night buttwo,. To-morrow, Miss Fitzp.Iatrick and Mr. Anderson wii ap. pear in the BELLE'S STRATAGEM (as an operatic entertainment would be too ?? to admit O: doing ample justice to the firet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEASAM'S MEDICATED CREAM.-Persons alfflicted witvb theumatism, Sciatica. Gout, Lumbago, Tic Doloureux, Pains in the Chest or I imbs, Stiff Joints, or anv diseases arising from C Mds, &c., srbuld at once bave recourse to this inestim- able remedy, the triumphant success of which as a curative agent has t never been apparoached. Its properties in at once effectually remov- ing any of the above ...