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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINIBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY.) ANNUAL MEETING. The ANNUAL MEETING of the above SocieLy will (D. V.) be held in the QtrEE-N STRnrT HALL, On TUE:SAY, the 17th February 1852,- A!LEX. PRINGLIE, Esq. of Whytbani. in the Chair. The Rev. Dr Crawford. Rev. Dr Makellar, Rev. William . ! Grav, of Lady Yesier's, Rev. Dr Iletherington, Rev. Jsaft Robertson. Newington. Sir W. Johnston, acd others, are ex- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL DA3NX OF SCOTLAND, EnNBunGuo, 29th January 1852. rmE COURT OF DIRECTORS of the ROYAL BANK t OF SCOTLAND give Notice, that a GENERAL COURT of PROPRiLTORS will be held at their OFFICE here. on TUESDAY the Second day of March next, at Two o'Clock Afternoon, for the election of GOVERNOR, BE- E PUTY-GOVER'NOR, and DIRECTORS, for the year ensa- ing, pursuant to the Charter; and Lists of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROrAL SCOTTISHB ACADEMY OF PAINTING, SCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE. LIE TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITIONI of the T ACADEMY for the WORKS of LIVING ARTISTS will Open at the GALLERIES, ROYAL INSTiTUTION, On Satr- day the 14th instant, at Nine o'CloCk A.3T. Admission, is. Season Tickets, not transferable, 5s. Catalogue, Gd. By Order of the Council. D. 0. HILL. Secy. Edinburgh, 7th February 1852. PUBLIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF PAINTING, SCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE.I HE T ETNY-SSTHANNUAL EXHIBILTION of the T ACAEMYforthpWORKS of LIVING ARTISTS Will Open at the GALLEsRISs, ROYAL IiesTrrursoq, on Satur-1 day the 14th instant, at Nine OClodk A.M. Admission, Is. Seasion Tickets, not transferable, 5s. Catalogue, 6d. By Order of the Council. D. 0. HILL, Secy. Edinburgh, 7th February 1852. PO0P ERY I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TX-PULSIONr OP PROTESTkNNT 12ISSI(NARIS JD F!ROMT AUS ti}Y > Ii~ ~ _ PUBLIC MERSg 2tiG. A PUBLIC 3TEETING of the PRoTESTANT INHABI- TANTS of EDINBURG H and its Vicinity will be held in the MUSic HALL, on TEnLSDnAY NEXT, the 26rT CULRT., at One o'Clock, to consider the Expulsion from the Austrian Do- minions of the Missionaries io tl;e Jewv8, in Connectiont with the Free Churck of Scotland, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T Y A L E D iN X B U AS Y II A S 1 L M FOR THE f lu INSANE. The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the MIA.NA-: OGERS, Extraordinary and Ordinary, of this Institution, -%will takL- place this year iwithin Messrs CAY & BLACn'S RooMs, No. I 45 GEORCE STRETE7, Edinburgh, on Monday the 23a of Februarv inst., at Two o'Clock Afternoon, in terms of the Act 14 and 15 Victoria, cap. 10t. All Contributors and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S E B Mf 0 N. SOCIZTY FOR TE E B:E1XEZ OF LqDIGENT OLD MS. T. A ยข ltbe Preache d by the Rev. ANDANDREW A TTWOSONN wlf of alkla nid, in ST ANDRE vs CEIrRC, on TXEtsDAz E TEXT, the 5TE1 o f FEBRUARY, when a COLLEC- TION wil l be made in Am of the Funios of this SoCmz y. Divine Service to begin at Two o'Clock. Edinburgh. 3 s st Jsanary 18521 TO STATIONIERS. TRAVELLER WANTED to SELL STATIONERY and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ERDINBURGH ROYAL NAVAL CLUB -will meet I 1 On SATURDAY the 1-4th inst., at BARRY's BRITISHm HEOTEL. Admiral Sir THOS. LIVINGSTONE, Bart., in the Chair. COMIMERCIAL BANK Ori SCOTLAND. A QUARTERLY GENNERAL COURT OF PROPRIE- TORS OF THE COMIMERCLAL BANKT OF SCOTLAND wUll be held in the Bis's OFFICE, here. on Tuesday tke 2~ of' March next, at Two o'Clock Afternoon, pursuant to the Char- ter. ...