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Glasgow Herald


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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... GLASGOW POLICE.r FOUNI), In the possession of a suspicions party, onl the 24tb Jantar'y last, Ii P lAIR GOLD SPECTACLES, supposed ?? it Ai to Captain Smafrt, Central Police Chambers. 14th February, 1852. SKYE TERRIER DOC,1 LOST. 551 A VERY IIOVGIL TERRIER 1D00, almost white, with S AX a few black~ hairs eun the ear. Feet and part of legs I. clippied. A handsome reward will be givcn to any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRO PT, Oil Monday I'l;aIt, H II~ Sa ANT ALIIIERT 11REQUE'T GOl)CAI, ywa 1bl(rith real - A Rey initialed. The finder nay aeahnsm c ward by Ithandijig it to 1Mr. .lu'ssll, Watchmatiker, Artilde, f Glasgow. M(UR lI N 0Q(,.III LOMIT, (NSabbathm Afternoon last, bietwixt Great flamnilton Street ' and Satuchiehall Street. Any party returning it to Mr. Ill nirhad, J eweller, 90 Duchanian street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIITISH~ GUARANI ER AsioL i.AIox, - ?? by, Act 191 PJriPI'let C1. miESIXTH ANN UAL G E'NIT 'MEETING of thle SH 5-A IEIOLDEIIM oftbiil~t 111r81i G ANUA NTEE o) A SSOC IAT'rION will he hell is in GiiUbbs, 1oval Hotel, o Princes' Street, Edinblurgh, Oii ?? tihl 223 ?? o Current, at Two ouclock Aftcteroon,, ill terilosof thle Act of In- o corporatitot. o By order of tiii [ireetors. o TR. E. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INTHE COURT FOR SALE OF INCUMBERED E STATEICS. MARTIN ESTATES. lii the 'Matter of thle estate' )URSUANT to thue Order for Of Arthur Gonne Bello, 1 Sale mido im this Matter, Martin, ES)., dies Commnissioners will, ott Ownvier; WED'INESIAY thue 14th day of Khjiot't A1'tI1L. 1852, at Noon, at their ?? -dane Emmla Court, Hfenrietta Street, inl thu Il[Iwas Biteunic-II, and Cit,.of Dublin, set upand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NF'W ANiD IMPRtOVEI) RI)IrioN OF C MR. MICUCLLtC IUIS C I-X1l IxlA'Il ICA ,L DICTION ARY. Just publi-lied , ii 'Two thiek Vol umes, 8vo. with. SiX large Maps, rii'eo 'Three Gu ineas, A a ll ~V1lkt IIIACAL, it the variouis Counttries, PtaCeS, and plrinicipal Naturail O lijuets in the Worht1. III Itratei ivjttr Maps. 1.ty JRi. B 'Cui.titii, Esq. A 1im\w antd linproviid Edition, with at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TENI)ER FEET. MR. 13ENZENSOHIN, SUIAOuON' ?? FiROM ST. I'LTERISBUR, A 11AS REBtlEO, JVI), A P'mr coeo'cnielic' to his Ielatients, to G 5 ]Z E N F I E I, }) S T It E E, TA 1)ETWEIIN WVest lzegelit Street and Bath Street, and may A B) lie clted doily fiom 10 to 5. ?? is the Inventor of the &c.. Cheiical Ilaths and C ?? for Corns, lIuiiiono, Defective war Naiks, &c., by thil use Cof whicli those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... led t Bed RITANNIA LIFE ASSITRANCE COMAP ANY, a I1 1 Princes Street, Bank, London. Of ESTA.BLISIIEi AUGUST 1, 1837. 1 l11 Emlouwered by S2eccial Act of Parliarment, IVf' Vict. cap. I.*. o Cl (!OLONEL ROBERT ALEXANDER, 3lacklieath Park, Chairman. ,ed ADVANTAGES OF THi1S INSTITUTION. no, - - of HALF CREDI'T B RATES OF PREMIUM. o; Persons assured aecerding to these rates are n1low'ed eredit nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEATIL TED, on the Thirtieth uIt, at Slough, Bucks, after a long all painful illness, the truly amiable Lady FRANCES SOitPHlIA LIGONIER, the dearly beloved wire of her incon- solable ald devoted husband, OSBORNE YEATS, Esq. of Llanlgattock Court, in the County of Brecon, and of Goodrich J H1ouse, llerefordshire, and in the Commission of the Peace S, 3nd ?? of the Counties of Middlesex and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRAPER'S STOCK FOR SALE, r BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, (Belonging to the Trust Estate of Matthew Smellie, Draper, 150 Coweaddeus Street, Glasgow.) fIIE whole STOCK is New and well-selected for a general H 1 Drapery Business. The Shop will be given Rent Free to a Purchaser till Whitsunday, and may be had afterwards at - a reasonable Rent. To a person of small Capital, and acquainted with the Busi- 1I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIME AlIZ(YLL.SlIlIE SOCIETY. T E SEC (ONI) ANNIVIESARY DINNER oftbis 1Siucit ywill takpla(dtbein ?? lntel, (1 cargoSquaire, on Thursday the 4th of MIarch next, lit Six o'clock precisely. Fi, MAJORI WALTEI.TR CAIt'lM'IIEl, Staff Officr, 1 lesident of the SSociety, In tit( Chair. 101ir1E Sk.mmoom), Esq., B3anker, Croup;ier. Tickets for Di)ner,el inluding Pint of Wine, 7s. (id. each; to be had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN AWASIIINGTON STREET FOR SALE. 'I UPSEi' PRICE, 1E1DCoccD. h'83lvPublic0 IZtIlip. within the Royal Exchange Saile ift, N'in 'dicda ?? dlay of' Mlarch ?? ?? A ?? if nlot jie ritotig5 disipesd II yr I CCC i' (l It UN) oil tlie West Side of Waslintg- Vj i S 'ott ?? 16i't'8 Square Yards, irithi Ill) t ;Stheron, iI'iitllY hililt for a Sugat' I1(loee, r 'itd ltel asa tol'C mili Couniltinig H ouse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SANDY11ILLS HOUSE TO LET. r1 IE M N'STON 11OUSE of SANDYIIILLS, situatedI If tia., East of Glasgow, onl the Sliettleston Road,r tA till XNhutaujjlndy, II 853. The House contains lDin- vil lriin Rosin, Parlour, 5 Bed RCoomis, and Ser- i.,,In,((.1)raviilntiiion. 'I'ie Offices contain Coach Hlouse, em5 *, ther coniveniencest. Omnibuses pass the avenue ~ fatmyhave hart of tho( Land along witls the ...