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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... N'TjWFBP, BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM- BI11N, LEIP1ZIG, DRESDEN, &c.-Fareai, i6s. live hours ?? AN4TWERP COM- su ?? an ;ery ?? steami-ship BARON OSY, or $ ~S o0 l'.conrcnrirleaves the St. Eathitrine's Wharf, 30 dy origat. Teni, returning fronm Antwvorp N eretryr atEleven. Travellers may proceed th Ser~. Coupto Cologne, HantburL,, Berlin, Lelpzic, or irs .~ reril lto rrt sea passage of five hours ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... moSPANISH BONDHOLDERS.-CONVER.I TSION of the SPANISH IDEBT.-NetiCO Is hereby given, that the committee of Spanish BondhOlders are continuing to' RECEIVE, by the hands of their agents, the London and County 33ank, No. 21, Lombard-street, everydy(exmeptSaturday), BONDS and COUPONS for CONVERSION. s 101 to 150, who may have Those holders of rcceipts freni Nos.11t18,womyav already sent in their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUOTION. ~ + Inn portant New River Share (either entire or to le di ided -to quarters); also a valuable Perpetual Annuity of 4teo Seiemod on Four other Shares in the same vast and prosperous ?? [ESSRS. DANIEL S3MITH andSON WHIl SELL £YLR by AUCTION, at the Auction Mlart, TO.MORROW, Fcb* at Tvwelve (unless acceptable offers shlall he previous]y na'i private treaty), inu one or Four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir - ?? 0, SALES BY AUCTION. it !h queen's Hotel, Cheltenham.-In the matter of thle Joint Stock t; Companies' Winding-up Act, 1848, atid of the Cheltencii,1 1fiftel Company. MESSRS. DRIVER beg respectfully to illform e- ofica the public that they have received directions frmontthe Broughani, Esq., one of the Masters; of the High Court of Chain cery, to OFFER the following remarkably valutable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nI HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- Ad TO-NIGHT, the renowned tenor, Mr. SIMS REEVES (havng rcovred rom i, empoaryindipositisn), Will positively appear in Auber's opera of PFtA DIAVOLO. After which, the popuar antmim ofHAREQUN HGARH.-The demand for places to ee this performance is so great, that, with a view of ohta~ining good accommsodation immediate ?? should be medeto JHN ENTO, Bx Beoklekeepor. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USCESTON direct, a regular trader, thie greater part of her cargo elPraged, and will have f. dpS teth tile well-known gist-sailing British-built S'ciLte BIPTr, A 1, registt-, 384 tons, DANIEL MIKENLAY i, LADIjg, iat tile Jet!?, London Docks. This ship has most S~lllndlr I5 latiojl 'or ?? termis of freight or ,x ?? Dltt and Moore, 9, Bihiter-street. t to PASSENGERS for CAPE of { ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OBESE ATRtE ROYAL,, DRURY'-LANE.-1 A. THIlS EVENING, ROBEBRTTHE DEVIL, with Mr. Fedor, Mr. H. Drayton, Mdillc. Garcia, and Miss Crichton; and the new PANTOMIME.-To-msorrow (in consequence of the complete over- flow to ali par-to of the theatre), Mr. Sims Reeves wvill appear ill FRA DIAVOLO.-The newv Parisian ballet of VERT-VERT is in active preparation, and will be produced on Friday next with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pORT LYTTELTON, CANTERBURY ESIE'ST -A FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER SHIP on March 10, chartered isy BANI foconi risc rt of London for IjORT LYI'TELTON, CAN- Pull ftiSt?,ry Aesociation.FOr freight, passage, or further in- ceased * spi'it at tho Ecoigratioti Departuiecit of the Associstioll, the Ic .rc5? *o, Strand to J. Steycer, 110, Fenclcureli-street; before ?sdIPtQid Co., 157, Feciehurch-strset. at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (F 1RE of CONSUJMPT'IVE COUGHX by Dr. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAPE~iS.-Frqm llessrs. Carey, Cocks, and Roper, Man of Ross House,- A lady, a few months ago, told us she should never fear a consumptive coogh again as long as ash could get a box of Dr. Locoak's Wafers, althcoughc the greater part of her family had died of consumption. To singers and public speakers they are invaluablo for clearing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E Ito INDIA, CHINA, &c.-Particulars T'renls Mothly Mail steain Conveyance alad of the o. pibe ofgla Monuuncatien, now established by the Penin- 2 toI retlSteen, Navigation Com'pany With the East, &c. 5ehO 151 Ity oolk passeligere anid receive goods andl parcele as Th CIA111 O,. CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCU'1'iA, PENAiNG, hertoforell and HONG KONG, by their eteatners, starting ,tslpoonthe 20th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~k. PUBLICATIONS. list Iler- Nearly redy, fep. 8%e,c Bn ISHOP KEN'S APROACHtdhehL Libs B ALTAR,. ote 1L be Edited Vbyte Author of the 1Life of Bish~ol giel thWilliam, Pickering, 177, Piccadilly. .me ick. Just published, fep. Sr. the CHOES of the GREATEIBIAO iate J2 By JOSEPH TURNER William Pickering, 177, Piccadilly. put edl, SMALL BOOKS ON GREAT SUBJECTi - Ia) Just published, fep. 8vo., 4s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY.LANE.-I THIS EVENING will be pre~unted the onera of ROBE1RT THE DEVIL. Robert, Mr. Fedor; Bertram, Mfr. H. Drayton ; BRaim- lbaul, IM1r. Alacners First Knight, Dir. S. Jones; the Princess, Miaii Crichton; Alice, MIdfle. Evelina Gare:a. After which, the new Christmas pautominie, called HARLE- Pruie.Harlequin, QUN HOGAIITH or, The Two London'Petie.Hrqun 'HEATRE ROYAL, ...