Law Intelligence

... s NOTICES-THIS DAY. The IotA Chsecellcr will hear appeala in the Hocec of Loads. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. ArlO-Berac inc Loans Juse:css.-Appeal motions: Hyde v. itaeMayorotMsnchooter, part heard; Ilaynin a. Netley. Appeal: - i'atcrson a. Set!, pirt heard; Bolton a. Powell (2). VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, LINCOLN'S-INN. 5 Av lO.-BeFosaYIce.Cn?sce.La.on Tus.sian.-For judgment: Tat- a barn ...

Law Intelligence

... TLaw *umitaince. NOTICES-THIS DAY. The Lo.d Chancellor will attend he House t Lords on appeals- COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S.INN. AT 10 -1l3l1`t; THE LORDS JusTicsi.-To be spoken to: Stuart v. Lloyd, npl. Ap, ea s Toogood v. Robins (2,, part heard; Ed- wardsv. Butt, partheardi; Turner v. Turner, causC by order. VIC& CHANCELLORS' COURTS, LINCOLN'S-INN. At 10.-BEFoare VIea.CEANer.MLoR Si1 G. ...


... LAW INTELLIGsNCE. CONSOLIDATED CHAMBER. There will be a sitting in Chamber on Friday next at twelve o'clock to hear motions for all the courts. Baron Richards will probably be the presiding judge. To-morrow will be the last day for serving notices of motion for that sitting. INSOLVENT COURT-SATURDAY. Commissioners Curran and Baldwin sat in this court on Saturday at eleven o'clock, In re ...


... D L A N O F G U I 1 D) C O U R T. ?? Courlt met oio Thursday That-present, Mr. Couual, tilc Li id I maill ;mr. Hiannian , tile .Sub-ilean ;and lill tle otlher iinejnbers of' tile Court. 'There were numerlou~ls app11 olctionsO for' lilthocrity to build and alter houses over tiw (,-hole municipal illiulidlry, but beyond sliowhig the pr1ogre0ss of' extenidod accursl- Specially) iut(,erot lg ill ...


... LA W NOTICES-Tirs DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. (Before the LORDS JUsTiCEs, at half-past 10.) Appeal motion : Richardson v Ayton. Appeals: Great North. ern Railway v Manchester, SheFfeld, and Lincolnshire Railway- Hill v Notley-Hayman v Notley-Exparte Mainwarirg v Eastem Counties Junction Railway Company. VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, LINCOLN'S-INN, at 10. i (Before Vjee-Chavoeller Sir G. ...


... CgO T.Ri T OP JANI.R UP TC Y-WmDiEsDAY. 0 i Before M!. Commissioner Fonblanque.' IN RE (IIARLES IIENIY OANSDEN. The bankrupt was a victualler of Hove, near Brighton. Hisaccounts showed ?? profits, £412 ; good debts, £10; property, £537; trade expenses, £579 ; outlay on cricket ground, £272 ; house and personal expenses £165; losses, £4a5. Mr. Linklater, on his behalf, applied for a certificate ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENCE DORCHESTER. ATTEMPTED MUJ.DER IN THEB PORTLAND CONVICT ESTABLISHMENT.-Wm. Thompson, a most forbidding looking youn5 fellow, of twenty-four, was indicted for cutting and wounding James Cullum, a coxvict in Port- land prison. It appeared that both parties were con- victs, and on the 2nd of September they were at wrek, cracking stones, under the charge of warders, in the stone ...


... ACCIDENTS,, OFFENCES,. ETC. w I - ~ - ?? v- . L AWFUL OCCURRENCE WE.AR MIAaCuESTEReOn. Saturday morning week, Mr. Spencer SSuthers, a cotton-spiuner dud manufacturer, residing at Oldham, committed suicide by leap- ing~down a coalpit belonging to Messrs.;Evans, Barker, and Ce.. in that borough. Mr. Suthere is said to isave been a great . sufferer from rheumatism, and is supposed to have: ...


... : RIVER BATLIE COURT. I . * . 1- - 11 I- - On Monday last Janies M'1oDInld, Robert ilurray, AleIxan- dcl Claclier, Robert Shcarer, J ohin tParlaie, and James Mlitehell, labourers, atid in the emplooymeitt o(f tite Clyde TrusteeS, Iver'e charged with the csi'iie otf theft, ictors, or art anid part, iii 50 fia its ont lVeduesday, tbe 18th, or Thurs day, the 1Wil days of February last, r ?? what. ...


... SACRILsGe.-Samauel Collins, 30, was indicted charged with unlawfully breaking and entering a certain district church of the pariah of St. Marylebone, to wit, Trinity Church, with intent to steal the goods, chattles, and money therein being in the said church. It appeared that the pri- soner had been employed about Trinity Church, Marylebone, and on the 25th of February last he was seen by the ...


... M1ANSION HOUSE.. R ltk19 UY 3E; ALES.-On Tuesday, two women, named Mqrtha- Smith and alry Jones, were charged with having: robbed a man, at twelve o'lockL at night, in Aldgate. The prisoners, who have been long known as hawkers of fruit about the Royal Exchange, pretended to be drunk, and one of them affected to support herself from falling by catch- ing the prosecutor by the arms, and held ...


... I . ,.,WEUSTERN CIRCUIT. -WISCHESTER,, MARCH 1. ; SPORTING CASE.-SARGRNT. V. ZIMXUESSSAN. - Mr. Butt and Mr. Karslake appeared for the: plaintiff; Mr. Crowder and. Mr. Maynard for the defendaut. It appeared that Mr. Algernon Maesingberd, late: an officer in the Blues, whose name was. intimately connected-with Kossath-. when in this country, was indebted to the defendants, who are jewellers, of ...