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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... j.N'd'EN-SI E' siIKEI', 'l'KKmEN1'l'TO LEIT. * s ?? Elatry' at WhitIsunlay ?? t, if desired, ?? Gi IIAZ NG TE l~NE'MEINT' known ais the! ,o F K I NTYI'~'E, pretscoltly posse by thle IN oll ('ioy. r Isuprcondhlli tile Lanlds of'C Utill\t'Ll, Illt ltj fi I: EI,1 ?? 1 , MO It E, ItA L, I NM A C () 11 1 IE, ;AI.N.0101)L, lI.ALIMMIiII)ERIE , j B N .IALIIM AVICARI, I NANDIUNAN, INANBEIA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLARKE'S ALBANY CHAMBER LAMPS, 4s., 4s. Gd., 5s.. and Gs. eaell. Registered Jane 15th, 1851. C 1LARNIE'S ALBANY CHAMBER LAMi' CANXDLES C bln, 7 houts each, 12 in a box, 10d. per box. These are, without exception, the sa I'st atil mllost US1efual lulps ever in.. vented, ate fivali able for carry ing about tile. hoese, for light- ing hialls, staireases, bed-~olnis, or for a nigit i light. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E' AIl 111 I it itY, j\ FINE P' TI ?? iUT', 211 ihelesby Ii1 will be ITSronetedl, A i~ISI to1, ev iy 'Suiticriler' and P'ur'chaser of' thle GILASMlt\IV \EX'IIINICI o'rTMoirriow. Copiesi~ (ii Paper wit Piori~trait, each, to be. litid at the Oti iv, 7 A ''yll Streect 'ild at thu( Ii`,ksuIlicr. Examinerc Ofice, ' ireli 1 2th, 18,52. 1) 'IV. I'lHOM1SfON, IN(t NtISEE, 211 IJtbW551110 OTS I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i(LX . IiI.LRESIDENCE, FC OO ru 1, S ALE. TI (1I byod Ii' Ptblic Reoap, within iy(li Stk -Ex- ~ ?? Baonk ]tllildillg.~, Quecin Street, 151 I , fls iaythe l7th day13 of .'Iarcii currenlt, ait in NDS l (hf' LANCS 11)1, sitmated about two milesA ,,f t ooegow, ill tile Pl'aish of c11thloit, 111111 be-A tl,()ld ;uold New' K i~mriotltlck Rovads, con~tainling upwalilds al * , 01rlwllg50103,andl a110 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH BRITI'SHt INSURAIINCE COMPA NY. A Ttle ANNUAL M EIGof PROPRIETORS of A IITIiti-IlTSit I NSUR ANCE COMPANY,] (the Forty-scroinlin the Fire Derpartmenrtt, oatd the 'J',eety-eighth in the Life,) ?? in thle Company's Office in Edillburgh, on thle Ist instantt-the Htionourable LOR C UNING0H ANE, 0110 of thle Extraordintary Di rectors, in the Chair,-2 The Alanager read to the Menting a Rleport ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO~ LEND, (iof £1070, oin I critalile Sectrity.-Apil)y to hkniry f A~ cAccountrint, 12 Exchilge Square. - hA MAON.b U S f Y TtoL ND S FY11~~~11 A S 'tO1 )Aplty to \\iifialo Speirs, Writer, I II SUnion ?? WAN't'ED TO BORRO11W,- TV TH'I OUSAND1) OlTNVS, oi thereby, on New House M, T Propelrty, subsltantially hloilt, ,iod in a r'apidily improy jug ac 10C-Alitv. D Allply to Amlnlrw S. Ogle, Welte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUNNEFOIID'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA TJAS been fxlr clliiiy yealrs sanllctioned by the most eminent A I of the .1 elical A'Of'eSSitii as an excellent remedy for A ACIDITIES, IlIE,.iA illuC , ]IEAD ACIHE, _ GOUT, ANI) INDIGESTION. A\ a 31 1 iX A i'e:iti l. N'I' It iS adittirablyj sladapted( fir DELICATE rj FEM A lES 1ii(rieli'f:oelq (dsrly'sq PIr',cxlsv/; anid it prevents the Foodof' Infiants froni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAte, TI'-DAY, Ar T1WELViE O'CLOCK. MUP~l 01 SiI E UlCIRONOMETEI1 AND LEV 1VER WVAT'f ll ES, (;OLI) AVATUIHES, GOLD ChIAINS. SEALS, KEYS, &c., Niv sAND UsSE, BVy PUBLIC AUCTION. 37 1 I E Subscriber wvill Sell, by Public Auction, in his Sale T1I.,isns, It IVirginlia Street, oii l Monday first, the 29fth Mtlarch current, at Qiuantitiy of JEWE CLLE IY , including G3 od and Silwvr NV:t ?? elKeys, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTOIIN KING, Cooper, PAYS all his 'IAEN amd AP- ;eJ 1REN'l'ICES every llour, Quarter Day, Half Day, ori Daily, if asked ; otherwise Fortnightly. No Piece Workers 75 Coweaddens Street, . lasgow, 15th March, 1852. 5 J OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on and after this , 1Y date, the Subscriber wvill not be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted by MARIA NIMAO orARBUCKLE, his Wife.7 JAMES ARBUCKLE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON 5TII APRZIL, 1852, t7e Aeron1ts snd Lista qf 1nemiet-s ?oill he madet tsp for the 13th A nnual Balneilre andh 81/ Division of kte S'arplne1 F td$s. To Secure hek icil.qe of heilfl included sin the Lists, andl (q/ .3articij)atiytit in the Sr2)p1us one year car(lie thou latter Ent ren Is, APPLIC.4TIONV AUs'y' BE MVADE ON OB L'BEFOIIE L IFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND. LrS INCORPI}ORIATED) 1)Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIXIu AliM tlSON, AUCT10NEkIER AN]D VALUATOR, ii VIRGINOINiA STREELT, 171-DOO(1 SALES,' of' every dlescription 11ccaciagdiallI thcC tile inctere'st of ?? Yec', clue pubclIicity, &C., & e. I 'roicict Cash Settlemicents ?? cIV fter' at ale.c,anrep be Tihe ciii cis'c'I ,Ic rop ?? e.cte'csj', ie ?? Sidel ecwdccctcaf bcy the Advort ic-crare, the best guacranitee offered to the I'tilic fuir the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITANNIA LIFE ASSURAN CE Co0MP ANY, I 1 Princes Street, Bank, London. EsrABLisnatD Au lusT U 1, 1837. ?? by Special Act of Parliament, i17e Vi. Cal). IXc. COLON E I.R ROBEER AL EXXANDE, Black liath Park, Chairman. ADVANTAGES OF TH IIS INSTITUTION. HALF CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM. Persons assured according to thcse rates are allowed credit for halfthe amiount of tlcfirst aeves Aniual Premiums, ...