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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... CABIENET FUINUITrURE, AND) GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHIINGS, No. 62 ARGYLL STREET. S 1~I 351.C i'LE & CO). would solicit the attention of Al i jntendinil, prii asereeis to their present EXT1EN SIVE and VAUIED 31 S' TOCK of' DRAW I NG ROOM3, 1)1 N- ING RM0111, PAitLOU~1,, lIED1 (IIAMBIliI, 1O01III', KITCHEiN, and COUNTING HOUSE FURN I'UIZE, snanufacturill under their owi piersonal inspection, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOUND, in Sanlciehall Street, on Wednesday, Eventing flest, A HAIl BRlA C~ELET, geld moniiited. 'liha (twner may C Ahbave it bY aliplyijig to Mi'. W. C. Shiaw, 04 Argyll Street. F 0U N ), A pg' ' R;E't,1li~ 1,iMALL 1) ODL,,:Tp lief hig at No. 17 Stobleross Strect. If otJ thi(1N% they 'odI be Sold. ist llarrcei, 1852. FO UND1, A SKYE TERE Dt-ilt Coloured, long haired, ii A ?? black elars. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, A COUNTING HOUSE or SMALL WAREHOUSE, of Three Apartinents, in tile back building o(f Spreull's Lard, 182 Trongato. I For particulars, apply at ?? Herald Office. e Glasgow, 28th Feb., 1852. ol TO LET, ir A COUNTING-1Hf1USE, of Three Apartments on First 1Floor, at No. 13'1 St. Vincent Street; and also the _ SSUNK FLAT, to be altered tosuit Tenants. Renuts moderate. Apply to Alex. Laird & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4Il'IN TRlONOATE, STREET, FORl SALE. mi 1riseT PRICL REDUCED TOn £1000. T'I 'o libyAucetioin, in, the Royal Exeliaigc Sale Resins, Ifiiaytile 11th 'March, 1852, at (One o'clock rm- TM IlE 51101,5P, numbers 11l3, 115, and] 117, (in 'Souj ktdu (if Trinlgate Street, ait thle head or re 'A~i 1 id, occupied by Mr. J ohn Cooper, and Hi' i~taij is . I24, and might be inrerased by judicious ell I NoI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 111'OR'TAT TO PROPrIETOlRS OF ORSES A ND NEAT CATTLE. at A T this Seall (If' t ytic ttal, lwelln the cinalog;n of the at- In A l101spil(q1e lelll(t it ni11e1 11111dileti vk! oi Dkic,.ii, not only in ilorscs, butalseo it ';eat Itattle, it is of the grelatest ilnmpor- tan1cc to kliow of a reinedy that may be used Ivitli safety, acd .n of never failingl ctiicay. CtUPIS~S- CONST ITUTTOIN BALLS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DARING ASSAULT AND) HIGHWAY RtOBBERY. RlEWARD) OF £50. ?? the oo ?? and Twelve ?? w (.,It I:O t of FR I DA Y ?? FElI RC'A It Y ]last, d r. A 'illl~ HA 11, Newinfils W.iil CilS9o Crrer It, Ii the HIighroad between lk-ovelilII Tolilbar ao ?? of, IMCd iars, whcnl 1ossing with Two Loiaded Cirts, ?? am feb lioii .iv att iikied and struck and beait oil his he~ad, Will IIa Rark-PIiilo Bi1 ludigeoni, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F NC LIS11 AND MC0I-rI'' 51 LAW LIFE E~ASSUIIANCE AND) LOAN ASoN ICAT1tN. ESr-eIAIAAII o1839.-SU SCOtlED) CA. vrIAII, ONIE M11 [o.1C. (12 NVATEIMILOO PLACE', LONDOIN. Tnr BuSimess Or 'Pis Ass.OClATrlN' embraces every de- sc-ripitiollof i is k contingeiit on Cue durcationi of' liliriali life. WI~TH PA R1 CIPlATION ?rIN THE I 'ov'rus ?? A ssoclArlox. Wirilouri t'I1TlCi-w'rlicN, ON A RED~UCED S' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUNNEFOIID'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA TJAS been fxlr clliiiy yealrs sanllctioned by the most eminent A I of the .1 elical A'Of'eSSitii as an excellent remedy for A ACIDITIES, IlIE,.iA illuC , ]IEAD ACIHE, _ GOUT, ANI) INDIGESTION. A\ a 31 1 iX A i'e:iti l. N'I' It iS adittirablyj sladapted( fir DELICATE rj FEM A lES 1ii(rieli'f:oelq (dsrly'sq PIr',cxlsv/; anid it prevents the Foodof' Infiants froni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i(LX . IiI.LRESIDENCE, FC OO ru 1, S ALE. TI (1I byod Ii' Ptblic Reoap, within iy(li Stk -Ex- ~ ?? Baonk ]tllildillg.~, Quecin Street, 151 I , fls iaythe l7th day13 of .'Iarcii currenlt, ait in NDS l (hf' LANCS 11)1, sitmated about two milesA ,,f t ooegow, ill tile Pl'aish of c11thloit, 111111 be-A tl,()ld ;uold New' K i~mriotltlck Rovads, con~tainling upwalilds al * , 01rlwllg50103,andl a110 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~~ulr ANNUAL CARD.. a eur u c ratle as clit ?? apras illl'it)TC, t pr lto djapitneit, ('lIlahh us Ioll apportili oie ellgagrumient, anid give the necessary publicity( W'le Still j5(iliIlI to thoi'llorl (11 W'itlkh Wl 1IcIVe acted for that d isposers and purchasers naky rely it 'lxaving. every justice u dcloe theim. P arties wishing to D ispose oif thieiir 1 U 1NIT'UCRE inl wholoeC or part, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRASS PARKS TO LET, AND CATTLE AND WOOD FOR SALE. THE GRASS PARKS of CARDROSS, all well enclosed, w watered, and sheltere(, and of good quality, will be Let, for the ensuing Grass Season, by Public Roup, on Monday the 5th day of April next. The LAW N, containing 152 Acres Scots, G0 Acres of wihiel is now laid down to Gross after Green Clop, may be Let, ii one or more divisions, to be pastured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Es TA it 1. I ut ~I A u IC usr 1, 1837. 1'Emivoer'cd by '5~)Cclui Ad it f Pariamenir~t, I 1V. liet. Cap1. 1.1. COL~ONELr I0onITe AL. x A Ni'tl e, Blacklieath Park, Chairman. ADVANTAG.(ES OF '1111 INSTITUTION. IIALF CRElI:iT RlATES1 OF PRlEMIUCM. 1Persoiica1imireil accordin g to these rates aire allowed credit intiere't thereonl at tie rate of Five per Cenlt. pe Alnnoiii1, with thle iiptiiil ...