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Advertisements & Notices

... O.&LELNDAR FO THE wms, MARCH. 7, 9ugDAY-.2d Sunday in Lent.-Momiug Lessons: Genesis xxviL.; Luke xviii. ; Evening Lessons. Genesis XXiv.: C0105s. ?? ribes, 32B. past 6h.; sets, 5om. past 5h. 8 O DfAY.r-Judgment in Exeter v. Gorham, 180. g, TussDAY.-Rev. J. Shore imprisoned 1849. lo' WZDIssDAY.-Benjamin West died 1820. . THURSDA-Political risings 1848, S1 F~~VCh e }1ospital founded 1682.-Moon's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PFlT L TTELTON, CANTERBURY en ter Ports in NEW ZEAtAND.-The .fITL~ C slp AM RANG, A 1. 582 toils, - EscoTr, ~v~oeii ~~5csiterbiury Asso~ciationi, will sail front i~ vr~towed i)POtLyrTELTON, CANTERBURY 41 1ot~si oherpotsin New Zealand, on Wedniesday, rigt, passage, or further lisformatton, ~i~''ctioi flparieilt of theAssaeiationt, 9, Adelplij. ?? t~ ~ staeerllo, Fenchurch-strest; or to Messrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I3.- - to t Ohe MUSICAL PROFESSION.-ROBERT t T o .OLLIVIER (Concert Agent) begs to acquaiont the ladies lv if and gentlemen of the niusical profession that the continuous de- leti, mannd for professors in different, localities, iii the vichilty of the Imetropolis, as well as inl the larger railway towns and fashionable 1watering-places, hass induced him to OPEN a REGISTER of RE- PFERENCE for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD OF GRtEEN CLOTH. BUCKI{NGHAM PALACE, MARCn 26, 18S2. 'VOTICE is hereby given, that the carriages pro- ?? eceding to her Majoety's DRAWING ROOM, at St. Jamles Palace, on Thursday, the 1st of April, are to fall into line and go down the left-hand side of St. James's-street, enter at the iron gate nearest the Palace, set down at the Arcade, turn round, and go out by the iron gate iiearest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDIA, CHINA, &C.-Particulars e r ,)lMonthly Mail Steam Conveyance asd of the Of ?? communication noow established by the Penin- M oal tell a Navigation Cosopasy with the East, &o. -l00 rvestlbook passengers aid receivo goods and parcels as ; for CEYLON MADRAS, CALCUlT'A, PENANG, ofor8e and HONG KONG, by their steamers, starting ;j5GAfro e;lptoil on the 20th of every month, and frotn Suez ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7110 SPANISH BONDHOLDERS.-CONVER- J.. 810SN of the SPANISH DEBT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Committee of Spanish Bondholders in London are Continuing to RECEIVE, by the hands ol their Agents, the London and Cousity Bank, No. 21, Lombard-street, everyday (except Saturday), BONDS and COUpONS for CONVER- SION. Parties neglecting tosend their bonds in before the S1st instant will Zoae a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VINTAGE WINES. HE P R U U S 'A E C beg to invite Tpublic vattention to their raret and extentsive stock of BOTTLED WiNES, consistingofupwardsof FIFTEEN THOIUSAND DOZENS, amlongst which are wenesol great age and peculiarvintage. To tbose wo distance may prevent from visiting their cellars, 0.ey would confidently recommend the following wines, viz.: Double Diamond Pale Sherry, old wine, at 283. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ai NTWERP, BRUSSELS. COLOGNE, HAM- t .MBUIOG1, BERLIN, LEII'ZIC, DRIESDEN, ?? Passage 11 &o hours only).-RtEL)UCED FARES: 2da. and ?? AntwerpIo Qumpany's new, splendid, end very powerful steam~ship BARON OSY the ITiOMAS JACliSO N, commander, leaves the St. Katharine Whrf cot Tower, every Sonday morning, ut I1I O'clockc, returning from An Ir a ?? olge ?? an( t hPAeNY'fgodS ms beAMSHP made ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEHAT should SUFFERERS from MIND or NERVOUS FEELINGS DO ?? or write to Rev. Dr. Wilie Moseley, who cured himself of fourteen yeare' nervousnessand is the only person who experimentallv understands it, and can cure it, having cacedl tboueands. All can be cured ?? either by the ordinary menns at their own honsee, or by thc extra meains at the lDoetor's. Full particulars in a PAMPHLET franked to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iUIDDLESEX.-Notice is hereby given that l Two severai Statements in Writing lunder the Act 9 Geo. 4, cap. 43). of which the following are respectively copies, have been received by the Clerk of the Peace, for the County of liliddlesex,tvz. WX'e, the Undersigned, being Justices bating separate Com- missions of the Peace far the County of liddlesex, are of opinion Iliac the Parish of St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ork. SALES BY AUCTION. ugh- _4 per Time Collection of choice Pictures of anl Annateur.-By Miessrs. but CHIt. InEs and MANSON. at their Great Room, 8, Kirng-street S.Jnc'sqeuare, TH IS DAY, Marcha 10, at One precisely, 4Choice Collection of PICTURES, by Italian, A, Flemish, Dutch, and French Masters, the property ofa [G. amiateur; comprisinig the Virgin and Child, by Francis.; the Ca. lunirmy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORRS PUBLISHED BY W. M. CL&RER 16 and 17, WARWIC-LLANE. In Weekly Xos.j 16 Quarto Pages, 30 Engravings, One Penny, T H E CRYS TAL P A L A e E; and Its Contents. An Illustrated Cyclopmedia -of the Great Ex- hibition; containing every article worthy of notice in the World's Fair. Twenty-eight Nos. are now ready, or four Monthly Parts, Sixpence each; to be completed in oe hands=ee volume, price ...