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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AN4: OTLHERS. - YVTRITING PAPEiRS of all descrnptions W may be purchased at the Hult Packet Office, 22, Whitefriargate, as Cheaply as at any Establishment it Hull. ,ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE. v E PILEPSY is one of the most afflictive of a E all human maladies, rendering the life of theh .patient a burden, and most frequently cutting him ?? in the midst of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THECOMMdERCIALSALERBO(MS. STERNE'SBUILDINCS, PAPR HNGIGSLEEDS. PAPER UANGINGS IN GREAT VARIErY. Messrs. HFppER and BARKER will BELL BY AUCTION, at their BoOen. on Tucsda, sext, March Sixlicelth, 1852, a LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SiOCK OF Ai PAPER EIANGIXNxS, manufactured on flock, satin, and plain grounds, the whole of which will be offered in lota to suit purchasers. Sale to commente at eleven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ -R O)()R QUEBEC, with GOODS F and PASSENGERS. the first-class British-built Ship METEOR, 700 Teos j31rthei. DA rN IL BnowN, Commander, a regular Trader; will Sail about the 7th of April. Fos Freight or Passage, apply to the MASTER on Board, in the OldDock, near Quay-street end; or to Boa HARRISON BROTHERS, I80, High-street. Hull, February 10, 1852. - . f I ROM I-lULL for QUEBEC, F with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AND OT hERS. i~RITING PAPERS of alldescrjptions 1' may be pnrchasea at thd Ruiz Packet Office, 22, Whitefiriargatte, as Cheaply as at any Establishment in Hall, - ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE T 'l04DER. NOTICE.-THESE LOZENGES DO 'NOT CONTAIN ANY PREPARATION OF OPIUM, ORt OF ANY ANO- DYNE WHICH CAN INJURE THEICONSTI'EUTION. Under Patronage of Royalty, and the Authority of the faculty. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Messrs. HPPER and ARKERar intucted to BELT, BY AUCTON 0 thepremses f Mr Jeremiah rowry., No. 3 Osange19 Al Leeds, on, Thursday next, thle Eievntnh day or' LL the UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, pledged A wth th following Patvnbtokera Prier to the 10th Mr. JERII. SONVRY. 31, Chance Alloy; Messrs. ?? and W.. MIDIDLETON. La~ly-laflo; Air. JOHN RrII), Fountain-street: Mr. GEORGE WVODLEII, Quarry jfjlland ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3LATWlliVS GOUT AMND RHEUMAec1'I PILLS. B tids ingtestil.Onial is another Iroof of the great effi. ?? New iin street, London, October 12th, 1815 Sir -In acquainting you with the great be-efit whichI haveX.| pereleoced by taking BLAIIt'S8 GOUT A ND lIE 1LU ItATIC I-ILLS, I titel that!I aia but performiing a duty to that portion Of the publi Wvho roy be siililarly afflicted. About twelnty years ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C11111Ak' ANI) Wr1ANDA141)0~ Now Poublishing ile Nos. at Onle Petirly each. ALL SPLENDIDLY ILLIOT3TATED 1.-TIlT: LOST MARIIERS, or ?? for Sir Johb Frank. lin, anl alilhentic ?? of the variotus expeditlonS that ase sent ii Searcih of the missilg MOip.: with ol erou Plates. 2.- lAMARTI:Nr'S TIRAVELS in lho itly Land: with coloured Fronaipicte and Title, and aumnerous other Platee. 3.-TIlE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? iettancou%. R I N T I N G of all kinds executed as PCHEAPLY, NUEATLY, & EXPEDITIOUSLY, at the Hull Packet Office, as at any Office in the Town. UNDER ROYAL PAT ONAGE. E PILEPSY is one of the most afflictive of _ all human maladies, rendering the life of the patient a burden, and most frequently cutting him off in the midst of his days, and consigning him to a pre- mature grave. As yet no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRB. CILVERWELL, O ON THE PLEASURES OF HEALTH. A series of popular works, is., each, by post Is. Gd. each. 5. ENJOYMENT OF LIFE. 'Healthrecreatin-, andrationalune of time.' ~sTsE ary rising Spisig;cod Sur memaer mornings, Excur- sions about the E~nvirons of Lodon-the Parks, Lanes, Hills, Forests, Fields, Righ-roads, and other pleasant places, Country Tripspsod amls Otes-he Sea; Londo at Night- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOWc 'Notie. lTORSTED COMMITTEE,-In pursuance of (V an Act of i'ariament passed inte thl lserfo the rei gn of his Mr jesty King George the Third, for the more effectually preventing frauds and abuses committed by persons employed in the manufacture of oembing wool, worsted yarn, and goods made from worsted, in the counties of York. Lancaster, and Chester, I do, by order of the Chairman of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENT. ( JOBN COBSELL'S SYSTEM OF NATIONAL EDUCATION, which be proposes to establish without asking for auy *peclal Act of Parliament. The only astittance be Intends to seek from the Legislature ie, the repeal of the iniquitous and obnoxious tax upon the medium through which be proposes to convey his system of Education to the people, namely, Paper. On Saturday, April Third, John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NA'tIONAL ANTI-coRN LAW LEAGUE.- At Motiig f te ouniland Friends of the late I Leagu held tisl dAy, SIIaich 2, 1852, in the Lare aom nbt Bulig ilanchester; id IewlaGEORGE WILSON, Eoq., in the Chair; side St was nioved by1RIiCPAnD Coetet. ?? in f; Secoinded by 14013JiT ASWION, Eisq., of ilyde ; Arldc,,rried Un din . having been ormed committed by everyple!dge that canibind the honourof public ...