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Caledonian Mercury

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreiqu kutelligence. FRANCE. According to the Constitutionnel, the budget of 1853 will be submitted to the Corps Legislatif. The budget for the present year does not contain any serious modifications of the sources of revenue. The tax on salt is not touched, but manufactu- rers of soda, hitherto exempt, are to pay 10 f, the 100 kilo- mes, which will give to the revenue five millions and a ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Forciqn FRANCE. Paris, Thursday Evening. The Moniteur publishes a rep. ort, from which it appears that the Rank of France has redu ced the rate of discount on com- mercial paper from four to three per cent. According to the returns published by the Journal des De- bats, the definitive elections, known in Pa ris on Wednesday night, were ninety-two in number. With four or five excep- | tions the ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foretqr nielliqence. FRANCE Pants, Monday Evening.—The operation of voting for the is department cl at four It was conducted throughout in perfect calm. The number of electors was more numerous in the earlier part of the day. The early of the day being fine, and it being one which is kept as a sort of holiday by the working-classes, no doubt tended to aug- ment the numbers. It would be unsafe, ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Voreigu Entelligence. FRANCE. The Moniteur contains a decree convoking the Senate and A rumour that the first proposition to be submitted to these bodies will be the as- Corps Legislutif on Monday, March 29. sumption of the imperial title by Louis-Napoleon, seems to be confirmed, in some measure, yy the mysterious significance with which the announces that the Council of State is occupied with ...

Foreign Intelligence

... SPAIN. Advices from Madrid, dated the 17th, state that the Spanish Government was about to send reisfereements to Cuba; also that the of the treaty on international copyright between France and Spain, which had been abandoned, was resumed. GERMANY. Beruts, March Hock, to whom the Austrian Go- vernment has hitherto confided the active management ¢ f its projects of cominercial policy, is to go ...

Foreign Intelligence

... ITALY. “ The follies of the carnival,” says a letter from Rome, “ con- tinue with moderate vivacity, sustained in a great the fineness of the weather, the eagerness mean insatiable appetite for amusement dis the lower or- ders of Romans. Those who Bt what the carnival was seven or eight years ago, however, will confess that it has la- mentably fallen off of late. The virulent animesi displayed ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreiqnu Entelliqence. =D FRANCE. It is that the Empire will soon be proclaimed not- withstanding the avowed opposition of Russia ; yet, seeing what has taken place at the e'ections, there is doubt that the country would ratify a question put in this sense by a majority equa! to that by virtue of which the Prince President was au- thorised to make a constitution according to his own good will ...

Imperial Parliament

... Emperial Parliament. HOUSE OF LORDS. Monpay, March 15. The LORD CILANCELLOR took his seat at five o'clock. POLICY OF THE GOVERNMENT, Lord BEAUMONT, in pursuance of notice, called the at- from tention of their Lordships to the inconvenience the country being left in uncertainty as to the policy of Her Majesty's Government in reference to levying « duty on corn. It was desirable that the country ...

Foreign Intelligence

... | SJoretqn FRANCE. One of the great men of the Revolution of February, M Armand Marrast, so long known as the principal conductor of the National, died on Wednesday at his residence in the Rue de Bourgogne. In the month of November last he had a stroke of apoplexy, from the effects of which he had not recovered. More important events in which M. Marrast was con- cerned are too recent to ...