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... -- 10 actru. THE PEASANT'S PRIDE. SHE left her father's busy home- A lass of eighteen years- She heard no more her sisters' laugh, Or her brothers' blithsome cheers. Beneath the household holly trees, No more at noon she listens To the hum of her mother's honey-bees Where the hire in the sunshine glistens. Her cot is on a dreary moor, Where sound of human -life For hours at time will never ...


... iortru. GOOD TEMPEr. S Y C It H A L ES S IW A I N . T'HEUE's not a cheaper thing on earth, Nor yet one half so dear; 'Tis worth more than distinguish'd birth, Or thousands gain'd a-year. It lends the day a new delight; 'Tis virtue's firmest shield; And adds more beauty to the night Than all the stars may yield. It maketh poverty content; To sorrow whispers peace; It is a gift from Heaven sent ...

Fashion and Varieties

... masbionn anb Farieties. THE COURT. OsionoNIX, TruhlsnAV.-This morning being the birth- day of her Royal Highness the Princess Louisa, the band of the Royal Marines was in attendance at Os- borne, and played for some time under her MNlajesty's windows. The Queen and Prince, with ?? tisodly, walked afterwards in the gardens. RETURN OF TirE COUItT FIROM Os3orrNr.-It was ex- pected that her ...


... 'Petrg. M EMIORY. WnrN we recall the happy scenes Of love's young days we knew, To which remembrance fondly leans, Unconscious how they flew; And those we prized, perchance too well, All cold, or false we see, 'Tis only nem'ry that can tell How changed this world can be. When hearts for which we lived alone We can no more believe, And passion's most exciting tone Is breathed but to deceive; ...


... WVOBKING CLASSES' ASSOCIATION. AUT, OF BLELFAST'S .C ?? ON 'fiil5OITS 01 TIE NlEE:TItNT51C C::NTUIIV. TIIE last of this course of interesting and highly beau- tiful and instruetive ?? vwas delivered yesterday evening, in the Music IHall. Comuposed as thealaudience was of all ranks and degree3 of society, assembled in earnest attention andl anxiety to reaap the full benefit of the occasion, it ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? allnb ITieties. THE COURT. OsraORN., SuNDAY.-Her Majesty, his Royal lHighl- ness Prince Albert, and the Royal family, attended by the MIarchioness of Ely, the Hon. Caroline Cavendish, -.Major General Buckley, and Colonel Bouverie, arrived at Osborne, at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, from London. It is supposed the Court will sojourn at Osborne for a fortnight. HUr MAsxSTY'S SUMNI1E ...


... Ctlrp. LOOK UP. LooK up! look up! can ye not see Some promise of a better time- The dawning of a day to be, Free from the stains of wrong and crime? Soon shall the people shout aloud, From out the depths of their despair, And hope, within her silver cloud, Shall answer then their earnest prayer. Look up! look up! from out the sky, See the pale angel faces lean; All heaven seems full of melody, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? allb uariEtic5. THE COURT. OsoHNi,, MMacxi 1G.-Her Majesty, his Royal Higll ness Prince 'Albert- And the Royal familv did not leave the grounds at Osborne yesterday. The Royal dinner party included Sir Cliarles Eastlake, the Dean of Win- cliostem, the Hon. Colonel and Mrs. Grey, and the Rev. Mr. Protheroe. The Queen has appointed the Duchess of Atholl to be AMistiress of the Robes, in the ...


... .1 THIE ROBIN. ONE night of stormn, as I lay warm, I heard, to ray amazoment, A curious and unwonted sound Came rattling at the casement. 'Tis naught, I thought, but drivinig sleet, Swift on tie wind that passes: The snowy flake, or bail, may make This pattering on the glasses. Tile sounds increased, and never ceased, Till they had spoiled my napping. I rose to see what all ioght be That ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ja5bion aub Farictim. THE COURT. OSiOniN., TuIESD.AY.-The Queon and Prince and the Royal children wvalked and rode in the grounds at Osborne yesterday. The Hon. Colonel and Mrs. Grey had the honour of receiving an invitation to dinner. VICEREGAL COURT. Tnr Dn.Awex.-Rooxt.-Alrcaely symptoms have ap- peared of increased activity in the Dublin trade by the prospect of a brilliant Court, and we ...


... SINCE the date of our last notice, the Exhibition has been generally well attended, and several sales have taken place at prices between £10 and £40. This is very encouraging, considering the kind of surprise by which the announcement of the completion of the ar- rangements came upon the public. We proceed with our notices of the pictures No. 15- View of the Cave Hill from the North- Rain ...


... -- vortrg. TH-1SKY.LARK 'S SONG. IT comes down from the clouds to me, On this sweet day of Spring; Methinks it is a melody That angel-lips might sing. Thou soaring minstrel! winged bard! Whose path is the free air, Whose song makes sunshine seem more bright, And this fair world more fair! I ask not what the strain may be, Thus chanted at Heaven's gate _ A hymn of praise, a lay of joy, Or ...