Advertisements & Notices

... ,CYED TEETH AND TOOTHACHE. f1tjIZED BY HER MAAJESTY THE QUEEN, i'A t1 R(lAL HIGIINESS PRINCE AL3ERT_ 1a RIOYAL HIGbHsEss TrHE DUCIuESS or KENT. A p. l1OWARD'S WHITE SUCCEDA- t 1'NEUMi, for filling Decayed Teeth, however Lmtin cvity. It is placed in the tooth iln a soft state, P arget@ strc~ or vtidn. anid iln a short time HARvDENS A W\ill \5rHITEENAMEL.2a11t is sn-lcrier tot aythinlg ?? V wed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT-HALL LORD NRLSODWTRlET. S ATURDAY EVtNINQ CONERT£, With LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS. On SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, the 17th Instant. PERlFORMEtRS: MRS. ALEXANDER NEWTON (From the Exeter-hall Concerts, London), MRS. R. T. BARRAS (Formerly Miss Saunders), M~.HENRY LAWSON,- MR. RYALLSJ AND .- AIt. SORGE. Cocucco ,I)IR. SORGE. ADMtSSION.-Bdy, ., Sido Gaaleries, Wd.; Reserved Seats, ts. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L ANGUAGES-HAMILTONI AN SYSTEM.- ' This system Is ace 01 the anost useful arid Imnortant d?15eovc. ?? of the age. A pupil can acquire more in live or six weelca on ibis syhtena than in tw? years on the ?? RevIew. ii. 1I.JI LOSISNIHAL, as jeted by English and foreign prolessora, continues LU to glee i.ESSONS In the IOItENCI{, German, Italian, Spanish Latin the Oreek, Usbre.w &e , LANGUAGES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN iii the ( .L3. City, being desirous of lightening his labours, oroposce to take' I? anARTICLED CLERK, who, upon payment of £t,000,,ballrerei¶e1 a £ moderate eater during the pe:iod of his ertiele' ? ? ? U eompboien than reeelved as a partner upon liberal terms.-Address1 A. Z., care of Mesars. Jones and Ceuston, etatloners, 47, Eastebeap. v ANTED IMMEDIATELY, for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, llustrated with C Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diss.d Price la., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, foreli Postage Stamps. EALTI{ AND HAPPINESS, THEr MBA.1s By 6 r WHICH TO51 RAY BB OBTATIED, a MedicaWorkol the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseass of Generative System, vwith observations on the trestmeent 0i Nervous Debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, D UBLIN . On EASTER MONDAY, 12th April, 1852, will be pro. duced, with New Scenery, Dresses, &e., the Celebrated Drama THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. FrCindpa characters by M~r. T. C. King, Mr. J. Webster, gr~. GiadatOflo, Mr. Bromley, Mkr. Stmintr, Mr. Bellair, .Mr. , . H~uristonei Irs. Parker, Mliss Jenny fiarston, Miss rlette Humphreys, Miss Kate Dibdan, aid Mbiss J. Brawl. In Act ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORT pIIILLIP and SYDNEY.-Regu- C f5?ii0' sliip.To leave the East India Docks on 5j?5 ?Pls mouth on the 1st dine, the a mud new HOX0L?GB CASTLE, Al, 13 years, 1,110 tons to Messrs. Green, of Blackmail), Eow.snn hour Sct ? ,,j?p ?ift5 vc?y superior aecoinsnodation for dde and siecrage passeliters, ss ith full poop and i,,, ? miii carry an experieliced ?? to the Consuisuder on ho.srd, or to F. ?, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F RENCH PLAYS, ST. JAt - J _I-Mr. MITCHELL rspecfully e t , a , Evening, April ;2, the fol!oi 'tvi, LAFONT, ROGER, PAUL LAA, DEN;oaatttlte will appear togethert iln the distri ' Ql !d G of sMADEMOISELLE DE LA ShIGLIFRE c arn Regnier asd Jules Sandeau, and produced, ' t Fratagais, Paris, with more than ordiary at begs also to announce that, frosa the u til* which will be then engaged at this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagoni tic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Eaplriclusi, .11; Werd- cuts, 41 cases. 2 vols., Is. each; by post, Is. W.L, Ox SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE. To be or not to be, that is the qteqtfioo), By R. J. CULVEB',WELL, M.D. (1841), M.R.C.S. ?? ?? (1fJ24), 25 years Medical and Forensic Beferee In thes c lieatlers. Prograimme -Advent of Puberty and correspoadiyl As-ocia- ?? andI Casualties of Singla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ri NOTICE. a] H 1M E L V I LL LE , C T By the Author of John Drayton, je NOW READY. d Immnediately, in 8 vols. 8vo., with numerous highly-finished Illustrations, 42s., ?? U R A NT IIPO0D E S fr '7 ?? RESIDENCE and RAMBLES in theAUSTRALASIAN COLONIES, a With a Glimpse of the G&ld Fields, in 1851. i By GODFREY CHARLES MUNDY, Lient.-Colonel, J1 Author of Pen and Pencil Sketches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qroIIXEE~R ^.EDOTliERS. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, ]By MrII. 111S1, On Friday, April 23rd, 1852, at 6 o'clock in the Evenifg for 7 precisely, at thle Golden Lion liotel, Ipsweich, HIAT rvell-freuieiated BEER-HOUSE known as the 1 HIIARE AND HOUNDS situate' within a few doors of the QUecen's Barracks on the Norwich ROa(, A~smllhot tlonecntienlt DWELLING IOUSE adjoin- ing, the nhole being now Let ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UOARD AND LODGING. R ESPECTABLE BOARD & LODGING,.in an qx- cellent Situation. Terms, 14s per Week. For a Reference, apply to the Printers. HOUSE TO LET IN ELSWICK TERRACE. 1 Convenient House containing 6 Rooms and Attic, A. and may be entered upon immediately. Enquire at No, 1, Marlborough Crescent. TO LET., lMuEDIATELY, A 'ELLING HOUSE, No. 9, Cumberland Row, £1Arontainoing five Rooms andl ...