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Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE PRIZE MAEDAL SATIN HAT. 3 CASES, IN APRIL SH.APES, JUST 0O IIAND. nest Quality only Fifteen Shillings. rJOHN 0. M'CEE & Co., 830 SOLe AGENTS. JOHN ARNOLD 7BXESPE7CTFULLY DIRBEcTs TIE ATTEN- TION of G'entlemen to his present Edtelfqe Asi . aent of . W0 OLLENBD R APER Y, especidaly to TIIE Til) iR USERLUG DE1IPARnr.fE ff/hielt 101ill licfotlmd to consist of most of the stiyles whid hale at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF COLERAINE: TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF COLERAINE. g; ENTLEMENT, I HAVE RECEIVED, WITH G feelings of gratitudte and pride, a requisition signed by a majority of the Independent Electors of your ancient and loyal Borough. I thank you most sincerely, for the kind expressions contained therein towards myself. I have no hesitation in at once aceeding- to your re- quest, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .HIEI{E IS YOUR REMEDY : HOLLOWAY'S 0 LNTMENjT. A MOST MIRACULous CURE OF BAD LEGS ?? FoaTry. runEE YEARS' SUFFEBLNG.-Extract of a. letter from Mr. William Galpin, of 70, Saint Mary's-street, Weymouth, dated May 1)th, 1is1:- X To PROFESSOR HOLroWAY-Sm-At the age of eighteen my wife (who is now sixty-one) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever sinoethat timethey have bee'n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1EAITRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On T11S EVENING (MONDAY), 12th A~pr , 1862-' ll be produced, veith Newr Sceneryr, Dresse~s, &c., the eels-j *r ted Drama entitled bi THE COIISICAN BROTH1ERS.| principal characters by Mr. T. C. King, Mr. J. Webiter, I Mr. GlaOstone, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Stin on, Mr. Bellair, ?? Huristone, Mrs. Parker, Miss Jenny Marston, Mists L,.dette Humpbreys, Miss Kate Dibdin, and Miss J' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v LESOFF'S EAST INDIA PALE and other ?? BURTON ALES. The Public are respectfully informo tjX the ALES of this season's brewinga are n RI LEAIWlr DELIVERY, and may be obtained genuintqn casks 18 gallns and upwards, either singly or in anyntity, t their respective stores, as under, where also a 1 of tle bottlers may be] tlrd:-I The Brewery, Burton-on-Tren 61, ng William-street, Sil City, London; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~at1'tPb~she, Tr4 Edtioq, Illustrated with Ca irawyingsp on jiT ibb;litfand Generative D TP~i 46i Oi la sealed Enlope, fiee by'Post, f i] - & S 'st Fii~~s~lODa Mledical Worka FhOenfl~m'ofeeU ttddI nlaid M2uity, and Diseasesof .Gnerative Sptens, with observations on the treatmetr Nervous Debility sadlndigeistioia whether erising ft> youthful abuse,, infection, or excess, with remarks on #r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (TUESDAY), 13th April, 1852, ,,01 be produced, with New Scenery, Dresses, &c., the cele- bted Drama entitled THE CORSICAu BROTHERS. uncipal characters by Mr KT. C. King, Mr. J. Webster, Ltr ladstone, Mr. Bromleyhr. Stinon, Mr. Bellair, Mr. j la Harlstone, Mrs. Par M Jn a , Miss isnrdett Homphreys, Misg Kate Dibdin, and Miss J. .tscond a Ballet tvetisement, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTIONS. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF ENNIS. GENTLREININ, PERMI1T me thus early to record the expressions of my heartfelt gratitude for the warm, nay enthu- siastic, reception which I have this day experienced at your hands. Encouraged by Blur kindness, I now venture to SClicit you to confide t me W igh trust of being your Representative in Parli ut. A Tory government has eucceeded to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BHE ATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Wednesday), 14th April, 1852, oe prfornmances Will commence with thfr celabrated. DratraI ~~dt THE CORSICAN BROTEIERS. PrhDcipal cbaracters by Mr.- T. C. EKing, Mr. J. Webster, Ill Gladstone, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Stin dd,DIr. Bellair, Mr. J W Hurlstone, Mrs. Parker. Miss Jenny Marston, Miss 1auiette Humphreys, Miss Kate DY din, and Mjsw J. To be followed by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF BELFAST. GENTLEMEN-AT TlE INSTANCE OF an influential body of Independent Electors, I come forward to solicit your suffrages at the approach- ing Election, for the high honour of representing you in the new Parliament. I feul sensible of the boldness of the step, but I be- lieve I can urge, as claims for support, some qualifica- tions for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 21, DOIVEGALL STREEJ T. _[BEG MOST RESPECTFULLY T anlounce thcat I Ihac conmpleted my psu'aroasesfi the Season. Tlsey include tee Ntew Styles ia TROI SERINGS and VES21TIVGS, Super West of E1gknca and Foreign CLOTES. Z The above Goods, mwade u1p in the c-ti est cm Fashionalble sncnneert under my oown imnmediale Inspe, tion, at Moderate Pr ices. London 1A TrS' l firoei the most Eli nahent Makers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1 t VuAiilleu, iturd Edition. llnstratet ?? i A;Orel Eneraviigs, *n Nrrvous Debility and Generative Disease s Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by:Post, for 18 i'osttge btamps. H EAILTI AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY VWHICH TI{Et MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...