Advertisements & Notices

... AN 1D EXETER ROYAL SUBSCRIPTION j, ROOMS. TIlE EASTER BALL - l\C,1 tO take place at the above RooMs On l I xvt\ Y the jtth of ArIL next. T.\DY 5y PATRONESSES: 1 Ptuckworth Lady Duntze Mly'. 1 IS iMrs. Cornish t, Iak Mrs. Divett Mrs. Atberley. STEWARDS: C ~. i Esq., High-Sheriff of the County. ll'tt Fr\ ddiflts Hig S. Kekewich, Esq. P~- Addintonl T. Carew, Esq. ,qincl Ines, Teas, tdc, Gs. Gd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTHE NEW ALTERATIVE.-No cheap patent medicine has ever yet been known so powerful and beneficial initseffects as LEWIS'S CONCENTRATED ALTERATIVE PILLS and BALSAMIC OINTMENI, and LEWIS'8 ELECTARIUN and SILVER CREAM. The Alterative Fills supersede entirely the use oS mercury. The BalsumiS Ointment has done marvels with scrofule, tumours, bad legs, eancers, &c.; the Electariun with the meat ob. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM, COMMUNICATION ]BEITWEEN LI1VERPOOL, & NEW YORK. On TUF-SiAY, the Oth Am'ssn inst. Th Sea-sIp SARAHj SANDS, rHIS tvoii~te St 13.)0 tolls register, I dateI-H faoit re stearker 'vili be desp)atched Onl the above date, ith frigt and paissenigers, and will be ready to receive Cargao onl tiw 29thl illusltan iu ccmoain for first, andj second( class passetile,, aH er supemodaiorns them follow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I o INDIA, CHINA, &o.-Particulars Y ),liil Steam Conveyance, aful of the ,,oilor 1nowiestableished by the Penin-t sitit~ t ?? Ceoipany with the Eatst, Re.I ,vhoelt ,iascoters aiid receive gocida aing parcele us8 csp3 EYLiO& MADRIAS, CALCUTTA, P'ENANG, for dC l I~ KONC, by their steamers, starting I toofsh us1 the feels Of every moitth, aud from Suez fr.l;,55. C *uicrvl beespatehed from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ^l E RESIDENCE,-SO1;TH DEvox. i i b' LET, from Lady-day until the ROth , i,,tembr next, partially Furnished, a Genteel ll't vCE situated nearthe beautiful River Dart, A rfw *utI H 1mw Miles from Ashburton, suitable for on Czeman antd Lady. or Two Ladies and Servant. in fe lh An object, as io have the House taken PR 1~ lr the absence of the presentoccupier. It is ?? t0nl-t For particulars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTIONS. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE, COUNTY OEi.FILDARE. GENTLEMEN- AVING announced to you in my published 1H Address of the 6th that, on the anticipated retirement of the Marquis of Kildare, I should offer myself as a candi- date for the honour of your representation in his lordship's place, it had not been my intention to intrude further on your notice till a Dissolution were declared. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. | SACRED 1 MUSICAL PERFORMANCE for this ONE NIGHT ONLY.-On Monday noxt, April 5 (in Passion fseek), a GRAND M.USICAL PERtFORIJANCE, on a scale of extraordinary inaiiitude, still talc place ns above, conmmlenuing With Mehul's JOSEPIT, together wit ia miiseellaneous selectioni of vocal and in- struinental mnusic, fromi the works of the best consioses, by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE GENERAL lVRIN-TliNG OFFICE. i 1[1-i lpul lic are respectfully informed that the arrange- I rn -tenirLtC( for the extension of the PRINT- _ TNi;t iluSINESS in the Niew Building, connected with CA XTON HOUSE, E, CASTLE STREET5 BANGOR, te rltipleted, aril the SPAcIouS AND CONvl.NtaN7 Pre- I,, fnurnishedl with an EXTENSIVE ASSORT- )IiKNI ii' l 'LAIN AN-D ORNAMIENTAL TYPE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFFICACIOUS CURE for COANS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, dc., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing the slightest pain, by MIr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition on the umsnian Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. Air. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experience ; it has received the sanctien of the Royal Families of Europe, and the first of the nobility and gentry, lee liaving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTEAM to MADEIRA, RIO DIE JANEIRO, ?? VALPARAISO.-The PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION COPANY'S Royal Mailt now iron Steam-ship BOGOTA, ALEX- ANISIER HALL, commander, of 1,100 tons, and 400 horse-power, will lgave Liverpool for thle above named places on the 15th of April nexat., The BOGOTA hus very superior accommradations for pas. sengeins, and will take on freight bullion end specie ?? pas- sage, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HQUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. MR JOHN C. JOSEPH, PATENTI; AND MAXAOER. Mr. J. C. JOSEPH most respectfully innounees the OPENING for the Season of this Po Flai Elace of AMuse- ment On NEXT EASTER MONDAY, ri1 12, 1852 ¶lith a new and talented Company, 'ncl ding several old and tablished Favourites, fhtii will be esented for the first ! tincs Dramatic Rotance in tbree Acts, unded on the famous iitvel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MEDICAL FRACTITIONEIW. I Nai,~Il~eqltO of the reczot Death of the SURGEON in chalrge of a large Establishment in the Higrhlands, ema- CAL GENTLEMANN in the same capacity. I I. onciurgCleinet xxiii be gixen by the Proprietor to a pro- perly-qualified. Practitioner. A~pply %N ith references, and informa~tion as to previous ex- ntreatw,, to Messrs DAVIMsoN & SYME, W.S., Edinburgh. - >~rch 29 ...