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Morning Chronicle



London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ORT pIIILLIP and SYDNEY.-Regu- C f5?ii0' sliip.To leave the East India Docks on 5j?5 ?Pls mouth on the 1st dine, the a mud new HOX0L?GB CASTLE, Al, 13 years, 1,110 tons to Messrs. Green, of Blackmail), Eow.snn hour Sct ? ,,j?p ?ift5 vc?y superior aecoinsnodation for dde and siecrage passeliters, ss ith full poop and i,,, ? miii carry an experieliced ?? to the Consuisuder on ho.srd, or to F. ?, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F RENCH PLAYS, ST. JAt - J _I-Mr. MITCHELL rspecfully e t , a , Evening, April ;2, the fol!oi 'tvi, LAFONT, ROGER, PAUL LAA, DEN;oaatttlte will appear togethert iln the distri ' Ql !d G of sMADEMOISELLE DE LA ShIGLIFRE c arn Regnier asd Jules Sandeau, and produced, ' t Fratagais, Paris, with more than ordiary at begs also to announce that, frosa the u til* which will be then engaged at this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagoni tic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Eaplriclusi, .11; Werd- cuts, 41 cases. 2 vols., Is. each; by post, Is. W.L, Ox SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE. To be or not to be, that is the qteqtfioo), By R. J. CULVEB',WELL, M.D. (1841), M.R.C.S. ?? ?? (1fJ24), 25 years Medical and Forensic Beferee In thes c lieatlers. Prograimme -Advent of Puberty and correspoadiyl As-ocia- ?? andI Casualties of Singla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ri NOTICE. a] H 1M E L V I LL LE , C T By the Author of John Drayton, je NOW READY. d Immnediately, in 8 vols. 8vo., with numerous highly-finished Illustrations, 42s., ?? U R A NT IIPO0D E S fr '7 ?? RESIDENCE and RAMBLES in theAUSTRALASIAN COLONIES, a With a Glimpse of the G&ld Fields, in 1851. i By GODFREY CHARLES MUNDY, Lient.-Colonel, J1 Author of Pen and Pencil Sketches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I -- SA E BY AUCTIONT. ICity-road.-A capital Private Reosidence, hell, frn, siastical Comumissioners Of England for nillctr.Ne rent of £20 -By Mr. MASON, onl Tuclid,~y ?? 7, Aucottn Mart. AKLEY-HOUSE is sitluated in1 the be-~ 0. Of thO City-road, at tie corner and forrililw tile oot. it the Orescenot, a short distanco fromn lslih.gtol, ?? 'b1. squar.eN txoi;aso nO ree spao n, makin it1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN ICHINA, &c.-Particulars ~T~errguiar~onaitl Steam Conveyance savd of the ~'1~}riettal ?? Coenipally w!ith the Eoot, &eo* ,~310kpsegers and receivec gootle; aite POZhql us fo EYOMADRAS, CALCU!ITA, ,E'ANG, l~ro~,EEandHOG KONG, by their steamers, starting lrobt q'icl2i ?? and fromt Suez Vc;V qtcan teaer will beodespatelsed from Southampton for ~I the od October next, in combutation wvith ani ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to USRALA.TIhe PENINSULAR Q,;ItE\TA.L STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY beg to i.~ etia~ rei~ncw sta-hip CHUSAN wvill be despatched V~Iac .,1jit~ 'tllOf 15tlh May, for Sydney, calling at the Cape I al Pert Phillip. ~rt'Al , ItpCall(i -Alcey1i1 be as follows ?? elms, go ~~ ~~~b a iri furniture,&nC. provided by the Coln- c;ac has superior accommodation for passengers, and willI C sha; ~,partclars, end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?Mt? AUSTRALIA.-TIle PENIN- ORiENTAL STEAM NANOGATION COMPANY that their now steam-ship CIIIJSAN will be des- -anthOiitPtOflOO 10th Mey, for Sydney, calling at ..tilllo;leAd(laide? and Melbourne. c? ,..,coae money toill be no follows :-First class, 90 ?ierct? .1?i?gimic'ls. The first-clans fares include lw' ?pil'? ?e. , second-class fares include table and :1, cii, cc Inn furniture, &c., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU~BIuIC ATIONOB.- T t HE NTE W N O VELJ ARJPbE LI A, j it lii 3 ?? 5o'st SvO., IS N'OW\ READY AT ALLJ TMlE LIBRARIES. - Colburir aoed Co., publishersi, 13, Great iSiarlborouigh-sstrCet. tsi Now rcads' pr ol. Iso., ss'illrB Portrit iS. h oupIndNS rAS DllNISTEh, DIPLOMIATIST', A;ND STATESHSAN, Durinrrirsor thai l'orth Ycsra of Puvblic tLife. 'alIbisl work 0u4'.rt to hrave a 1515cc inl every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANISII THREE PER CENT. LOAN, 1825.- ?? is hereby given, that in conformity ?? the ternts of the Contract fo; the above Loan, 220 SPECIAL BONDS, amtounttinig to the sum of £49,100 sterling, the particulars whereof are at foot, have been PURCHlASED by Mestsrs, N B. ROTHS- ChILI) an;d SONS, being the Fifty.fourth Half-ycarly parchase of L7ndi purchased for the Royal Ministry of Finance at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Books and Engravings.-By Messrs. CHRISTIE nnd \lAcjNSO. theirsGrsatltoosn, iKing-street, St. Janie's-sqsuare, lut) liltlqy, April Iat One precisely, ' A Small Collection of moderni BOOK;S, arnd tL Books of Prints, aud theatrical enlgraved1 Pvrlraiils c-z prising several rare and interesting speeitelus, tbe ?? Qf an eminent ?? be viewed, and catalo~ulee1s ,L,. Pictures.-By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILLI P a nd SYDNEYadY .-Regu- 09 1,o ji PO - cetbip-o leave the Eas t India. Docks on . 1, ncutb si p. on ?? June, the splendid new senl g~eta ;H CASTLE, A 1 , 13 tons PEI i I bfhj oflrsl BOla9r~enkw El~cwll), EDWARDhOIT ( irtT ...