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Advertisements & Notices

... AN 1D EXETER ROYAL SUBSCRIPTION j, ROOMS. TIlE EASTER BALL - l\C,1 tO take place at the above RooMs On l I xvt\ Y the jtth of ArIL next. T.\DY 5y PATRONESSES: 1 Ptuckworth Lady Duntze Mly'. 1 IS iMrs. Cornish t, Iak Mrs. Divett Mrs. Atberley. STEWARDS: C ~. i Esq., High-Sheriff of the County. ll'tt Fr\ ddiflts Hig S. Kekewich, Esq. P~- Addintonl T. Carew, Esq. ,qincl Ines, Teas, tdc, Gs. Gd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IYOR FEVERS, INFLUENZAS, MEASLES, &C. R. JAMES'S FEVER POWDER, prepared by M. Messrs. NEwBEILY, from the only copy'of the pro- ,aess left by Dr. James in bis own handwriting, is found by ex. aerience to be more mild and certain in its effects tbsn any other ?reparation, as testified by the most eminent of the Faculty; and when freely given on the attack of Fever, Measles, Influenza, and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - antfb. o D R A P ERS' ASS ISTN T WANTED immediately, a JUNIOR ASSISTANT. ApplY to Ciiti35 & BYItT. aarket-place SalisburC £200 WANTED, to BORROW on good r Freehold Security.-Apply pre-paid. toJ. 0.. ?? liEMALE ASSISTANTS W , TED. F WANTED, at J. BALLIN's BONNET E ABLISB- :IEET. 49, WINE-STREET, Bristol, Two experiencod FEMALE AS1SFTA*NrNTS: those accustomned to the businesowosld be prorerred ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW GOODS FOR TE SPRING. WILCOOKS AND'BROCK a A RE daily receiving Fresh Goods. - Their a STOCK of NEW SHAWLS,; N ONS, NEW PRINT , NEW STYLES IN DRESSES; Is every larger The extent of Purehases madeby W. .and B. enable them to buy cheaply;, audl to offer greater advantages to the Public tban any other Honse. I L FUNERALS.' SUPPLIED. D, 177' AND; 178, FORE-STREET, EXETER. a A Vacancy for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B DD IN G -R I N G S. ,, EDWIN FEAR, WATCH A11D CLOCK-MABE W .* EDTSTRET Bristol (oppositIel Messrs. Wills's, To Aco fe rXDOLi'rFibT osuHOW on hand a now and choice a esortmcntof tc WlATseCH 40 and STAND'ARL5 GOLD WEDDL -lI St Wnd1s8 offering them tat prlces that cannot failto give general atis- J~ctlona, ~sidles Clocks, tid Jellery Rep~e TcTrnde supplied rith Arnerican Cois LD ENGLAND TAVERN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 0, ST. ANN'S TERRACE, ST. SILAVELLq M4B. JOHN WARE will SELL by l on 3hIONiAY, the 10th inst., part ot tbe HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the property of Mr. MASSEY, who has left Exeter ez. prising hair seat sofa, tables, chairs, cheffioneer, chF of drawerswasbstands, dressingtables, &c,, d1iz iii, ?? and of very neat and modern descriptton; polished Gat half-tester bedstead, with damask furniture, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIvEETO VON. 0 be LET, fiomi M1idsimmer next, all that _ 11(t:SE , SHOP, and PREMISES, L tluFerestreset, and now in the occupation of hi n it tom n'ise of the best in the town, and in Sr 1 .c ~ntrf Ihapgneryl TraprTde has been carried on for Se ;o'va jo Iatbne made to Mr W WARREN, Gold- Go Ail otl~lt Tiverton, April l4th, 1852. L -l1\j3L E RESIDENCE to LET at p I mlner next, being No. i, CHCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £1 Throw Physic to the dogs, ITl none of it.-Shahspeare. Undster the and 'Patronage of the A M L S the principal Queen ii a PW Ra IR Nobility. OPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS supersede Itthe nse of Inward Medicine for Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigqstien, Pulpitation of the Heart, Croup, Hoop- ing Cough, Influenza, Chronic S~ralna, Bruises, Lumbabgo, Spinal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MELHUISH'S RHEUMATIC AND LUMBAGO *1O POWDERS. In Bottles, 18. li~d, and 2s. Od. each, duty includfed. m HESEF Powders will be Lf Ud the m~ost efectual !and spee.dy Iremedy EXTANT for those painful and troublesome oem- plainats; if lbs attack be recent, two or three doses will remov5 the palo. or if of seven years' duration or longer, one or two botdies will effeht a cure, at the satme, time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ll~~JubItcratfong. -? NEW P 0 L K A.-Jtst P ?? TirrHE WITCH OF THIE WY, .T Eomposed and inscribed to Miss E W mouth, by ALFRED TOLKIEN cognoser of Tbe A 'g Queen's chottlehe, *Bridal Quadrilles, &c. agic ol *We can confidently recommend this canTivti.a-IL especial notice of our numerous musical friende . ?? °D.5tk to no Sold by . WAUG;H, Menmouth; R. TAYLOn, ChepoloW Y be had of all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r11E LIVERPOOL AND lONDON FINE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, T (ESTABLISHaED 186) ldo WATER - STREET, LIVERPOOL; Ad0ndIPOULTRY, LONDON, t 'tititona Stadring. Reserved Funds, £G,-00 , ccpilas Twv iahiiity of Proprietors unlimited. . I AY pOLICIES shounld be renlewved ithin ?? KrfitieS l~aojarch. The Renewval llectiistO are In Ihe itays oftn~e tjasar'aae t hlome and abroad on liberal terms. ?? * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TANNRS. l 1.T. and entered upon ImmLuediately, T A\ laM) in FrLI. Worn-, adjoining the Town l T.p;tiead, in the midst of the Bark Country, f Pits, with Bark Mill, Drying Lofts, I:;ars ap!py to Mr. WILLIAM WHITE, \'sjrS\,il. i-.2. PId IN; NORTH DEVON. ~ LET, for a Term of 6 Years, from hli 1t. the SPORTING OVER THE (i~tOK~lH-, consisting of abont 1,600 - fence.) on which are extensive Covers ...