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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreign kntetligence. FRANCE, General Dafour, extraordinary envoy of the Swiss Govern- ment, arrived on Monday in Paris, to confer with the President of the French Republic on the questions debated between France and Switzerland. bs The Moniteur contains to-day a fresh shower of largesses to the army. This is a decree ordaining that the year 1351 shall rount as a year of campaign to those ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Enielligence. FRANCE. Paris, Thursday Evenins- - It is considered as not unlikely | thet means will be taken for the proclamation of the Tmperial Government, even before the grand review announced for the been so often mentioned since the 10th May. The epoch has though not in reality, coup d'etat for that new change in form, thas one rather hesitates to specify any ce tain day for the ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreign PRANCE A *cirzul:r despatch” from the late Prince Schwarzenberg, of Berlin and St intended for the European Cabinets, but in particular for those etersburg. declares that the Austrian Cabi- net feels ne alarm at the facet of the French President assuming the title of Emperor, on the contrary, it is of opinion that, if such a change be sccomplished in the political Constitution of | ...


... SDINBURGH GAZE g K junior, ironfounder in Ayr—Creditors meet in the King’s Arms Inn, Ayr, 6th and 27th May, one o'clock. Warker, late tenant of, and residing at Ferrygate, in the parish of Dirleton, and county of Haddington, now deceased —UCreditors meet in the George Inn, Haddington, Sth May and 2d June, twelve o'clock. EXAMINATIONS. Hay, sometime spirit dealer in Glaszow, and who was also ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Voreiqn rknielliqeuce. FRANCE. In Paris the public seem periectly reconciled to the enor- mons dotation tor the civil list of Louis-Napoleon tined by the Senate; C'est baucoup, say some persons, but they minediately that it matters what the amount may be, as they are sure that it will be all spent in the country. Others feel a sort of delight at the vengeance taken upon the late National ...

Foreign Intelligence

... arctan inielliaence. FRAN It is reported, on the authority of persons of the that Louis-Napoleon bas ordered that two mi illions twelve million: allowed to him by the Senate shall be set aside for charity, and two millions for fetes and ceremonies ef diffe- determination will add mach to his rent kinds, with a view to the encouragement of trade,, This Wednesday was the first day of the ...

Shipping Intelligence

... yiyping tntelliqenece. SOUND LIST. Dandee April 8.— Thoma, Webster, Baiite—Helena, Deachars, Pernan—Ellengowan, Robertson, do., Baltic Winds at Elsinore. — April 8. NW. NNE.—9. NNE NNW. WS\W.—16. NW. NNW. NNE.—11. Ss. FROM LLOYD'S LIST. Stanley (Falkland Islands), Jan 27.— The Levenside, Campbell, hence for New I-land, to load the first cargo of guano from these islands, has been just lost on ...


... CONVENTION OF I OYAL BURGH The Convention met again on Friday—the Lord Provost ot Perth presiding. Mr W.S, read a letter he bad received from Mr Edingt t commissioner for Campbeltown, in reference to the statement h ad made on Wednesday when the sub- ject of University tests was before the Convention, about the teaching of infidelity by a professor in a university. Mr Ed- ington, in his letter ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Jorciqgn kntelligence. } | | FRANCE | The great review which is to take place in the Champ de Mars on May 10, is the event which now fixes public and which will continue tu do so till after it is over. Parisian t moment be divided into those who society may at the believe that Louis-Napoleon’s Empire wil! date from that day, | and those who believe or hope that the President's moderation and ...


... MONEY MARKET AND COMMERCIAL NEWS Moxpar.—A preponderance of sales on the past of the puble again caused to reaction in the English Consols oper itis morning without alteration from prices, the quotations being 99] to but in eon- sequence of the supply of stock forward, they de- clined to 904 to 3, at which they closed for both and account. Bark stock left off at 2184 to 219§; Reduced, 982 ; ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Horciqn TRANCE. Panis, Monday Evenir intimated its inten- tion to take possession we Neuilly and some other portions of the Orleans property on Monday. M. Bocher has taken steps ' to protest against this uct, and to make all the resistance in | his wer. | The Prinee de Canino has arrived in Varis, from Civita Vecchis No Paris journal has appeared—not even the Monitewr—in Conse of the festival ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joretgnu Intelligence. FRANCE, Paris, Monday Evening. INSTALLATION OF THE GREAT BODIES OF THE STATE. The President of the Republic met this day, for the first time, the newly-constituted bodies of the State, collecied toge- ther under one roof. This grand ceremony took place at the Palace of the Tuileries, in the Salle des Marechaux, which was fitted up expressly to meet the exigencies of the ...